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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


migrationd.cmd - Oracle HSM sam-migrationd (1m) command file






The Oracle HSM Automated Media Migration feature moves archived files from one set of archival media volumes to another. Archive administrators use this feature prior to replacing worn volumes and obsolete media types.

The administrator enters migration instructions into a command file, ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕migrationd.cmd. When the Oracle HSM sam-fsd configuration daemon next starts, it checks the Automated Media Migration command file for errors. If the file is error-free, sam-fsd starts the Automated Media Migration demon, sam-migrationd. The sam-migrationd daemon then carries out the instructions in the command file.

Administrators can modify the migrationd.cmd file at any time. Each new configuration takes effect when the samd config or samcmd migconfig command is next run (samd config reads all Oracle HSM configuration files, while samcmd migconfig reads only the migrationd.cmd file). Do not issue either command unless the samu x screen shows the migration status as Stop.

Take following steps to configure or change migrationd.cmd:

  1. Edit the migrationd.cmd file.

  2. Check the samu x screen for migration activity. Make sure that migration status is stop.

  3. If necessary, use the samcmd migstop command to change the migration status to stop.

  4. To activate the new settings in the migrationd.cmd file, restart the Automated Media Migration service. Use the command samcmd migconfig or samd config.

    If a configuration error is detected, error messages are logged to the file ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sammig∕logfile.


In the migrationd.cmd file, directives are identified by an = (equals) character in the second field of a line.

xcopy = on | off | only

Controls xcopy, the Oracle StorageTek Direct Copy feature that allows drive-to-drive copying of tape volumes.

  • on tells the migration service to prefer StorageTek Direct Copy.

    If the source or destination cannot use StorageTek Direct Copy, the migration service automatically makes the copy using Memory Assisted Copy, the Oracle HSM feature that copies tape volumes via memory buffers on the server.

  • only tells the migration service to use only StorageTek Direct Copy.

    If the source or destination cannot use StorageTek Direct Copy, the migration service cancels migration.

  • off tells the migration service to use only Memory Assisted Copy.

The default is off.

xcopy_eod = on | off

Enables or disables the end-of-data (EOD) mode of the StorageTek Direct Copy feature.

  • on enables EOD mode.

    The T10000 drive copies the first tape archive (tar) file that contains one or more current copies of file system data and all subsequent tar files, whether or not they contain current copies of file system data. Copying continues until the drive encounters the end-of-data (EOD) mark on the tape.

  • off disables EOD mode.

    The T10000 drive copies all tape archive (tar) files that contain current copies of file system data and skips those that do not. As a result, data is partially repacked as it is copied to the destination tape.

The default is off.

xcopy_minsize = size

Guarantees that StorageTek Direct Copy mode copies at least size bytes before it terminates in response to a stager or archiver request or a samcmd migidle command (Memory Assisted Copy mode terminates at the end of the current tape archive file).

You can specify xcopy_minsize using any of the following units: k (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), T (terabytes), P (petabytes), or E (exabytes).

The default, 1, terminates StorageTek Direct Copy at the end of the current tape archive file.

logdir = path

Sets the migrationd log file directory to path, where path is the absolute path to the directory that will hold the log file.

A migrationd log file is created for each source VSN. Each log file contains an entry for each file migrated. Each entry includes the date, time, media type, volume, copy number, position and offset on the volume, mount point, inode and generation number, file name, file type, copy mode (x for StorageTek Direct Copy or s for Memory Assisted Copy), and equipment ordinal numbers of the source and destination devices. Each file is named media-type.VSN.

In the example, the directive specifies that the directory ∕var∕tmp∕miglog∕ will hold the migration logs:

logdir = ∕var∕tmp∕miglog

The second example lists log files as they would appear in the directory following migration:

root@mds:~# ls ∕var∕tmp∕miglog∕
li.SRC200 li.SRC201 li.SRC202 ti.DST500 ti.DST501

A log directory is not specified by default.

dbdir = directory_name

Sets the sam-migrationd inode database directory to path, where path is the absolute pathname to the directory that will hold the databases.

The default is ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sammig∕db.

When the sam-migrationd daemon finds a migration candidate during a file system scan, it creates an inode database for the corresponding source volume. It maintains the inode database until it has migrated all files on the source volume or stopped on an error, at which point it deletes the database.

For example, the following directive specifies the database home directory ∕var∕tmp∕migdb:

dbdir = ∕var∕tmp∕migdb

The database file for the StorageTek T10000 (ti) volume T10K01 resides in the specified directory:

root@mds~# ls ∕var∕tmp∕migdb

Each database record is 224 bytes long. One record is created for the each archived file copy on the source VSN. So make sure that you have enough disk space to hold the databases for all of the volumes that you intend to migrate at any one time.

run_time = always | start_time end_time

Schedules sam-migcopy, the process that copies archive files from source to destination media.

  • always runs sam-migcopy continuously.

    Volumes are copied in the background, when drives are not required for archiving or staging.

  • start_time and end_time start and stop the sam-migcopy process at the specified times.

    start_time and end_time are expressed as number-hours (in 24-hour format) and number-minutes.

    The directives samcmd migstart, migidle and migstop override the specified times.

Use this directive to reserve all drives for archiving and staging during peak hours. This directive does not affect execution of the filesystem scan, inode update and log phases.

sam-migcopy cannot start at start_time unless sam-migrationd is in the idle state. Use samcmd migidle to to idle sam-migrationd.

The default is always.

bufsize = { media buffer_size }

Sets the Automated Media Migration buffer size to the optimum size for source media of type media:

  • media is one of the two-character media-type identifiers listed on the mcf (4) man page.

  • buffer_size is an integer in the range 2-8192.

    The Oracle HSM software multiples the specified buffer_size by the default block size for for the media type media. For more information on default block sizes, see the description of dev_blksize on the defaults.conf (4) man page.

The default buffer size is 64.

max_drives = { library eq count }

Sets the maximum number of drives that Automated Media Migration processes can use on a specified media library.

  • eq is the equipment ordinal number listed for the library in the mcf (4) man page.

  • count is the allowed number of drives.

By limiting the number of drives to count, administrators can reserve drives exclusively for archiving and staging. The default value is the number of drives installed in the library.

In the example below, we allocate two of the drives in library 20 and four of the drives in library 30 to migration:

max_drives = library 20 2 library 30 4
max_copy = count

Sets the maximum number of sam-migcopy processes that can be active at one time to count, where:

  • count is an integer in the range 0-maximum

  • maximum is the default value (see below).

By default, Oracle HSM allows one migcopy process for every two drives configured in the mcf (4) file.

max_scan = count

Sets the maximum number of volumes (VSNs) that can be scanned at one time to count, where:

  • count is an integer.

  • Integer values greater than 1 (one) limit the number of volumes scanned to the number specified.

  • A value of 0 sets the number of volumes scanned to the total number of volumes.

The sam-migrationd daemon scans all file systems configured in the the mcf file for copies of data files that need to be migrated from source volumes. It reads all inodes from the disk cache and compares the volume serial numbers (VSNs) listed for the archive copies to the VSNs of the volumes that are to be migrated. These file-system scans can significantly increase metadata activity.

The default is 4.

vsnpool = pool_name library eq media-type media-list

Defines a set of archival media volumes that is a source or destination for data migration:

  • pool_name is the user-assigned identifier for the set.

  • eq is the equipment ordinal number that identifies the media library in the mcf file.

  • media-type is one of the two-character media type identifiers listed on the mcf (4) man page.

  • media-list is a space-delimited list of volume serial numbers (VSNs) that identify individual volumes and∕or regular expressions that identify groups or ranges of VSNs. See the regcmp (3c) man page for the applicable regular expression syntax.

The sam-migrationd daemon will not migrate volumes that need an audit, are set for recycling, are marked bad, or are unavailable. It will not migrate LTFS or other foreign media. It will not migrate volumes when the source VSN duplicates a destination VSN. It will not migrate cleaning media.

You can only specify volumes once. So, when you use the vsnpool directive, enter it before the migrate directive and specify the pools, not the member volumes, in the migrate directive.

In the example, the first vsnpool directive groups LTO (type li) source media in library 20. The resulting pool contains individual volumes SRC120, SRC121, and SRC122. The second vsnpool directive groups Oracle StorageTek T10000D (type ti) destination volumes in library 30. The resulting pool contains two individual volumes, DST200 and DST201, and all volumes with VSNs that start with the string TTP:

vsnpool = pool1 library 20 li SRC120 SRC121 SRC122
vsnpool = pool2 library 30 ti DST200 DST201 ^TTP
migrate = from src-type src-list to dstn-type dstn-list

Tells the sam-migrationd daemon to migrate files from the specified source media to the specified destination media:

  • src-type and dstn-type are two-character media type identifiers listed on the mcf (4) man page.

  • src-list and dstn-list are space-delimited lists of pool names and∕or volume serial numbers (VSNs) that identify individual volumes that are not part of a pool.

The first directive in the example migrates archive files from LTO (li) volumes SRC220, SRC221, and SRC222 to Oracle StorageTek T10000D (ti) volumes DST500 and DST501. The second migrates files from any media in pool1 to any media in pool2:

migrate = from li SRC220 SRC221 SRC222 to ti DST500 DST501
migrate = from pool1 to pool2


# migrationd.cmd file:
run_time = always
xcopy = on
logdir = ∕var∕tmp∕miglog
dbdir = ∕var∕tmp∕migdb
bufsize = li 128
max_drives = library 20 4 library 30 4
max_copy = 4
max_scan = 4
vsnpool = pool1 library 20 li SRC120 SRC121 SRC122
vsnpool = pool2 library 30 ti DST200 DST201 ^TTP
migrate = from li LIT300 LIT301 to li LIT900
migrate = from pool1 to pool2


The sam-migrationd daemon does not support manually loaded devices. Volumes that participate in migration must reside in automated tape libraries.


sam-migrationd (1m), sam-migcopy (1m).

regcmp (3C).

mcf (4).