Adding Filters to the Filters panel

You can allow users to filter the data displayed in a Visual Insight quick dashboard by selecting options in the Filters panel. For example, a quick dashboard displays sales data for several different product categories, from 2007 to 2010. An analyst can filter the data in the quick dashboard to only display sales data for books and movies in 2010.

Separate steps are below to add each type of filter to the Filters panel.


To add an attribute filter to the Filters panel

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. From the Dataset Objects panel, click the attribute you want to use to filter data, and drag it onto the Filters panel. You can place the attribute above or below the filters already displayed in the panel.

    Note: You can select and add more than one report object to the Filters panel at a time. Press CTRL and click each object you want to select.

  3. Hover the cursor over the name of the filter you just added, then click the arrow icon. A list of options is displayed.

  4. Point to Display Style, then select the style you want to use to display the filter. The options are:

  5. You can choose to include or exclude data using elements selected in the filter. Do one of the following:

Once you have added an attribute filter to the Filters panel, you can create a new qualification filter based on the ranking of each element in the attribute. For example, you can add an attribute filter based on Category, then create a filter that displays data for the top 3 product categories by sales.

To add a Top N qualification filter to the Filters panel

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. From the Filters panel, hover the cursor over the name of the attribute filter, then click the arrow icon. A list of options is displayed. Point to Top N.

  3. From the first drop-down list, select one of the following.

  4. In the field, type the number of elements you want to include in the filter.

  5. From the Ranked By drop-down list, select the report object you want to use to rank each element.

  6. Click OK. Your filter is added to the Filters pane and is automatically named Report Object by Attribute, where Report Object and Attribute are the names of the report and attribute you used to add the filter to the quick dashboard.

To add a metric filter to the Filters panel

  1. Click the name of the quick dashboard to run it.

  2. From the Dataset Objects panel, click the metric you want to use to filter data, and drag it onto the Filters panel. You can place the metric above or below the filters already displayed in the panel.

  3. Hover the cursor over the name of the metric you just added, then click the arrow icon. Point to Display Style and select one of the following:

  4. Hover the cursor over the name of the metric you just added, then click the arrow icon and select one of the following:

  5. Do one of the following:

Related topics

Creating a Visual Insight quick dashboard

Editing filters and the Filters panel

Allowing visualizations to filter other visualizations

Determining whether to allow filters to restrict other filters


