Print Reports (PDF) Preferences

Use the Print Reports (PDF) preferences page to set default options for exporting reports in PDF format. For example, if most reports are exported in landscape orientation, set this as the default instead of specifying the landscape option each time the report is exported.




The following preferences are available:

Export: From the drop-down list, select either Whole report or Portion displayed only to choose to export either the entire report or only the portion of your report displayed in your browser.

Page Header and Footer: Specify the page header and footer to be displayed on all reports. Click Edit Custom Settings to open the Header/Footer Editor. Specify the text to print in the left, center, and right portions of the page's header and footer. Enter static text, or use the Insert Auto-text drop-down list at the top of the page to select and insert auto-text.

Report Header: Specify the text to print in the report header. Click Edit Custom Settings to open the Report Header Editor. Enter static text in the Header field, or use the Insert Auto-text drop-down list at the top of the page to select and insert auto-text.

Scaling: Adjust the amount of the report's content (and thus, the size of the font) that prints on a page using the following scaling options:

Print the grid and the graph on the same page: Determine whether the grid and the graph are printed on the same page when printing a report displayed in Grid and Graph view. If you clear the check box, the grid and graph print on separate pages.

Orientation: Determine whether to print reports in either Portrait or Landscape format.

Print cover page: Determine whether to print a cover page with the report, and select one of the following to determine which details are printed:

Expand all page-by fields: Print all combinations of items in the page-by axis when printing a report that has one or more items in the page-by axis. To print only the items currently displayed in the page-by fields, clear this check box.

Paper size: Select the paper size on which to print a report.

Margins (Inches): Set the left, right, top, and bottom margins. For reports to print according to these settings, these margin settings and the margin settings in the browser's File > Page Setup option must match.

Maximum header size (Inches): Set the size at which the report header can be overwritten. If the header is larger than its maximum size and the report must use the space to display its content, the header is cut off by the report content. If the report does not use the space, the entire header is displayed, regardless of size.

Maximum footer size (Inches): Set the size at which the report footer can be overwritten. If the footer is larger than its maximum size and the report must use the space to display its content, the footer is cut off by the report content. If the report does not use the space, the entire footer is displayed, regardless of size.

Use bitmaps for graphs: Determine if graphs are generated using a bitmap format or a vector format. Select the Use bitmaps for graphs check box to specify that graphs are generated using a bitmap format.

Use draft quality for graphs: Specify whether to use lower-quality graphs in the exported PDF. This results in a smaller PDF file size and is particularly helpful when you do not intend to print the report or document in a high-quality format. This option is only available if the Use bitmaps for graphs check box is selected.

Embed fonts: Determine if you want to use the original fonts in the report definition to display and print the PDF, even on machines that do not have those fonts installed. This ensures the portability of the PDF.

Show options when exporting to PDF: Determine whether the PDF Options page opens each time a report is exported to PDF.


Click Apply to save changes.


Note: Clicking Load Default Values will reset all preferences settings to defaults.

Related Topics

Printing a report or document

Specifying the header and footer for a report

Print Reports preferences


