Oracle Commerce Platform logs records of site visits based on the HTTP sessions in which the site visits take place. If a user is registered with a site and that user logs in at any time during the HTTP session, the entire site visit is associated with that user account. This includes the period during which the user was visiting the site anonymously.

If you have more than one Oracle Commerce Core Commerce site configured, a visitor may access multiple sites during the same HTTP session. If the visitor logs in at any time during the HTTP session, Core Commerce will associate the visits at all sites with that user account. This behavior is configurable. You can choose to have anonymous visits to a site logged with the default visitor ID (anonymous) even if the visitor logs into a different site in the same HTTP session.

See information about the way site visits are recorded in the data warehouse in the Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Guide.

To configure the way users are tracked during multiple site visits:

  1. Create or edit the following configuration file for the production server.


  2. Set the trackPersistentProfileAmongSites property. The value true is the default and it will associate anonymous site visits with a registered user’s account if that user logs in at another site in the same HTTP session. Set the value to false to log site visits anonymously even if a user logs in at another site in the same HTTP session.


  3. Restart your Oracle Commerce Platform servers.

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