Source Promotion Report

How to print: Use the Print Source Promotion Report (PSRP) menu option.

FCR0135 CWDirect Rel 2.0 ELISE_K 11/07/96 15:14:28 Page 1

Print Promotion By Source

Mail Order

Promotion Value SEASON

Source Prx Prm Exl Dsc Frt Flat Frt Freight Freight Freight Max Ship Dsp Rstd

Mth Prc Srv Pct Mth Amount Percent Minimum Maximum To's Frt O/E

WINTER6 D Y .00 PS 5.00 3.95 19.95 10 Y N

WINTERS P Y 10.00 PS 5.00 3.95 19.95 8 N N

XMAS1 D 15.00 F 5.00 .00 0 N N

XMAS2 D .00 PS 5.00 4.50 22.50 0 Y N

XMAS3 D Y .00 PS 5.00 3.95 19.95 0 Y N

Note: This report only includes source codes if they have a promotion code specified in the Source Code file (set up through the Create Source Code Screen (1 of 2) or Change Source Code screen); it does not include source codes because they are specified as qualifying values for promotions (set up through the Create Promotion Screen or Change Promotion screen).


• (Prx Mth): price method

• (Prm Prc): whether orders are eligible for promotional pricing

• (Exl Srv): whether to exclude service charges on orders

• (Dsc Pct): discount percentage to apply

• (Frt Mth): freight method

• (Flat Frt Amount): flat freight amount

• freight percentage

• freight minimum

• freight maximum

• (Max Ship To's Frt): maximum number of ship-to addresses for freight if using the recipient (R) freight method

• (Dsp O/E): whether to display the source code in Order Entry

• (Rstd): whether the source code is restricted

See Working with Source Codes (WSRC) for a complete description of each field.

MK03_08r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN