Embedded Filters

Filters can be added to reports in two ways:

This topic explains how to create a filter within a report. For a comparison of both types of filters, see About filters. Filters can be created as part of a given report, at the same time the report itself is being created. You can filter data based on any object that is part of the report’s definition. You can also use the results of another report as the filter for this report. The conditions specified by the report's filter are part of the SQL that retrieves the report result set from your database.


To create a filter within a report:

  1. Open the report for which you want to create a filter. From the Home menu, select Design mode.

  2. If the Report Filter panel is not displayed above the report, click the Filter icon .

  3. Select the object to base your filter on:

    To base your filter on an object that is part of the report's definition, use the Report Objects pane on the left and select the object you want to base your filter on. The object can be an attribute or a metric.

    To base your filter on the results of another report, select the All Objects pane on the left to navigate to and select the report you want to base your filter on.

  4. Right-click the object and select Add to Filter.

  5. Depending on the type of object you added to the filter, a new set of choices may appear. The links below provide steps to filter data on the object you chose:

If you are filtering based on an attribute, see one of the following:

    1. Filtering data based on attribute forms: Attribute form qualification

      Filtering data based on attribute elements: Attribute element list qualification

      Filtering data based on dates

If you are filtering based on a metric, see Filtering data based on metric values or rank: Set qualification.

If you are filtering based on the results of another report, see Filtering data based on report results: Shortcut-to-a-report qualification.

  1. Click Apply to apply your new filter condition to the report.

  2. You can add additional conditions to the report's filter by repeating the steps above to add another object to the filter and define the condition.

  3. To run the report, click the Run Report icon . The report results displayed reflect the new filter.

Related topics

About filters

Asking for user input into a filter's definition

Filtering data based on an existing filter: Shortcut-to-a-filter qualification

Adding a stand-alone filter to a report


