Dashboard Editor: ESRI Map: Properties

You can format an ESRI Map visualization in a dashboard to determine whether markers on the map are clustered together in the visualization, or change the background map theme to a street map or satellite map, for example.

From the drop-down list at the top of the panel, determine which part of the map to format. See the appropriate section below for formatting options:

Map options

Title and Container options

Data Labels options

Map options

The Map options contain general formatting options for the map’s display, such as the display theme, map type, clustering, and so on. The following options are available:

You can define additional formatting options, such as how to display the attribute form names and how null and zero metric values are hidden. To access these options, click More Options. For detailed descriptions of these options, see More Options dialog box.

Title and Container options

The following options are available to format the title and background of a ESRI Map visualization:

Data Labels options

You can show or hide data labels for locations or markers in the visualization. For example, if the map displays countries, you can display text showing each country’s name and its gross national product. Data labels allow you to view pertinent values or text in the visualization without having to hover the cursor over each item to view a tooltip.

The following options are available to display and format the labels on an ESRI Map visualization:

To select formatting options for an ESRI Map visualization:

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it. Click the visualization to format.

  2. On the Properties panel, select the appropriate options to format the visualization, as described above. Note: If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

Related topic

Creating an ESRI Map visualization


