Exporting a Graph Report

You can export a graph report to the following formats:

PDF file

Excel spreadsheet (.xls) with formatting

HTML file



To export a report to Excel, Excel 2000 SP3 or higher must be installed on your computer.

To export a report to PDF, Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4 or later must be installed on your computer.


Before you export, you can personalize export options, such as specifying which report details are exported, whether page-by fields are exported, and so on.


To export a graph report:

  1. To export the report:

    To export a report directly from a folder,  right-click the report to select Run as and select an export format. Alternately, click the Export icon Export icon or PDF icon PDF icon in the Actions column.

    To export a report while viewing it, click on the Home tab to select Export .

  2. Select one of the following export formats.

    Excel with formatting: Export the report to Microsoft Excel with the same formatting and structure that appears on the screen. Microsoft Excel does not support all colors that browsers do, so some colors may differ after export.

    HTML: Export the report to an HTML page. The structure and format of the report, as it is displayed on the screen, is retained.

    PDF: Export the report to an Adobe PDF file.

  3. From the Export drop-down menu, select whether you want to export the whole report or only the portion displayed.

  4. Click Export. The report is exported in the selected format.

If exporting to Excel:

  1. To include filter information in the exported report, select the Export filter details check box.

  2. To reformat metric values from numeric to text format, select the Export metric values as text check box.

  3. To reformat row and column headers into text format, select the Export headers as text check box.

  4. To export the graph as a PivotChart in Excel, select the Export graphs as live Excel charts check box. For example, this lets you change the graph's style using options in Excel.

  5. To export images as stand-alone images in Excel, select the Embed Images check box.

If exporting to Excel or HTML:


You can modify the report header and footer by clicking Edit Custom Settings.

Enter the text to appear in the header and footer of the exported report. You can automatically insert report fields, such as the report's name, by choosing macros from the Insert Macro drop-down list.

To determine header location in relation to other headers, select either Replace other headers, Display on top of other headers, or Display below other headers.

If exporting to PDF:

  1. You can choose to apply a customized header and footer by selecting Edit Custom Settings in the Page Header and Footer area.

    Enter the text to appear in the left, center, and right portions of the page's header and footer.

    You can automatically insert report fields, such as the report's name or page number, by choosing macros from the Insert Macro drop-down list.
    For example, to add "Page 1 of x" in the middle of the footer, click in the center text box for the Footer. Type the word "Page ", then select Page Number from the Insert Macro drop-down list. Type " of ", then click the Insert number of pages icon.

  2. In the Scaling area, specify how the content is adjusted to the PDF page:

    Adjust font to __% of original size: Define the font size on a page.

    Fit to __ page(s) wide by __ tall (only visible if PDF printing is disabled): Specify the page dimensions to which the contents will be fit.

    Fit to page (only visible if PDF printing is disabled): Specify whether the content should be fit to the page for All columns, All Rows, or both.

  3. Select Portrait or Landscape in the Orientation area to specify the orientation of the exported report.

  4. Determine whether a cover page is included by selecting or clearing the Print cover page check box. You can also determine which details appear on the cover page:

    With Filter Details: Print the filter details of a report on a separate page. The filter details are placed before the contents of the report.

    With Report Details: Print the report's definition details on a separate page. The report details are placed before the contents of the report.

    Cover page location: Determine whether the cover page is placed before or after the report.

  5. Select Expand all page-by fields to print all options in the page-by drop-down lists. To print only the page-by options that are currently displayed, clear this check box.

  6. Select Show Advanced Options to adjust settings such as paper size, margins, and maximum header and footer sizes and make changes as necessary.

  7. Select Use bitmaps for graphs to generate graphs using a bitmap format. If this check box is cleared, the graph is generated in a vector format. It is recommended you use a bitmap format if the graphs in the report include gradients or a variety of colors.

  8. Select Use draft quality for graphs to export a lower-quality graph. This results in a smaller PDF file size and is a good choice when you do not intend to print the report or document.

  9. To use the default fonts, select Embed fonts.

Related Topics

Exporting Overview

Exporting a grid report

Exporting a document


