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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 1m: Maintenance Commands
Release 6.1.1


sam-migrationd - Migrate Oracle HSM tape volumes






The Automated Media Migration daemon, sam-migrationd, moves archive files from one tape volume to another, so that worn media and older media formats can be replaced without staging and rearchiving.

The sam-migrationd daemon is started by the Oracle HSM initialization daemon, sam-fsd. You cannot launch sam-fsd from the command line. To control the migration process, you use the following commands:

∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕samcmd migconfig
∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕samcmd migstart
∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕samcmd migidle
∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sbin∕samcmd migstop

Automated Media Migration can move archive files using either the StorageTek Direct Copy method or the Memory Assisted Copy method. In Memory-Assisted Copy mode, the metadata server mounts source and destination tapes, copies tape blocks from the source to in-memory buffers and then writes the data blocks from memory to the destination media, one tape archive (tar) file at a time. In StorageTek Direct Copy mode, the server mounts the source tape on a supported drive and mounts the destination tape on a StorageTek T10000D drive, connected via a Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (SAN). The StorageTek Direct Copy feature then copies tape blocks directly from the source to the destination, without using additional host resources (supported source tape drives for the StorageTek Direct Copy are listed later in this man page). The source and destination tapes must use the same block size.

The sam-migrationd daemon monitors the Oracle HSM preview table and the activities of the archiver and stager. If a higher-priority archiver or stager process requests a volume or drive that is being used for migration, the sam-migrationd daemon suspends the copy process. The sam-migrationd daemon runs at the lowest priority in Oracle HSM.


The sam-migrationd daemon splits its work into five phases:

Phase 1: File System Scan

The sam-migrationd daemon picks its list of migration source volumes from the migrationd.cmd (4) configuration file and marks these tape volumes as read-only in the Oracle HSM catalog. The samu v display flags these volumes R (read-only) and S (migration source volume).

All Oracle HSM file systems must be mounted prior to migration, so that sam-migrationd can update the corresponding file system inode when it moves an archival copy to a new media location. If any of the file systems are not mounted, the sam-migrationd cancels the migration.

Then, for each migration source volume, the daemon scans inodes in all Oracle HSM file systems for file copies that reside on the volume. The daemon makes a record of these inodes in an inode database created for the volume in the default directory ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sammig∕db∕xx.yyyyyy, where xx is one of the two-character media-type identifiers listed in the mcf (4) man page and yyyyyy is the Volume Serial Number (VSN) of the volume. For instance, for a StorageTek T10000D (type ti) tape named TEE150, the daemon would create the inode database in the directory ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sammig∕ti.TEE150. The inode database record is sorted by the archive copy position and offset pair and used for the subsequent copy, tar header check, inode update, and logging phases of the migration operation. The dbdir directive of the migrationd.cmd (4) configuration file configures the inode database.

Once the file systems have been scanned and the database created, the migration daemon moves on to phase 2, the copy process.

If the migration daemon detects the following conditions while scanning file systems, the sam-migrationd takes appropriate action or cancels migration. The source tape remains read-only mode in the Oracle HSM catalog after the file system scan.

Phase 2: Tape Copy

The sam-migrationd daemon first marks the catalog entry for each destination volume specified in the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕migrationd.cmd file with the D (destination) flag. Then the daemon spawns an instance of the copy process sam-migcopy for each migration source tape.

The sam-migcopy process operates in either of two modes, Memory-Assisted Copy or StorageTek Direct Copy. The administrator specifies the desired mode using the xcopy directive in the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕migrationd.cmd file. The directive can take the following forms:

Memory Assisted Copy Mode

In Memory Assisted Copy mode, the copy process allocates buffers on the server and copies tape archive (tar) files from the source volume to the destination volume via the buffers. The sam-migcopy process copies all tar files that contain at least one active archive copy, one tar file at a time.

The administrator can specify a desired buffer size in the migrationd.cmd file by using the directive bufsize = media buffer-size, where media is one of the two-character media-type identifiers listed on the mcf (4) man page and buffer_size is an integer in the range 2-8192 (for example, bufsize = ti 64). The Oracle HSM software multiples the specified buffer_size by the default block size for the media type media. See defaults.conf (4)) and migrationd.cmd (4) for additional information.

The sam-migcopy process starts by reading the inode records stored in the database that sam-migrationd created for the current volume during phase 1, scanning of the file system. Then it examines the tar files on the tape volume.

At the start of each tar file, sam-migcopy constructs a list of the inodes that have archive copies starting at that position. It compares the list of inodes on the tape volume with the database of inodes scanned from the file system. Inodes that appear in the list but not in the database point to inactive copies and are dropped from the list. If the list is empty when the comparison finishes, sam-migcopy does not copy the tar file to the new media. Otherwise, it copies all active and inactive copies found between the start of the tar file and the end of the last active copy in the file. It updates the inode database with the status of the copy operation (done, if successful, or a copy error otherwise).

The sam-migcopy process repeats the above steps until all tar files have been examined, compared with the inode database, and, if necessary, copied to new media.

StorageTek Direct Copy Mode

In StorageTek Direct Copy mode, the sam-migcopy process takes advantage of the xcopy feature of StorageTek T10000D Fibre Channel drives. When the destination drive is a T10000D, sam-migcopy can make direct, drive-to-drive, tape-to-tape copies, without consuming significant server resources.

The sam-migcopy process can create tape-to-tape copies either by repacking files or by copying to the EOD (end-of-data) mark on the source tape. The administrator specifies the desired behavior using the xcopy_eod directive of the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕migrationd.cmd 4) file. The directive can take the following forms:


When xcopy_eod is set to off, the sam-migcopy process copies all tar files that contain at least one active archive copy, one tar file at a time. Since tar files that do not contain active copies are not copied, the new media volumes are partially repacked.

The sam-migcopy process starts by reading the inode records stored in the database that sam-migrationd created for the current volume in phase 1, scanning of the file system. Then it examines the tar files on the tape volume.

At the start of each tar file, sam-migcopy constructs a list of the inodes that have archive copies starting at that position. It compares the list of inodes on the tape volume with the database of inodes scanned from the file system. Inodes that appear in the list but not in the database point to inactive copies and are dropped from the list. If one or more active copies remains on the list when the comparison finishes, sam-migcopy copies the entire tar file to the new media. It defines the required operation in an extended copy SCSI command, sends the command to the destination tape drive, waits for the extended copy command to complete, and updates the inode database with the copy status (done, if successful, or a copy error otherwise). If the inode list is empty when the comparison finishes, sam-migcopy does not copy the tar file.

The sam-migcopy process repeats the above steps until all tar files have been examined, compared with the inode database, and, if necessary, copied to new media.

Copying to EOD

When xcopy_eod is set to off, the sam-migcopy process starts copying the tape at the first tar file that contains one or more active file copies and continues until it encounters the EOD (end-of-data) on the tape.

The sam-migcopy process identifies its starting point by reading the inode records stored in the database that sam-migrationd created for the current volume during phase 1, scanning of the file system. Then it copies all tar files between its start point and the EOD mark to the new media. It defines the required operation in an extended copy SCSI command, sends the command to the destination tape drive, waits for the copy to complete, and updates the inode database. If no errors are returned, sam-migcopy enters done for all copies made. If errors are returned, sam-migcopy checks the number of blocks that were written successfully and marks the successfully copied files done.

Error Handling

If sam-migcopy detects potential problems while copying tape blocks, it takes appropriate action or cancels the operation, while flagging the source tape read-only (R) in the Oracle HSM catalog:

Phase 3: Tar Header Check

Whenever it successfully copies tape archive (tar) files from source to destination media, the sam-migcopy process verifies the integrity of the data by checking the tar headers on the destination volume. It checks the headers for the first, middle, and last written positions on the destination tape. If a read error was detected during phase 2, the last good position listed in the inode database prior to the error and the next good position listed after the error are also checked.

Error Handling

If sam-migcopy detects potential problems while checking tar headers, it takes appropriate action or cancels the operation, while flagging the source tape read-only (R) in the Oracle HSM catalog:

Phase 4: Inode Update

Once it has moved the active archive copies from the source volume to the destination, the sam-migrationd daemon updates the file system. It updates the inode for each affected file with the new media type, volume serial number (VSN), position, modification time, and copy creation time of its archive copy (the modification time is the time when the tar file that contains the archive copy was copied to the destination tape). If a newer copy has been archived in the interim, sam-migrationd skips the inode update and logs a message. A second migration run is then required to empty the source tape.

Error Handling

If sam-migrationd detects potential problems while updating inodes, it takes appropriate action or cancels the migration operation, while flagging the source tape read-only (R) in the Oracle HSM catalog:

Phase 5: Logging

When logging is enabled, the migration daemon creates a log file for each source volume. Each log file lists the new location of each archived file copy that migrated from that volume (see migrationd.cmd (4) for details).

Migration logging is enabled when the file ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕migrationd.cmd includes a directive of the form logdir = path, where path specifies the directory path where the log file should be created. Logging is not enabled by default.

Error Handling

If sam-migrationd detects potential problems while creating logs, it takes appropriate action or cancels the migration operation, while flagging the source tape read-only (R) in the Oracle HSM catalog:


The sam-migrationd daemon can be in any of three states:


When the sam-migrationd daemon is in the Stop state, it does not scan file systems, copy volumes, update inodes, or log events. The sam-fsd daemon starts the sam-migrationd daemon in the stop state. The sam-migrationd daemon remains in the Stop state until the samcmd migidle or samcmd migstart command is next issued or until the next scheduled migration time.


When the sam-migrationd daemon is in the Idle state, it scans file systems, updates inodes as necessary, and logs its activities. But it does not copy volumes to new media. The sam-migrationd daemon enters the Idle state at the end of the scheduled migration time and whenever the samcmd migidle command is issued. The sam-migrationd daemon remains in the Idle state until the start of the next scheduled migration time or until a samcmd migstart or samcmd migstop command is issued.


When the sam-migrationd daemon is in the Run state, it scans file systems, copies volumes to new media, updates inodes, and logs its activities. The sam-migrationd daemon enters the Run state at the start of the scheduled migration time and whenever the samcmd migrun command is issued. The sam-migrationd daemon remains in the Run state until the end of the scheduled migration time or until a samcmd migidle or samcmd migstop command is issued.

The samu command line interface displays the current migration state on the x (migration status) and y (migration volume serial number list) screens. For example:

Status: Stop: Waiting for :migstart


To migrate tape volumes, carry out the following steps

  1. Make sure that migration jobs are not already running or incomplete. Start the samu (1m) interface, and check the Migration activity (x), Migration vsn list (y), and Robot VSN catalog (v) displays. On the Migration vsn list display, look for the following in the flags field:

  2. D (destination)

    The volume is the destination for an active migration operation.

    S (source)

    The volume is the source of an active or incomplete migration operation.

    M (partially migrated source)

    The volume is the source of a partially completed migration operation.

    m (migrated source)

    The volume is the source of a completed migration operation.

    e (error source)

    The volume is the source of a failed migration.

    The following example shows the catalog display entries for an active migration operation. Archive copies are migrating from LTO (li) source volume 000040 to LTO destination volume 000044:

    Robot VSN catalog by slot   : eq 400	samu
    slot  access time    count use flags	     ty vsn
    0     2015∕10∕14 03:58	  4   0% -il---b--D--  li 000044
    3     2015∕10∕14 03:58	 25   1% -il---b-RS--  li 000040

    When the operation is complete, the entry for LTO volume 000040 looks like this:

    3     2015∕10∕14 03:58	 25   1% -il---b-Rm--  li 000040
  3. Configure the migration. Open the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕migrationd.cmd file in a text editor, and enter the needed directives and values. Then save the file and close the editor.

  4. Stop the sam-migrationd daemon.

    # samcmd migstop
  5. Activate the migrationd.cmd file.

    # samcmd migconfig
  6. In the Migration vsn list (y) display of the samu interface, check the status of the source volumes.

    In the example, the display shows that LTO (li) source (S) volume 000040 has the status sched_wait (scheduled, waiting), and LTO destination (D) volume has the status avail (available for use):

    Status: Stop: Waiting for :migstart  Vsns:2 src:1 dest:1 maxcopy:0
    ord m ty vsn	start time  end time	status	Inodes done∕tot 	bytes
    0 S li 000040 none	  none	      sched_wait	0∕0		  0
    0 D li 000044 none	  none	      avail				  0
  7. Start migration.

    # samcmd migstart


If you need to stop Oracle HSM (using the samd stop or hastop commands), if you need to shut down the system, or if you need to stop migration for any other reason, take the following steps:

  1. If you can, stop the sam-migcopy process gracefully.

    The samcmd migidle command gracefully terminates the sam-migcopy process. The sam-migcopy process stops the copy operation when it finishes copying the current tape archive (tar) file. If the current file is large, it may take some time before copying stops.

    # samcmd migidle
  2. If you need to terminate the sam-migcopy process immediately, stop the sam-migrationd daemon. Use the command samcmd migstop.

    When the sam-migcopy process is informed that the migration daemon is stopping, it waits for two seconds before it stops itself, so that it can try to finish copying the current tar file. If it cannot copy the file in time, it cancels the copy operation and stops.

    # samcmd migstop

Idled or canceled migration jobs resume when Oracle HSM restarts. Each copy operation restarts at the position following the last tar file copied.


Start the samu (1m) interface, and check the Migration activity (x), Migration vsn list (y), and Robot VSN catalog (v) displays. Monitor the file ∕var∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕sammig∕logfile.


When migration starts, the migration software flags the library catalog entries of the source volumes R (read-only).

To use xcopy, you must install both destination and source drives on the same Fibre Channel fabric switch and zone.

Manually loaded tape drives are not supported by sam-migrationd.

The StorageTek Direct Copy mode supports the following source tape drives for use with StorageTek T10000D destination tape drives:

IBM TS1120
IBM TS1130
IBM TS1140
IBM TS1150
StorageTek 9840C
StorageTek 9840D
StorageTek 9940A
StorageTek 9940B
StorageTek T10000A
StorageTek T10000B
StorageTek T10000C
StorageTek T10000D


sam-migcopy (1m), samu (1m).

migrationd.cmd (4), mcf (4).