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Oracle Hierarchical Storage Manager and QFS Software Command Reference
Section 4: File Formats
Release 6.1.1


verifyd.cmd - Oracle HSM sam-verifyd (1m) command file






Periodic Media Validation (PMV) configuration and policy for tape media is read from the ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕verifyd.cmd file. PMV runs as the sam-verifyd daemon and is automaticly started by the sam-amld daemon when the command file is free from errors, PMV is enabled, and a tape library is configured for Oracle HSM.

PMV is an automation of the Oracle HSM 5.3 tpverify (1m) command for media validation. PMV can be configured with specific policies which can be changed without disrupting Oracle HSM operation. The sam-verifyd daemon will detect command file changes and restart for the new policy changes to take affect.

PMV policies include Oracle HSM resource usage, actions to take when tape defects are found, and what time of day and week PMV should execute.

PMV resource usage can be limited to specific libraries, drives, and VSNs.

Actions to take when tape defects are found can be none, file re-archive, and media recycling. For file re-archive and media recycling, PMV only sets the appropriate media catalog flag, Oracle HSM handles which archive copy to use for the file re-archive and the user sets up and runs media recycling.

In PMV, all tapes are lumped into one VSN pool for media validation. PMV will find the correct library, drive, and file system for each VSN.

Use the tpverify (1m) command with the -x option to check the command file for syntax errors.

Use the tpverify (1m) command with the -r option to immediately reconfigure a running sam-verifyd daemon with command file changes.

Use the tpverify (1m) command with the -l option to list the VSN defects database.

Use the tpverify (1m) command with the -d option to delete VSN defects from the defects database.

The PMV command file consist of directive lines. Each of these lines consist of one or more fields separated by white space. Leading white space is ignored. Everything after a '#' character is ignored. Lines may be continued by using '\' as the last character on the line.


Directives are identified by the '=' character in the second field. In the directive syntax below, keywords are not underlined and user supplied values are underlined. A bracketed value [ ] is optional. A braced value { } indicates one or more values in a list. A vertical bar | is used to separate values in a list, one value from the list should be selected.

pmv = on | off

Set the PMV daemon to enabled or disabled.


enables the PMV daemon.


disables the PMV daemon.

The default is off.

run_time = always | start_time end_time [start_day end_day]

Set the interval when periodic media validation should run.


Run periodic media validation every day all day.

start_time and end_time

The time of day to run PMV. The 24 hour clock hour and minutes are used for the values as HHMM.

start_day and end_day

are the day of the week to run PMV, values are from 0-6 where 0=day.

The default is 2200 0500 6 0.

delay_time = seconds

Set the amount of time to delay before accessing an idle tape drive or cartridge for media validation.

The default is 900 seconds, the valid range is from 60 to 3600 seconds.

pmv_method = legacy | standard | complete | complete plus Set the media validation method.


The media validation method used for older tape drives, a 6-byte SCSI Verify Command in fixed block mode. PMV automatically uses the legacy method if the selected method is not supported by a particular tape drive. When this scan detects a permanent error on media, a forward space file to the next tape mark is issued and the defect is logged into the defects database. This scan skips over defects logged in the defects database.


is the recommended media validation method for STK T10000C tape drives and newer. This method is a vendor unique 16 byte SCSI Verify Command which verifies the media edges, BOT, EOT, and the first 1,000 blocks on tape. This is the fastest media validation method available. If the media requires a MIR Rebuild, the MIR Rebuild is completed before the standard verify is run. Read-only media will not have the rebuilt MIR written to media upon unload e.g. B media in a C drive, or C media in D drive. T10000 media with a bad MIR is not a condition that usally requires fixing. If you want to correct the condition, you can run the tpverify (1m) command with the -M option using a drive that can write to the media.


is a non-DIV media validation which verifies the media ECC for each block on media. This method is the second fastest media validation command. This method is limited to STK T10000C tape drives and newer. If a tape defect is detected then the length is of the defect is determined, the defect length is logged, and the scan continues.

complete plus

is a DIV media validation which verifies the media ECC and DIV CRC for each block on media. This method is limited to STK T10000C tape drives and newer. If a tape defect is detected then the length is of the defect is determined, the defect length is logged, and the scan continues.

The default is standard.

pmv_scan = all | { library eq [max_drives num |drive { eq } ] }

Define libraries and drives that will use with PMV.


Scans media in all direct-attached and STK networkwork-attached libraries.

library eq

Sets the list of libraries to use for media validation, eq is the mcf library equipment ordinal. More than one library eq can be used to form a list of libraries.

max_drives num

Sets the maximum number of drives per library that can be used for media validation. This value is optional and if its not set then all drives in the library are used for media validation.

drive eq

Sets the library drives to use for media validation by mcf drive equipment ordinal. More than one eq can be listed to indicate multiple drives. This value is optional and the list of drives can include drives in the unavail and on state. When unavail drives are used, a media validation will not be interrupted by the Oracle HSM file system.

The default is all.

action = none | [ recycle perms num ]

rearch [ log ] age time | recycleperms num [ log [ rearch ] age time ] Define what action to take when PMV finds a media error.


PMV takes no action other marking the media as bad when a permanent error occurs during media validation.

"log age" will log files with bad blocks on tape to the file defects

database. The tpverify (1m) command or sam_media_api (3) can be used to view the file defects. If a file is rearchived or the media is relabeled then the file defect is removed from the defects database.

recycle perms num Marks bad media for recycling after num permanent errors. The user must setup and run recycling.

"rearch age"

time re-archives and∕or logs files with bad blocks on media. time is used to batch up the defects for the Oracle HSM file systems scan. The oldest media defect must have aged for time before the file system scan is performed. time is a combination of yearsy, monthsm, daysd, H=hours, M=minutes, and S=seconds.

The default is none.

pmv_vsns = all | { vsn | vsn_regex } VSNs for media validation. Any combination of vsn and vsn_regex is used to create the VSNs list. PMV will not perform media validation on VSNs that need an audit, cleaning tapes, set for recycling, unavailable, not Oracle HSM media, LTFS media, duplicate VSNs, empty, or unlabeled media.


Makes every library VSN that can be validated available for media validation.


Includes or excludes a specified vsn listed in the media catalog when media validation is performed.


Includes or excludes the media catalog VSNs specified by the regular expression vsn_regex The regular expression syntax used by PMV is defined by regcmp (3C).

The default is all. This parameter is ignored when the pmv_policy is on_demand.

pmv_policy = on_demand | verified age time [ modifiedage time ] [mounted age time ] Define the PMV VSN verify order and the age for media validation (MV). Each VSN age specified must evaluate to true before MV will be performed.

"on_demand" will validate media one time when the VSN name is added to the

on demand media validation directory using the sam_media_api (3) or the touch (1) command, for example "touch ∕etc∕opt∕SUNWsamfs∕samv∕vsns∕ABC000".

verified age time Sorts VSNs by last verified time.

modified age time

Sorts VSNs by last modified time.

mounted age time

Sorts VSNs by last mounted time.


Specifies an interval in yearsy, monthsm, daysd, hoursH, minutesM, and secondsS.

The default is verified age 6m


In the following example, PMV runs all of the time, Oracle StorageTek T10000C and later tape drives use the "complete plus" media validation (MV) method, at most 1 tape drive in library 100 is used for MV, tape drives 201 and 202 are used for MV in library 200, and all tape drives in library 300 are used for MV. VSN defects are handled as a batch after the oldest defect is one month old. VSNs 000212, 000213 and any VSN beginning with TTC is available for MV. VSN LT3W02 is excluded from media validation. VSNs that have a last verified, modified, and mounted age greater than one-year-old are candidates for MV.

# Example PMV Command File:
pmv = on
run_time = always
pmv_method = complete plus
pmv_scan = library 100 max_drives 1 \\
	library 200 drive 201 202 \\
	library 300
action = rearch age 1m
pmv_vsns = 000212 000213 ^TTC (!LT3W02)
pmv_policy = verified age 1y \\
	modified age 1y \\
	mounted age 1y
  • In this example, on demand media validation is enabled with file defect logging. The file system scan to find files backed by bad tape blocks is run once every 6 days. The delay before using a drive or cartridge for media validation is 60 seconds.
# Example PMV Command File for on demand media # validation with file defect logging: pmv = on run_time = always pmv_method = complete action = log age 6d delay_time = 60S pmv_policy = on_demand


sam-amld (1m), sam-verifyd (1m), sam-recycler (1m), tpverify (1m), sam_media_api (3).


mcf (4).