Forecasting Reports

Purpose: This chapter discusses forecast reports that you can run to evaluate the status of your promotions (offers, source codes, etc.) and inventory

In this topic:

Source Code Analysis Screen (RSCA)

Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA)

Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCA)

Print Weighted Source Code Analysis (RSCE)

Weighted Source Code Analysis Report (RSCE)

Weighted Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCE)

Print Offer Page Analysis (OPAR)

Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR)

Print Offer Projection Summary (OPSR)

Offer Projection Summary Report (OPSR)

Print Inventory Status and Projection Reports (ISRP)

Select Offers Screen

Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen

Select Items to Include Screen

Select Report Sort Screen

Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP)

Summary Page Report (ISRP)

Item/SKU Coverage Selection Prompt Screen (UBOR)

Item/SKU Coverage Report

Print Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA)

Select Offers for Source Analysis Screen

Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA)

Source Analysis Summary Report (SSCA)

Select Source Code Category Report Override Screen

Print Source Promotion Report (PSRP)

Source Promotion Report

Offer Recap Report (PORR)

Offer Recap Report

Display Offer/Source Code Analysis (DOSA)

Offer/Source Analysis Screen

Display Offer/Source Analysis Screen

Source Code Analysis Screen (RSCA)

Purpose: Use the Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA) to track the effectiveness, profitability, actual and break-even percent response of a source code. This report evaluates the profitability of each source code associated with an offer. The responses can be compared to the projected response.

This report uses the weekly response curves in a forecast to generate projected sales per book and projection percentages for each source code. These projected values can be compared against the actual sales, which are also presented on this report.

This menu option also generates the Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCA), which provides totals for each category and drop.

Related system control values:

Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) determines whether order maintenance transactions will affect the information displayed in the Source Code Analysis Report. If this system control value is set to Y, changes performed in order maintenance affect the values on the report. Each time you add a line to an order, the system considers it an "order occurrence," and the number of orders, as well as the dollar value of orders, increases for the offer and source code of the order line. However, when you cancel a line from an order, the dollar value of orders decreases if the cancel reason decreases demand, but the number of orders decreases only if the cancelled line was the last remaining open line on the order. See Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) in Installation Setting Up Order Entry Values for additional information on the effects of this system control value on the Source file (MSSRC).

Override Offer on Order Detail Line (D49) determines whether the system will update the offer on the order detail line to the offer the system used to price the item, if the item is not included in the offer entered on the order header. In this case, the system will use the offer on the order detail line to update information in the Source Analysis Recap Report.

Default Offer Source Code to Order Detail Line (G28) determines whether the system will update the source associated with the offer you enter on a detail line if you override the order offer for a detail line, and the detail line’s offer is not associated with the source code of the order.

How to generate this report: Enter RSCA in the Fast path field or select Source Code Analysis Report from a menu.

FCR0004 ENTER Source Analysis Report 6/15/98 11:09:26

The KL Mail Order Company

Select Offer

Select Report Sort:

1. By Type,Source

2. By Category,Source

3. By Drop,Category,Source

4. By Descending Projected Sales/Book

5. By Drop,Category,Descending Projected Sales/Book

6. By Drop, Descending Projected Sales/Book

7. By Drop,Source

Option: 1

Reset Weekly Totals N (Y=Yes, N=No)

Create Download . . N (Y=Yes, N=No)

Download File Name.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Select offer

The system generates a source analysis report for each source code associated with this offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Select option

The report sort option you wish to use to sort the Source Analysis report.

Valid values are:

1 = Sort by type, then source

2 = Sort by category, then source

3 = Sort by drop, category, then source

4 = Sort by descending projected sales per book

5 = Sort by drop, category, then projected sales per book

6 = Sort by drop, then descending sales per book

7 = Sort by Drop, then source

Note: Any number you enter will produce a report sorted by drop, category and source. None of the other sorts are currently implemented.

Numeric, 1 position; required.

Reset weekly totals

This field indicates whether you wish to reset the weekly totals for each source code associated with the offer defined in the Offer field.

Valid values are:

Y = The system will reset the weekly totals after generating the Source Analysis report.

N = The system will not reset the weekly totals after generating the Source Analysis report.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Create download

This field indicates whether you wish to create a Source Marketing Download file using the information defined in the Source Analysis report.

Valid values are:

Y = The system creates a Source Marketing Download file after generating the Source Analysis report.

N = The system does not create a Source Marketing Download file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Download file name

The program name used to create the Source Marketing Download file. If this field is blank, the system uses the program name FCSDRL to create the Source Marketing Download file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Instructions: To produce the Source Code Analysis Report (RSCA) and the Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCA):

1. Enter the code for the offer you are analyzing.

2. Press Tab to advance past the Option field. (Any number you enter will produce a report sorted by drop, category and source. None of the other sorts are currently implemented.)

3. If you would like to reset the weekly totals after running this report, enter Y in the Reset weekly totals field.

4. If you would like to create a Source Marketing Download file, enter Y in the Create download file and optionally enter the program name you wish to use the create the download file in the Download file name field.

5. A message similar to the following displays informing you the job has been submitted:


Job 756841/KLETENDRE/SRC_ANAL submitted to job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.

Print Weighted Source Code Analysis (RSCE)

Purpose: The Weighted Source Code Analysis Report (RSCE) presents information similar to the Weighted Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCE). The main difference is that the Weighted Source Code Analysis report also includes Weighted Order Totals and Weighted Average Order Dollars, which it computes by factoring a prorated portion of the unknown source codes to each known source code.

How to generate this report: Enter RSCE in the Fast path field or select Source Code Analysis Report (Weighted) from a menu.

MSR0759 ENTER Source Analysis Report 2/17/00 10:06:45

EZK Mail Order

Select Offer

Select Report Sort:

1. By Type,Source

2. By Category,Source

3. By Drop,Category,Source

4. By Descending Projected Sales/Book

5. By Drop,Category,Descending Projected Sales/Book

6. By Drop, Descending Projected Sales/Book

7. By Drop,Source

Option: 1

Reset Weekly Totals N (Y=Yes, N=No)

Create Download . . N (Y=Yes, N=No)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Completing this screen: This screen is similar to the Source Analysis report screen used for the Source Code Analysis, except that you do not have the option of specifying a download file name. Follow the step-by-step instructions under Source Code Analysis Screen (RSCA) to generate a job called SRC_ANAL. This job produces both the Weighted Source Code Analysis Report (RSCE) and the Weighted Source Analysis Recap Report (RSCE).

Print Offer Page Analysis (OPAR)

Purpose: Use the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR) to evaluate the sales, cost, and profitability of each page of an offer as well as the offer as a whole. Contributions of each item (including all SKUs for an item with SKUs), in terms of gross demand and gross and net profitability, are presented.

How to display this screen: Enter OPAR in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select this option from a menu.

FCR0006 ENTER Offer Page Analysis 2/17/00 10:12:44

EZK Mail Order

Select Offer for Report

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Select offer for report

The system generates the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR) for this offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Print Offer Projection Summary (OPSR)

Purpose: Use the Offer Projection Summary Report (OPSR) to compare weekly projections against actual total forecasting category #1 and #2 orders and sales. Each order type (such as mail orders, phone orders, fax orders, etc.), is assigned to a forecasting category.

This report provides a percentage complete factor to be used in forecasting source code response and inventory requirements for the balance of the offer and offer mailing. Additionally, the initial projection curve can be compared against the actual completion curve for the offer. Use this information to adjust the projection curves for future drops in the offer.

Viewing the report vertically, it shows all weeks of the forecast. For each week, the total projected orders and dollars for forecasting order category #1 and #2 are displayed. A combined total displays for actual and projected category #1 and category #2 orders.

How to display this screen: Enter OPSR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select this option from a menu.

FCR0042 ENTER Offer Projection Summary 2/17/00 10:16:32

EZK Mail Order

Select Offer for Report

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Select offer for report

The system generates the Print Offer Projection Summary (OPSR) for this offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Print Inventory Status and Projection Reports (ISRP)

Purpose: Use the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP) for inventory planning and merchandise reordering. This is a buying report that helps you determine instantly whether you need to buy an item, you overbought an item, or you are on target. This is the main forecasting report generated by the system and gathers data from the Item/SKU/Offer file.

This report captures inventory status information based on actual and projected sales information for a single offer or for up to 10 different offers. You can use this information to determine high selling items for an offer, overstocked items, or items to include in a special sale catalog.

Features: The Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP):

• provides a projected demand by item and all combinations of items/SKUs (the projected demand calculated only if there is demand for the item/SKU)

• displays the percentage complete for each item/SKU, based on the default completion curve

• lists actual returned, cancelled and soldout item counts

• provides the average expected and actual return percentages

• prints the net projected amount for the remainder of the catalog

• suggests items to include in a special sale catalog

• calculates the suggested quantity for reordering

This report is used typically for apparel, to project trend-based (not history-based) buying habits.

Depending on your selections when you generate the report, the system might also generate the Summary Page Report (ISRP).

Note: The system allows only one user to access Inventory and Status Projection Reports at a time and will process only one report at a time.

Select Offers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to identify whether to run the report for a single offer or for up to 10 offers.

How to display this screen: Enter ISRP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Inventory Status and Projection Reports from a menu.

FCR0016 ENTER Inventory Status and Projection Report 9/20/00 11:22:29

Mail Order Inc.

Select Offers

Choose one of the following:

1. Single Offer Version

2. Ten Offer Version


F3=Exit F12=Cancel

If you select option 1, you advance to the Select Offer pop-up window. Enter the offer for which you would like to run the report and press Enter to advance to the Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen.

Select Offer

Offer . .

If you select option 2, you advance to Select Offers for IS Report Screen Add Mode. You can enter up to 10 offers to include on the report.

Select Offers for IS Report Screen Add Mode

Purpose: Use this screen to enter up to 10 offers for which to run the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP).

How to display this screen: Select option 2 at the Select Offers Screen.

FCR0017 ADD Select Offers for IS Report 9/20/00 12:54:04

Mail Order Inc.

Offer Description




F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Press Enter after you enter the offers for which you want to run the report. You advance to the Select Offers for IS Report Screen Change Mode.

Select Offers for IS Report Screen Change Mode

Purpose: Use this screen to review, add or delete offers that the system will use to generate the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP).

How to display this screen: Enter up to ten offers at the Select Offers for IS Report Screen Add Mode and press Enter.

FCR0017 CHANGE Select Offers for IS Report 9/20/00 9:35:02


Type options, press Enter.


Opt Offer Description




F3=Exit F6=Add More F12=Cancel

Screen Option


Delete an offer

Enter 4 next to the offer to delete it.

Add an offer

Press F6 to return to the Select Offers for IS Report Screen Add Mode to add an offer.

Advance to the next screen

Press F12 to advance to the Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen

Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the item class for which you want to run the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP). You can also indicate whether to include lost sales in the sold out calculation, whether to override the completion curve percentage, and whether to use the projected units from the item/offer or the SKU/offer rather than a calculation based on the actual units ordered.

How to display this screen: Press F12 at the Select Offers for IS Report Screen Change Mode or press Enter at the Select Offer pop-up window at the Select Offers Screen.

FCR0018 ENTER Inventory Status and Projection Report 6/10/02 9:49:21

EZK Mail Order

Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides

Enter Item Class . (Blank = All Item Classes)

Include Lost Sales

in Sold Out . . . Y (Y=Yes, N=No)

Override Curve Comp % N (Y=Yes, N=No)

Use Projected Units N (Y=Yes, N=No)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Item class: If you run this report for a single item class, only items assigned to the item class will be included on the report. See Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Include lost sales? If you enter Y in the Include Lost Sales in Sold Out field, the system includes lost sales, or the quantity of an item or SKU that customers would have ordered if available, in the sold out calculation. You enter lost sales through the Display Item Availability Screen (Reviewing Item Availability) in Order Entry. See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) for more information on soldout calculations.

Note: Lost sales are posted to the default Current Offer (A33) defined in the System Control file; as a result, the lost sales will be included in the total number of soldouts only if you are including this offer when you generate the report.

Override curve complete? If you enter Y in the Override curve comp % field, you advance to the Select Curve Completion Override Screen Add Mode.

If you enter N in the Override curve comp % field and press Enter, you advance to the Select Items to Include Screen.

Use projected units? If you enter Y in the Use Projected units field, the system uses the Projection units from the item offer or SKU offer as the Projected units on the report. You may wish to use the projected units if it is too early in the offer to project demand accurately. Note: The system only uses the Projection units from the item offer or SKU offer if the current period of the curve is less than or equal to the Period to Use Projected Units (H91) system control value; if the current period is greater than the value in this system control value, the system uses the standard calculation.

If you enter N in the Use Projected units field, the system uses a calculation based on the actual units ordered to update the Projected units on the report. The standard calculation is: (Actual units ordered * 100) / % complete from curve = projected units.

See the Periods to Use Projected Units (H91) system control value for examples and an overview.

Select Curve Completion Override Screen Add Mode

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the curve type(s) and the override complete percentage.

How to display this screen: Set the Override curve comp % field to Y at the Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen.

FCR0019 ADD Select Curve Completion Override 9/25/00 14:22:24


Curve Type Override % Comp

1 .05

2 .07














F3=Exit F12=Cancel

The curve type is a user-defined code that is used to group projection curves that are defined in and validated against the Curve file; see Working with Projection Curves (WCRV).

The override percent complete is the percentage you need to adjust the percent complete for the curve, for example, if your sales are 5% ahead of schedule.

Example: If curve type 1 was 75% complete and you enter 5% as the override percent complete, the new percentage complete for this curve is 78.75%. The system uses this percentage complete for items or offers that have a curve type 1. This percentage is used, regardless of the percentage complete calculated by the system.

Press Enter to advance to the Select Curve Completion Override Screen Change Mode.

Select Curve Completion Override Screen Change Mode

Purpose: Use this screen to review the curve types and the override complete percentages you entered, or to change the override percentage value.

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Select Curve Completion Override Screen Add Mode.

FCR0019 CHANGE Select Curve Completion Override 9/25/00 14:56:26


Curve Type Override % Comp

1 .05

2 .07

F3=Exit F6=Add More F12=Cancel

Screen Option


Add override curve completion values

Press F6 to return to the Select Curve Completion Override Screen Add Mode.

Note: If you press F6 then decide not to add any values, press F12 to advance to the Select Items to Include Screen.

Advance to the next screen

Press F12 to advance to the Select Items to Include Screen.

Select Items to Include Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to include items belonging to the product groups and vendors selected based upon the suggested quantity to buy, in the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP).

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Select Class/Sold Out/Curve Overrides Screen or press F12 at the Select Curve Completion Override Screen Change Mode.

FCR0020 ENTER Inventory Status and Projection Report 3/21/96 11:40:14

Mail Order Inc.

Select Items To Include

Select one of the following:

1. Suggested Quantity Greater Than Zero

2. Suggested Quantity Less Than Zero

3. Critical Items Only

4. All Items



F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Suggested Quantity Greater than Zero: only items belonging to the product groups specified that are purchased from the vendors specified and that have a suggested quantity to purchase that is greater than zero will be included on the report.

Suggested Quantity Less than Zero: only items belonging to the product groups specified that are purchased from the vendors specified and that have a suggested quantity to purchase that is less than zero will be included on the report.

Critical Items Only: only items which have an indication in the "Critical Purchase" column of the Inventory Status and Projection Report are included on the report.

All items: all items belonging to the product groups specified that are purchased from the vendors specified will be included on the report.

Select Report Sort Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to identify how you want to sort the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP).

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Select Items to Include Screen.

FCR0021 ENTER Inventory Status and Projection Report 3/21/96 11:45:53

Mail Order Inc.

Select Report Sort

Select one of the following:

1. By Class/Item

2. By Vendor/Item

3. By Item

4. By Class/Descending Units

5. By Descending Units

6. By Buyer



F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Enter the option for how you want to sort the report and press Enter. The system submits the job IS_REPORT to the job queue.

Item/SKU Coverage Selection Prompt Screen (UBOR)

Purpose: Use the Item/SKU Coverage Report to determine whether you have sufficient quantities of an item to fulfill the projected forecast. This report is based on quantities projected for the forecast, the current availability of the item, and the open (unreceived) purchase orders for the item. Only the allocatable warehouses will be evaluated.

Note: You must build the Active Offers file before you run this report. See Working with Active Offers (WACO).

Report selection screen: Enter UBOR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu screen or select this option from a menu.

MSR0591 ENTER Item/SKU Coverage Selection Prompt 9/29/94 16:19:30

Mail Order Company

Long SKU class .

Press F9 to submit report

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel F24=Select Company

Use this screen to specify the long SKU class for which you want to run this report. A long SKU class is a code that may be used to identify a production or non-production item. A production item is a finished good item that must be assembled before it can be sold. An item is assigned a long SKU class code in the L/S class field in the Item/SKU record (this is a numeric, 4-position field).

Screen Option


Accept your data and run the Item/ SKU Coverage report

Press F9 to run the Item/SKU Coverage Report; the system issues a message that the report was submitted

Print Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA)

Purpose: Use the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA) to evaluate the performance of a list (source code) to whom you mailed an offer (catalog). This is a useful tool to see if the response from the list (in terms of sales) was what you anticipated.

This menu option also generates the Source Analysis Summary Report (SSCA).

Select Offers for Source Analysis Screen

How to display this screen: Enter SSCA in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Source Code Analysis Report Ext from a menu.

MSR0731 ENTER Select Offers for Source Analysis 2/20/96 9:27:02

Mail Order Company

Enter Offers

Reset Weekly Totals N (Y=Yes, N=No)

Create Download . . N (Y=Yes, N=No)

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel F14=Source Category Report Override




The offer(s) to include on the report. An offer is a catalog, space or television advertisement from which you accept orders. See Working with Offers (WOFR).

You can include up to 15 different offers.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; at least 1 offer is required.

Reset weekly totals

This value controls whether the weekly totals fields are initialized (cleared; set to zero) when you run the report.

Valid values are:

Y = The weekly totals fields are reset.

N = (default): The weekly totals fields are not reset.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Create download

This value controls whether a flat file (filename FCSRDN), which can be downloaded to a PC, is created when you run the Source Analysis report.

Valid values are:

Y = Create download file.

N = (default): Do not create download file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Accept your entries and submit the report

Press F9 to run the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA) and the Source Analysis Summary Report (SSCA).

Select source code category overrides for the report

Press F14 to advance to the Select Source Code Category Report Override Screen.

Select Source Code Category Report Override Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select and store source code categories that require a weighted average variable advertising expense for the calculation of break even dollars per book (BE $/Bk) and contribution per book (Contr/Bk) for inclusion on the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA).

You can select source code category overrides as runtime options, which means that you can press F14 before you submit the report to identify which source code categories you to include.

The options you selected the last time you ran the report are retained; however, you can change them each time you run the report.

How to display this screen: Press F14 at the Select Offers for Source Analysis Screen.

MSR0764 DISPLAY Select Source Category Rpt Override 2/20/96 10:18:03

Mail Order Company

Opt Src Cat Sel

Type options, press Enter.

1=Select 4=Cancel





F3=Exit F7=Select All F12=Cancel




Src cat (Source code category)

A code used to categorize your sources, such as buyers, recipients, house list, etc. These codes are used for sorting and subtotaling on various analysis reports.

If you use Forecasting, you must assign source code categories to each source code analyzed by the system (these are the Known and Unknown types of source codes).

Source code category codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code Categories file. See Working with Source Categories (WSCT).

All source code categories defined in this file appear on this screen.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Sel (Selected?)

This value indicates whether the source code category has been selected for the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA).

Valid values are:

Y = This category has been selected for the report.

N = (default): This category has not been selected for the report.

The Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA) page breaks by source code category, in addition to other criteria.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Select this source code category for the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA)

Enter 1 next to the source code category code. The Sel (Selected?) flag changes to Y.

De-select this source code category for the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA)

Enter 4 next to the source code category code. The Sel (Selected?) flag changes to N.

Select all source code categories for the Detailed Source Code Analysis Report (SSCA)

Press F7. The Sel (Selected?) flag changes to Y for each code listed on this screen.

Print Source Promotion Report (PSRP)

Purpose: Use the Source Promotion Report to review basic information, such as freight and pricing methods, for all source codes that share a certain promotion value. You can specify promotion codes to source codes in order to group source codes for reporting purposes, and to create pop-up windows that display in Order Entry when a customer uses one of these source codes. The promotion value fits between offers and source codes in the marketing hierarchy. See Working with Promotion Values (WPRO).

Note: This report only includes source codes if they have a promotion code specified in the Source Code file (set up through the Create Source Code Screen (1 of 2) or Change Source Code screen); it does not include source codes because they are specified as qualifying values for promotions (set up through the Create Promotion Screen or Change Promotion screen).

How to display this screen: Enter PSRP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Source Promotion Report from a menu.

FCR0134 ENTER Promotion Source Code Prompt 11/07/96 14:24:44

Mail Order

Select Promotion Value for Report

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Completing this screen:

1. Enter the promotion value to appear on the report. This is an alphanumeric, 7-position field.

2. Press F9. The system submits the job SOURCE_PR and displays a message such as the following:

Job 052117/ELISE_K/SOURCE_PR submitted to job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.

Offer Recap Report (PORR)

Purpose: Use the Offer Recap Report to review item/SKU information for an offer, such as page number, square inch and the offer effective date. The information for this report is taken from the Offer, Item Offer and SKU Offer files.

Use this screen to select an offer for reporting.

How to display this screen: Enter PORR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Offer Recap Report from a menu.

INR0968 ENTER Select Offer for Recap Report 11/08/96 15:04:22

The Mail Order Company

Select Offer for Report

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Completing this screen:

1. Enter the offer code you wish to use for this report. This is an alphanumeric, 3-position field.

2. Press F9. The system submits the job OFR_RECAP and displays a message such as the following:

Job 055565/KAREN_L/OFR_RECAP submitted to job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.

Display Offer/Source Code Analysis (DOSA)

Purpose: Use the Display Offer/Source Analysis menu option to review order and return activity for items in a specified offer/source code combination.

Offer/Source Analysis Screen

Use this screen to specify the offer and source code whose order and return activity you wish to review.

Enter a valid offer and source code and press Enter to advance to the Display Offer/Source Analysis Screen.

How to display this screen: Enter DOSA in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Display Offer/Source Analysis from a menu.

EFR0002 ENTER Offer/Source Analysis 5/09/06 11:34:00


Offer .

Source .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F24=Select company




A code for the offer whose order and return activity you wish to review.

Offer codes are defined in and validated against the Offer file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


A code for the source whose order and return activity you wish to review.

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source file.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.

Display Offer/Source Analysis Screen

Use this screen to review the order and return activity for items in the specified offer/source code combination.

The system looks at the Order/Billing History file for the offer and source code to determine the records to display on this screen. The system creates order/billing history records through transactions you enter in order entry, order maintenance, billing, or any other transaction against an item on an order. The order and billing async jobs process most of these updates.

Note: The system displays order/billing history records on this screen that are associated with the offer code and source code you specified on the Offer/Source Analysis Screen, even if the transaction does not represent order or return activity. For example, if you sell out an order line, the system displays the order/billing history record on this screen; however, the Ordered units and value and Returned units and value will be blank for the record.

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Offer/Source Analysis Screen.

EFR0001 DISPLAY Display Offer/Source Analysis 5/09/06 12:48:32


Offer : 26 26 OFFER

Source : 26 26 SOURCE CODE

----- Ordered ---- ---- Returned ----

Item COLO STYL SIZE Units Value Units Value Percent

2006ITEM4 5 19.40 1 3.88 20.00

2006ITEM6 1 4.85

2006ITEM7 1 5.00

2006ITEM7 2 10.00

2006ITEM7 7 35.00

2006ITEM7 3 15.00


2006SKU3 RED WMNS SMLL 5 24.25

2006SKU3 RED WMNS SMLL 3 15.00


2006SKU3 RED WMNS SMLL 1 5.00 +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code and description of the offer whose order and return activity you are reviewing.

From the Offer number field in the Order/Billing History file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code and description of the source whose order and return activity you are reviewing.

From the Source code field in the Order/Billing History file.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.


An item that exists on an order associated with the specified offer/source combination.

Enter a full or partial item number and press Enter to display items in alphanumeric sequence that begin with your entry.

From the Item number field in the Order/Billing History file for records whose Offer number and Source code match the specified offer/source code combination.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The SKU of the item that exists on an order associated wit the specified offer/source combination.

Enter a full or partial item number and SKU code and press Enter to display item/SKUs in alphanumeric sequence that begin with your entry.

From the SKU code field in the Order/Billing History file for records whose Offer number and Source code match the specified offer/source code combination.

Alphanumeric, three 4 position fields (split SKU) or one 14 position field (full SKU); optional.

Ordered units

The number of units of the item ordered on a single order/billing history record that is associated with the specified offer/source combination.

Enter a number of units and press Enter to display items in numeric sequence whose number of units is equal to or greater than your entry.

The system includes units cancelled if the cancel reason used to cancel the item is set to update demand (Reduce demand = Y).

If the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is set to Y, the system includes units added to an order during order maintenance.

From the Qty ordered field in the Order/Billing History file for records whose Offer number and Source code match the specified offer/source code combination.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Ordered value

The merchandise amount of the total units of the item ordered on a single order/billing history record that is associated with the specified offer/source combination.

Enter a dollar amount and press Enter to display items in numeric sequence whose ordered merchandise amount is equal to or greater than your entry.

A negative amount displays if the order line has been cancelled and the cancel reason used to cancel the item is set to update demand (Reduce demand = Y).

If the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is set to Y, the system includes items added to an order during order maintenance.

From the $ order total field in the Order/Billing History file for records whose Offer number and Source code match the specified offer/source code combination.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Returned units

The number of units of the item returned on a single order/billing history record that is associated with the specified offer/source combination.

If the item has been returned on more than one order associated with the specified offer/source combination, the item displays multiple times on the screen.

Enter a number of units and press Enter to display items in numeric sequence whose number of returned units is equal to or greater than your entry.

From the Qty returned field in the Order/Billing History file for records whose Offer number and Source code match the specified offer/source code combination.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Returned value

The merchandise amount of the total units of the item returned on a single order/billing history record that is associated with the specified offer/source combination.

If the item has been returned on more than one order associated with the specified offer/source combination, the item displays multiple times on the screen.

Enter a dollar amount and press Enter to display items in numeric sequence whose returned merchandise amount is equal to or greater than your entry.

From the $ returned total field in the Order/Billing History file for records whose Offer number and Source code match the specified offer/source code combination.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The percent of units returned for the item on orders associated with the specified offer/source combination.

This field is only populated if the Qty returned and Qty ordered fields are both populated for a single order/billing history record. Both of these fields may be populated if you consolidate order/billing history using the Consolidating Order Billing History (MOBH) menu option.

The system performs the following calculation to determine the return percent: Returned units / Ordered units x 100 = Percent returned.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

MK03_08 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN