Properties and Formatting: Color and Lines

You can format the color and borders of your control, shape, or line using the following Color and Lines options in the Properties and Formatting dialog box. Follow the instructions below to modify color and lines:

The options available in the Color and Lines section of the Properties and Formatting dialog box when formatting a control are described below:


Fill: Specify the following to determine how the control is formatted.

Note: If DHTML is disabled, you cannot create custom colors in the color picker or apply gradients.

    1. Color: Specify a color with which to fill the selected object by clicking the arrow on the color menu and selecting a color.

      1. Access additional colors by clicking the More Colors button.

        Apply a color gradient, which is a combination of two colors, to the object. To do so, select the Gradients button. In the Gradients dialog box that opens, select the two colors to use for the gradient. Then select a shading style in which to display the gradient to determine the direction in which the two colors are blended together.


Borders: Select the type of border to draw around the control.

    1. None: No borders appear around the selected object. This is the default setting.

      All: Borders surround the selected object on all sides. After selecting this option, from the drop-down list, select a line style for the border and, from the color picker, a color.

      Custom: Determine whether the left, right, top, and bottom borders are displayed, and if so, the type of line and color used for each border.

    Note: You can also define the fill color or border color by typing the hex code of the required color in the Hex field.

Related Topics

Properties and Formatting: Grid

Properties and Formatting: Font

Properties and Formatting: Number

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Properties and Formatting Dialog Box



