Dashboard Editor: Heat Map: Properties

You can format a Heat Map visualization to determine how rectangles in the visualization are sized and positioned; whether to show or hide labels, the legend, and metric values; the position of the rectangle headers; and so on.

From the drop-down list at the top of the panel, determine what part of the visualization to format. See the appropriate section below for formatting options:

Data Exploration options - The Data Exploration options contain general formatting options to determine how to display rectangles, whether to display labels for rectangles, and so on.

Title and Container options

Legend options

Data Exploration options

The Data Exploration options contain general formatting options to determine how to display rectangles, whether to display labels for rectangles, and so on. The following options are available:

Layout: Determine how rectangles in the visualization are sized and positioned. The options are:

Headers: Determine whether to display rectangle headers In the Center (default) or On Top of each rectangle.

Labels: You can choose whether to label each rectangle with the name of the attribute element it represents. From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:

Show Metric Values: Select this option to display the metric values for each rectangle in the visualization. For example, if you add Region, Profit, and Revenue to the Heat Map visualization, with rectangles displayed for each customer region, you can select the Show Metric Values check box to display the profit and revenue data for the Mid-Atlantic region in the Mid-Atlantic rectangle, the profit and revenue data for the Northeast region in the Northeast rectangle, and so on.

Shape Color: Displayed only if the rectangles are colored automatically based on the value of a metric or the values in an attribute.

If the heat map’s rectangles are colored by attribute values, the following options are displayed. The application automatically selects the colors for each attribute value. You can instead select the color for any or all attribute values. For each attribute value to change, complete the following:

  1. Select the attribute value in the Shape Color drop-down list.

  2. From the color palette in the next drop-down list, select the color to use to display the attribute value. To restore an attribute value to its default color, in the color palette, select Automatic.

  3. Type the opacity of the color, with higher percentage values being more opaque.

To color rectangles by attribute values, place the attribute in the Color By area in the Editor panel. For details, see Creating a Heat Map visualization.

If the heat map’s rectangles are colored by metric values, the following options are displayed:

To color rectangles by metric values, place the metric in the Color By area in the Editor panel. For more details, see Creating a Heat Map visualization.

  1. From the Selection drop-down list, determine the text to format. The options are All, Headers, or Labels. (Available if the Header Position is set to On Top.)

  2. Click the plus (+) icon to increase the size of text in the visualization, or click the minus (-) icon to decrease the size of text in the visualization.

  3. From the drop-down list, select the font type to use to display the text.

  1. From the color palette, select the color to use to display the headers.

  2. Type a number to specify the opacity of the rectangle headers, with higher percentage values being more opaque.

Header Fill is available when the headers are positioned at the top of the rectangles. If the headers are positioned in the middle of the rectangles, the headers do not use a separate background color.

You can define additional formatting options, such as how to display the attribute form names and how null and zero metric values are hidden. To access these options, click More Options. For detailed descriptions of these options, see More Options dialog box.

Title and Container options

The following options are available to format the title, background, and rectangle headers in a Heat Map visualization:

Title: Use the following options to display and format the visualization’s title:

Container: Use the following options to format the display of the container in which the Heat Map visualization is displayed:

Legend options

Use the following options to display and format the visualization’s legend:

Show Legend: Select this option to display a legend in the visualization.

Fill: Use the following options to format the color of the legend’s background:


To format a Heat Map visualization:

  1. Click the name of a dashboard to run it, then click the visualization to format.

  2. From the visualization's Properties panel, select the appropriate options to format the visualization, as described above. Note: If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

Related topic

Creating a Heat Map visualization


