You can pass parameters to a dimension data converter that you create or modify. Use the production-property and conversion-property elements to define these parameters in the DimensionProperties.xml files for your Oracle Commerce Platform products. A dimension data converter will use the parameters when it converts specific production repository items before they are loaded into your data warehouse.

The production-property Element

Include the production-property element in a warehouse-property element to pass the name of a production repository item to a dimension converter component. The production-property element is shown in the example below.

<data-warehouse-repository-item item="product" natural-key="productId">
    <production-repository-item item="product"/>
    <warehouse-property name="parentCategory"

      <production-property name="catalog.product"<!-- This attribute
        indicates the production repository item. The name "catalog" refers
        to the nickname of the production repository specified in the
        production-respository element above. -->


The following table explains the attributes of the production-property element.




The identifier of a production repository item. Include the nickname of the production repository specified in the production-repository element of a data-warehouse-repository-item element. For example, catalog.product.


An identifier for the parameter. Use this identifier in your dimension data converter implementation.

The conversion-property Element

Include the conversion-property element in a warehouse-property element when you need to pass additional parameters to a dimension converter component. The conversion-property element is shown in the example below.




The following table explains the attributes of the conversion-property element.




The value that is passed to the dimension data converter.


The Java data type of the value that is passed to the dimension data converter.


An identifier for the parameter. Use this identifier in your dimension data converter implementation.

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