Properties and Formatting: Number

You can specify a number format for text in a text field using the following Number options in the Properties and Formatting dialog box:

Note: The Number options are displayed only if a text field is selected.

When you select one of the number format options, an example of the number category and additional options are displayed on the right. For example, you can choose to display numbers as currency and also determine the number of decimal places for the values.

  1. Default


    Fixed: If you select Fixed as the category, you can determine the number of decimal places to be displayed, whether you want numbers to be separated every three decimal places, and whether negative numbers are allowed.


    Date: If you select Date as your category, you need to choose which date Type to use, such as 4/12/07, April 12, 2007, 4/7/2007, and so on.





    Custom: Define your own custom number format if none of the existing formats meet your needs. To do so, enter the number formatting symbols, such as 123,456.789.

Note: Once you create a custom format, you can use it in other metrics as well by clicking Custom in the Category list and selecting the format from the Custom drop-down list.

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Properties and Formatting: Grid

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Properties and Formatting Dialog Box


