Export Reports Preferences

Reports may be exported to some other software, such as Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF, or a simple text file. Use the Export Reports preferences screen to specify export preferences.


The following preferences are available:

Export: From the drop-down list, select either Whole report to export the entire report or Portion displayed only to export only the portion of the report displayed on the browser.

Export grids to:

Excel with plain text: The report is exported and displayed as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which contains only the text of the grid report. The spreadsheet does not retain the formatting of the displayed report.

CSV file format: The report is exported as a CSV file. The contents of the grid report are displayed, separated by commas.

Excel with formatting: The report is exported and displayed as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet retains the formatting of the report as displayed, such as colors, fonts, and structure.

HTML: The grid report is exported to an HTML file.

Plain text: The contents of the grid report are exported to plain text, and the selected Delimiter separates data from each cell of the report.

Export graphs to:

Excel with formatting: The graph report is opened in the version of Excel selected in the Excel version drop-down list.

HTML: The graph report is exported to an HTML file.

Export HTML documents to:

HTML: The HTML document maintains its format, color, and structure when exported to an HTML file.

Excel without formatting: Only grids from the HTML document are exported to plain text, giving users access to the data within the grid reports. Graph reports in HTML documents are not exported to Excel.

Export Report Title: The title of the report is included in the exported information. This check box is

Export Page-By Information: If the report has objects in the page-by field, the objects in the page-by field are included in the exported information.

Export filter details: Choose whether or not to export the filter details of the report. If exporting is selected, they appear above the exported report.

Export Header and Footer:

Export Header and Footer: Specify header and footer details by clicking Edit Custom Settings.

Edit Custom Settings: Click Edit Custom Settings to edit the header and footer settings. Type text in the Header and Footer fields, or select auto-text to insert from the Insert Auto-text drop-down list. For detailed steps to edit the header and footer and more information about auto-text, see Specifying the header and footer for a report. The export header and footer can also be included as part of a subscribed report.

Remove extra column: Determine whether or not the column that displays the word "Metrics" is displayed on the exported report.

Yes: The word "Metrics" is not displayed.

No: The word "Metrics" is displayed.

Automatic: The report-level setting for the feature is applied.

Expand all page-by fields: Determine whether or not to export all objects in the page-by drop-down lists when exporting a report. To export only the objects currently selected in the page-by field, clear this check box. For an introduction to page-by, see Grouping data by page: Page-by.

Excel options

Excel version: Specify which version of Excel is used to export reports and documents. The selected version also determines whether the export settings at the report level are considered or not.

The options are:

Excel XP/2003

Excel 2007 or newer versions

Export metric values as text: Determine whether numeric values should be exported as text or as numbers. When exporting metric values as numbers, Excel may automatically format the number. For example, $34.23614 may be rounded to $34.24 in Excel. If exporting metric values as text, Excel will not automatically format the numbers. This setting only applies to exports to Excel.

Export headers as text: Determine whether header values should be exported as text or in the current format, which could be numeric, date, and so on. This setting only applies to exports to Excel.

Excel with formatting options

Place each page on a separate sheet: Determine whether each page of the report will be placed on a separate Excel sheet.

Always export graphs as live Excel charts: Determine whether graph reports are exported as Excel charts which can be edited. If unselected, graphs are exported to Excel as bitmaps.

Embed images: Determine whether exported graphs and images from the report are included in the Excel spreadsheet as images. If this check box is selected, the images and graphs can be accessed off-line from the spreadsheet.  Note: Live charts are supported by all versions of Excel. Only Excel XP or later versions support embedded images.

Show options when exporting: Determine whether the Export Options screen opens to export a report. The Export Options screen contains tools and settings used to easily change export settings, such as which format to export to. To automatically export reports with the settings specified on this page, clear this check box.


Click Apply to save changes.


Note: Clicking Load Default Values will reset all preferences settings to defaults.


Related topics

Exporting a grid report

Exporting a graph report

Exporting a document


