Creating an ESRI Map Visualization

You can display your data as locations on an interactive map using the ESRI Map visualization. For example, you can create a visualization that displays how customer households are clustered in different parts of the country using a density map, or display retail locations as a series of map markers that users can click to view additional information about stores in their area.

You can display data in an ESRI Map visualization in the following ways:

Steps are provided below to create and add data to an ESRI Map visualization:

Providing geographic information for an ESRI Map visualization that displays map markers or a density map

To display map markers or a density map in the ESRI Map visualization, you must provide the latitude and longitude of each location in the map. You can provide this data in the following ways:

You can also assign an attribute the Latitude or Longitude geo role to identify it as containing latitude or longitude information. The attribute can then be used to provide geographic information for locations in the visualization, as described in the prerequisites below.

For background information on importing data into the application, including steps to assign a geo role to an attribute, see About importing data.

Providing geographic information for an ESRI Map visualization that displays areas

To display areas in the visualization, you must provide an attribute whose values include the names of each area to display, as provided by the visualization's base map. The base map is a map that contains the shape of each area that can be displayed in the visualization. For example, the base map for Countries of the World contains the shape information required to display each country on a world map. The base maps available in the application include the following:

For example, you want to display a map that contains a colored area for each country in which your company has sales representatives. You can create an attribute called Country, which contains the names of these countries, then use the Country attribute to provide location information in a visualization that uses the Countries of the World base map.

the application uses the attribute that contains location information to determine the default base map to display in the visualization. If a geo role, such as State or Country, has been assigned to this attribute, the visualization will automatically display the first base map that supports the geo role as the attribute. For example, if the attribute’s geo role is State, the US States base map will be displayed in the visualization by default. If a geo role has not been assigned to the attribute, you select the appropriate base map to use.

You create and assign geo roles to attributes while you are importing data. For background information about importing data into the application, see About importing data.


To create an ESRI Map visualization that displays map markers:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. From the toolbar, click the Insert Visualization icon . A new blank visualization is added to the dashboard and displayed.

  3. From the Visualization Gallery, click the ESRI Map icon. Note: If the Visualization Gallery is not displayed, from the View menu, select Visualization Gallery.

  4. If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

  5. Select Map Options from the drop-down list at the top of the Properties panel.

  6. From the Map Type drop-down list, select Marker.

  7. From the Map Style drop-down list, select the display theme to apply to the map, such as Street Map or Terrain Map.

  8. You can enable map markers to be clustered together when a large number of map markers must be displayed in the same map area. Each cluster of markers is displayed as a separate bubble or image marker. Users can double-click a cluster to zoom in on the area and display individual map markers in the cluster. From the Clustering drop-down list, select one of the following:

  1. From the Marker Type drop-down list, select the type of map marker to display, as follows:

  1. You can determine whether to display a legend for the map. The legend shows the relationship between the color of each marker and the metric value for that location. Do one of the following:

  1. To display the Editor panel, from the View menu, select Editor Panel. If the Editor panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Editor icon to display the Editor panel.

  2. If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

  3. From the Datasets panel, click and drag dataset objects to the appropriate area in the Editor panel, as follows:

  1. Click and drag the attribute that contains the latitude information to the Latitude area.

  2. Click and drag the attribute that contains the longitude information to the Longitude area.

Note: You can also drag objects from the Datasets panel directly onto the visualization.

  1. f on the Properties tab you selected Pie for the Clustering option, then the Angle and Color By areas display on the Editor tab. The number shown in the center of each pie graph indicates the number of items in the cluster. Note the following regarding the pie graph slices:

  1. You can color map markers in the visualization based on the value of a metric. From the Datasets panel, click and drag the metric to the Color By area.

  2. You can customize the colors used to display map markers or replace image markers with a different image based on the value of the metric in the Color By area. To do so, you must define a threshold on the metric used to display the map markers. In the Color By area, right-click the metric and select Thresholds. The Thresholds Editor opens. Select the appropriate options to define the formatting to apply to the map markers

  3. If you have chosen to display bubble markers in the visualization, you can size the bubble markers based on the value of a metric, with the largest bubbles being displayed for the largest metric values. From the Datasets panel, click and drag the metric to use to size the bubble markers to the Size By area.

  4. For each attribute in the Editor panel, you can select which attribute forms are displayed in the visualization. An attribute form is a descriptive category for an attribute. For a more detailed description, including how to select what attribute information to display in the headers, see Selecting which attribute forms to display in a visualization.

To select the attribute forms, in the Editor panel, right-click the attribute and point to Display Attribute Form. Select one of the following:

  1. By default, when a user clicks a map marker in the visualization, a tooltip containing additional information about the location is displayed. You can include the values of additional dataset objects, such as related attributes and metrics, in the tooltip. To do this, from the Datasets panel, click and drag the dataset objects to the Tooltip section.

  2. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

To create an ESRI Map visualization that displays a density map:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. From the toolbar, click the Insert Visualization icon . A new blank visualization is added to the dashboard and displayed.

  3. From the Visualization Gallery, click the ESRI Map icon. Note: If the Visualization Gallery is not displayed, from the View menu, select Visualization Gallery.

  4. If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

  5. Select Map Options from the drop-down list at the top of the Properties panel.

  6. From the Map Type drop-down list, select Density.

  7. From the Map Style drop-down list, select the display theme to apply to the map, such as Street Map or Terrain Map.

  8. Under Density Map Color Gradient, select the color theme to use to show locations on the map. For example, to display areas with a low density of locations of interest as blue, and areas with a high density as red, select the color theme that changes from blue to red.

  9. You can determine whether or not a legend is displayed for the map. The legend shows the relationship between the color of each marker and the metric value for that location. Do one of the following:

  1. To display the Editor panel, from the View menu, select Editor Panel. If the Editor panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Editor icon to display the Editor panel.

  2. If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

  3. From the Datasets panel, click and drag dataset objects to the appropriate area in the Editor panel, as follows:

  1. Click and drag the attribute that contains the latitude information to the Latitude area.

  2. Click and drag the attribute that contains the longitude information to the Longitude area.

  1. For each attribute in the Editor panel, you can select which attribute forms are displayed in the visualization. An attribute form is a descriptive category for an attribute. For a more detailed description, including how to select what attribute information to display in the headers, see Selecting which attribute forms to display in a visualization.

To select the attribute forms, in the Editor panel, right-click the attribute and point to Display Attribute Form. Select one of the following:

  1. By default, when a user clicks a location in the visualization, a tooltip containing additional information about the location is displayed. You can include the values of additional dataset objects, such as related attributes and metrics, in the tooltip. To do this, from the Datasets panel, click and drag the dataset objects to the Tooltip section.

  2. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

To create an ESRI Map visualization that displays areas:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. From the toolbar, click the Insert Visualization icon . A new blank visualization is added to the dashboard and displayed.

  3. From the Visualization Gallery, click the ESRI Map icon. Note: If the Visualization Gallery is not displayed, from the View menu, select Visualization Gallery.

  4. If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

  5. Select Map Options from the drop-down list at the top of the Properties panel.

  6. From the Map Type drop-down list, select Area.

  7. From the Map Style drop-down list, select the display theme to apply to the map, such as Street Map or Terrain Map.

  8. From the Boundaries drop-down list, select the name of the base map to use to display areas in the map, such as World Admin Divisions or US States.

  9. Specify whether to display a legend for the map:

  1. To display the Editor panel, from the View menu, select Editor Panel. If the Editor panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Editor icon to display the Editor panel.

  2. If the Datasets panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Datasets Panel.

  3. From the Datasets panel, click and drag the attribute containing the location information for each area to the Geo Attribute section in the Editor panel. You can also drag objects from the Datasets panel directly onto the visualization.

  4. To display map areas in different colors based on the value of a metric, from the Datasets panel, click and drag the metric to the Color By section.

  5. For each attribute in the Editor panel, you can select which attribute forms are displayed in the visualization. An attribute form is a descriptive category for an attribute. For a more detailed description, including how to select what attribute information to display in the headers, see Selecting which attribute forms to display in a visualization.

To select the attribute forms, in the Editor panel, right-click the attribute and point to Display Attribute Form. Select one of the following:

  1. You can customize the colors used to display map areas based on the value of the metric in the Color By section. To do so, you must define a threshold on the metric. In the Color By section, right-click the metric and select Thresholds. The Thresholds Editor opens. Select the appropriate options to define the formatting to apply to the map areas.

  2. By default, when a user clicks an area in the visualization, a tooltip containing additional information about the location is displayed. You can include the values of additional dataset objects, such as related attributes and metrics, in the tooltip. To do this, from the Datasets panel, click and drag the dataset objects to the Tooltip section.

  3. Click the Save icon to save your changes.

Related topics

Formatting visualizations

Dashboard Editor: ESRI Map: Properties


