Determining Whether to Allow Filters to Restrict other Filters

Once you have created a Visual Insight quick dashboard, you can determine whether making selections in one filter in the Filters panel affects the choices displayed for any other filter.

For example, you create a quick dashboard, then add the Category and Subcategory attributes to the Filters panel. You can enable selections in the Category filter to affect which product subcategories are displayed under Subcategory. If an analyst selects Books in the Category filter, the items in the Subcategory filter are restricted, and only product subcategories within Books are displayed.


To determine whether or not selections in one filter affect the items in any other filter

  1. Hover the cursor over the Filters panel, then click the arrow icon displayed in the top right of the panel. A list of options is displayed.

  2. Point to Filtering, then select one of the following:

    : The following options apply only to filtering on attributes. Selecting an item in a metric filter does not affect the items displayed in any other filter.

    No Filtering: Elements selected in one filter do not change the items available in any other filter.

    Filter All Below: Making a selection in one filter restricts the items available in all the filters below it in the Filters panel (or to its right, if the Filters panel is displayed at the bottom of the quick dashboard). This includes filters that are hidden.

    Filter All: Selecting an element in one filter restricts the elements available in every other filter.

Related topics

Adding filters to the Filters panel

Editing filters and the Filters panel


