Properties and Formatting: Alignment

You can specify how the text within the text field is aligned using the Alignment options in the Properties and Formatting dialog box.

Note: The Alignment options are available only when you are formatting text fields and Grid/Graphs.


These are the options in the Alignment section of the Properties and Formatting dialog box:

Text Alignment:

    1. Horizontal: Change the horizontal alignment of text within the text field. Select left, center, right, or justified alignment.

      Vertical: Change the vertical alignment of text within the text field. Select left, center, right, or justified alignment. This applies only to Flash Mode.

Text control (is available for text fields only)

    1. Wrap text: specifies whether to wrap the text in the text field.

      Text direction: specifies whether the text is displayed:

      1. Horizontally (across the page)

        90 degrees (vertically from bottom to top)

        -90 degrees (vertically from top to bottom)

      Note: Vertical text is displayed in PDF view, in all display modes except Flash Mode, and when the document is exported to Excel.

Padding: adds space between the text and the border of the control. You can add padding to the Left, Right, Top, and/or Bottom of the control. Padding is not available for selectors.

Related Topics

Properties and Formatting: Grid

Properties and Formatting: Color and Lines

Properties and Formatting: Font

Properties and Formatting: Number

Properties and Formatting Dialog Box


