Adding Images to a Dashboard

Once you have created a dashboard, you can add images to the dashboard. For example, you can add a corporate logo or photo to your dashboard.

You can specify the location of the image in either of the following ways:

Images larger than 3MB are compressed, unless they are a .gif file. If the compression does not result in a file smaller than 3MB, the image cannot be embedded. Use a URL to specify the image's location instead.

Only one copy of each image is included in the dashboard file, even if the image is used on different sheets.

You can specify that the image opens a URL when you click the image. For example, if you click your corporate logo, your company’s home page opens.

You can move, resize, and select formatting properties for images, as described in the steps below.

For steps to delete an image, see To delete an image from a dashboard.


You must have Edit Dashboard and  Run Dashboard privileges.


To add an image to a dashboard:

  1. From the dashboard's toolbar, click the Insert icon , then click Image. A blank image container is displayed at the top of the dashboard. (You can move and resize the image later.)

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. To move the image, click and drag the image to its new location in the dashboard, so that an indicator line is displayed in the location in which you want to place the image. The image is moved to its new location and displayed.

To format the image:

  1. From the Properties panel, select the appropriate options to format and display the image, as described in the steps below. Note: If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

  2. You can keep the image's original aspect ratio when the image is resized. Select one of the following:

  1. To size the image, choose from the following:

    1. Type the width of the image, in pixels, in the X field.

    2. Type the height of the image, in pixels, in the Y field.

  1. From the Fill Color palette, select the background color of the image's container.

  2. To specify a border to display around the image, from the Outer Border drop-down lists, select the following:

  1. From the first drop-down list, select the type of border.

  2. From the palette, select the border color.

  1. You can use the image as a link to a URL, or open a report or document when the users click the image. From the Link drop-down list, select one of the following:

  1. In the field, type the URL to link to.

  2. In the Tooltip field, type text to display when the user hovers the cursor over the image.

  1. Click the Browse (...) button. Navigate to and select the report or document to open, then click OK.

  2. In the Tooltip field, type text to display when the user hovers the cursor over the image

  3. You can determine whether to open the link in a new window. Do one of the following:

To delete an image from a dashboard:

In the dashboard, hover the cursor over the image to delete, then click the arrow icon, and select Delete. The image is deleted from the dashboard.

Related topics

Adding text to a dashboard


