
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  


  • agent, master 1
  • agent installation 1, 2, 3
  • ALL ODA 1
  • archive, locally 1
  • availability 1
  • availability monitoring 1


  • blackouts
    • creating for Oracle Database Appliance 1
  • brownouts
    • creating for Oracle Database Appliance 1


  • capacity, monitoring 1
  • cluster discovery 1
  • configuration 1, 2
  • configuration type chart 1
  • configured cores chart 1
  • CPU chart
    • target 1
  • CPU load chart 1
  • CPU pool 1
  • create group 1
  • create tag 1
  • creating
    • ILOM service processor user 1
    • monitoring user 1
  • credentials 1


  • data, monitoring 1
  • database server ILOM service processor user 1
  • delete group 1
  • delete Oracle Database Appliance target remove target 1
  • delete tag 1
  • deploy 1
  • deployment prerequisites 1
  • deploy plug-in 1
  • deploy plug-in on Enterprise Manager 1
  • deploy plug-in on Oracle Management System Servers 1
  • deploy plug-in to management agents 1
  • discover
    • Grid Infrastructure 1
    • Oracle Database Appliance 1, 2
    • Oracle RAC 1
    • virtual platform 1
  • discover troubleshooting 1
  • discovery
    • Grid Infrastructure 1
    • Oracle RAC 1
    • post-discovery configuration and verification 1
    • review page 1
  • disk group space utilization chart 1
  • disk status chart 1
  • DNS 1
  • download plug-in 1
  • drilling down 1


  • EMCLI 1
  • Enterprise Manager, deploy plug-in on 1
  • Enterprise Manager agent installation 1, 2, 3
  • Enterprise Manager support 1


  • features
    • monitoring 1
    • target discovery 1
  • firewall configuration 1


  • Grid Infrastructure
    • discovery 1, 2
  • group deletion 1
  • group modification 1
  • group targets 1
  • guided discovery 1


  • hardware monitoring 1
  • hardware supported 1
  • hardware type chart 1
  • host discovery 1


  • ILOM creating 1
  • ILOM servers 1
  • importing plug-in archive locally 1
  • importing plug-in archive remotely 1
  • incident monitoring 1
  • incidents, monitoring 1
  • install
    • Enterprise Manager agent 1, 2, 3


  • local file system utilization 1
  • local file system utilization chart 1


  • maintenance
    • creating blackouts and notification blackouts for 1
  • management agents
    • deploy plug-in to 1
  • master agent 1
  • memory monitoring 1
  • memory utilization chart 1
  • metric collection error 1
  • metric threshold modification 1
  • modify group 1
  • modify tag 1
  • monitor 1
    • ALL ODA 1
    • all Oracle Database Appliance targets 1
    • availability 1, 2
    • available data 1
    • capacity 1
    • configurations 1
    • configuration type 1
    • configured cores 1
    • CPU 1
    • CPU load 1
    • CPU pool, target 1
    • disk group space utilization 1
    • general system information 1
    • groups of targets 1, 2
    • hardware type 1
    • incidents 1
    • incidents, target 1
    • machine 1
    • memory, target 1
    • memory utilization 1
    • network, target 1
    • physical disk status 1
    • shared file system utilization 1
    • storage, target 1
    • system components 1
    • system configuration 1
    • system status 1
    • system status, target 1
    • tags 1, 2
    • target 1
    • target hardware 1
    • topology 1
    • topology, target 1
    • vdisk, target 1
    • version, target 1
    • virtual machine, target 1
    • virtual machine repository, target 1
    • virtual machine status 1
    • VM template, target 1
  • monitoring
    • creating user for 1
  • monitoring features 1
  • monitor version 1


  • names resolution 1
  • network monitoring 1
  • notification blackouts
    • creating for Oracle Database Appliance 1
  • notifications 1


  • oak-based metric collection 1
  • oak metrics, viewing 1
  • OPAR file 1, 2
  • Oracle Database Appliance
    • view topology 1, 2, 3
  • Oracle RAC discovery 1, 2
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
    • discovery 1
  • Oracle Virtual Platform discovery 1


  • physical disk status chart 1
  • plug-in
    • deploy on Enterprise Manager 1
    • deploy on Oracle Management System Servers 1
    • deploy to management agents 1
  • plug-in archive, importing locally 1
  • plug-in archive, importing remotely 1
  • plug-in archive import 1
  • plug-in deployment 1
  • plug-in versions 1, 2
  • prerequisite
    • verify software versions 1
  • prerequisite checks failure 1
  • prerequisites
    • database server ILOM service processor user 1
    • firewall configuration 1
    • guided discovery 1
    • monitoring user creation 1
    • names resolution 1
    • plug-in deployment 1
  • push method 1


  • remotely importing plug-in archive 1
  • root privileges 1
  • root user 1, 2


  • shared file system space utilization chart 1
  • silent mode 1
  • software supported 1
  • software version verification 1
  • storage monitoring 1
  • sudo user configuration 1
  • supported hardware and software 1
  • system components chart, monitoring 1
  • system configuration 1
  • system monitoring 1
  • system status chart 1
  • system status monitoring 1


  • tag deletion 1
  • tag modification 1
  • target
    • availability 1
    • configuration 1
    • CPU chart 1
    • CPU pool 1
    • hardware 1
    • incidents 1
    • memory 1
    • network 1
    • storage 1
    • system status 1
    • topology 1
    • vdisk 1
    • version 1
    • virtual machine 1
    • virtual machine repository 1
    • VM template 1
  • target discovery 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • target discovery features 1
  • target group
    • modify 1
  • target group create 1
  • target group deletion 1
  • target removal 1
  • targets
    • drilling down 1
  • threshold modification for metrics 1
  • topology 1
  • topology, target 1
  • topology view 1
  • troubleshooting 1
    • discovery 1, 2
    • ECM configuration 1
    • host discovery 1
    • incorrect user 1
    • metric collection 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • oak-based metric collection 1
    • Oracle Database Appliance discovery 1
    • prerequisite checks 1


  • user 1


  • vdisk 1
  • verify
    • firewall configuration 1
    • names resolution 1
    • software versions 1
  • version 1
  • version chart 1
  • versions match 1
  • versions supported 1
  • view topology 1, 2, 3
  • virtual machine monitoring 1
  • virtual machine repository monitoring 1
  • virtual machine status chart 1
  • virtual platform discovery 1
  • VLANs 1
  • VM template 1