Specifying the Header and Footer for a Report

Headers and footer specifications can be edited in User Preferences and Project Defaults, or for an individual report from within the report.

The configuration of the header and footer at the report level overwrites the configuration at the User Preferences and Project Defaults levels.

Static text and auto-text can be added to a header or footer. Auto-text is replaced by the appropriate information when the report is exported. For example, insert the auto-text {&Report} into the header of a report named Monthly Sales and Monthly Sales is displayed in the header when the report is exported. See the table below the procedure for a list of the available auto-text for an exported report.  


To edit the header or footer for an individual report:

  1. While viewing any report, click the Home tab and click the Export icon. This displays the Export Options Editor.

  2. Next to Export Header and Footer, click the Edit Custom Settings button.

  3. Add either static or dynamic text to the header:

  4. Specify the placement of the header by selecting one of the following:

  5. Add either static or dynamic text to the footer:

    Enter text in the Footer field to add static text to the footer.

    Select auto-text from the Insert Auto-text... drop-down list to add auto-text to the footer.

  6. Click Apply to apply changes.

The table below contains auto-text that can be added to the header or footer.




Sample Output





The current date.

Execution Date




The date that the report was executed.

Execution Time



2:21:31 PM

The time that the report was executed.

Filter Details



Filter Details: Report Filter:

(Year = 2007

2008) And ({District} =

Washington, DC



New Orleans)

Report Limits:

Net Sales Greater Than 10000

The filter details include the contents of the report filter, view filter, and report limit.

You can configure how the filter details are displayed. For details, see Configuring auto text codes.

Filter Name


Region Filter

The name of the report filter.

Page By


Year: 2007

The contents of the Page By field.

Prompt Details


Prompt 1: Region prompt

Northwest, Southwest

Prompt 2: Year

Year (ID)= 2007

The answers provided for each prompt in the report.

You can configure how the prompt details are displayed. For details, see Configuring auto text codes.

Prompt N


Mid-Atlantic, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, South, Southwest

The answers provided for a specified prompt. For example, {&Prompt1&} displays the prompt answers for the first prompt in the report.

Report Description


Summary of Refund and Exchange counts, amounts, averages, and percentages by the selected attributes of the Store hierarchy. This includes Refunds, Exchanges Out, Exchanges In, and Even Exchanges.

The short description of the report.

Report Details


Report Description:

Revenue, profit, & cost by region & employee

Report Filter: (2007)

Filter for Year = 2007

Year = 2007

Report Limits: Revenue > 2000000

Template: Region, Employee

Metrics: Revenue, Revenue {~+}, Cost, Sum(Cost){~+}, Profit, Sum(Profit){~+}

The complete report details, including report description, prompt details, filter details, and template details of the specified report.

You can configure how the report details are displayed. For details, see Configuring auto text codes.

Report Filter Details


Report Filter:

Year = 2007

The contents of the report filter.

Report Limit Details


Report Limits:

Revenue > 2000000

The report limit used in the report.

Report Name


Sales Metrics by Region

The name of the report.

Report Notes


Notes: Administrator 3/10/2010 4:04:16 PM: Added metric Profit Margin.


Any notes added to the report.

Template Details


Template: Region, Employee

Metrics: Revenue, Revenue {~+}, Cost, Sum(Cost){~+}, Profit, Sum(Profit){~+}

The complete template details, including attribute details and metric details.

You can configure how the template details are displayed. For details, see Configuring auto text codes.

Template Name


West Coast Sales Template.

The name of the template.



3:07:11 PM

The current time.

User Filter Details


Drill Filter:

(Year = 2007) And (Category = Books)

The contents of the drill filter. For example, if you drill down to sales information for the year 2007, the drill filter will contain (Year = 2007).

User Name


John Smith

The name of the current user.

View Filter Details


Region = Northeast

The contents of the view filter.


Related topics

Export Reports preferences

Print Reports (PDF) preferences

Print Reports preferences

Exporting a grid report

Exporting a graph report


