Modifying a Report to Specify Subscription Recipients

You use master file source reports containing email addresses to which to deliver reports and documents, such as District Master, to define dynamic lists In User Preferences > Dynamic Address Lists. Dynamic address lists appear in the list of Available Recipients when defining a new subscription to a standard report or document. When the subscription is executed, only the data that matches the filtered data is included in the delivered report or document. Filtering is performed by the pre-set security filters for each email address.

The reports used for creating dynamic address lists are stored in the Shared Reports > Master File Distribution folder.  They are derived from core master tables for Store, District, and Region for Retail installations and District and Location for Food and Beverage installations.  You can create a custom list by modifying one of the supplied reports. For example, you can add a filter to the Store Master File Distribution report to screen for specific  stores in the Western region and save the report under a different name. MFD source reports all have these characteristics:

Related topics

Adding a stand-alone filter to a report.

Creating a filter within a report: Embedded filters

Dynamic Address Lists Preferences


