Dashboard Editor: Filter: Properties

Once you have added a filter for a visualization in a dashboard, you can select formatting options for the filter. For example, you can determine whether to show the filter's title bar, or determine whether to display the filter as check boxes or a slider. This type of filter filters the data within a specific visualization, to select what data is displayed on the visualization. You can also use this type of filter to filter the objects displayed in a filter that targets a visualization. For examples and more detailed descriptions, including steps to create the filters, see Creating a filter for the data on a visualization.


To format a filter for a sheet:

  1. Click the name of the dashboard to run it.

  2. Click the tab of the sheet that contains the filter.

  3. Click the filter to format.

  4. If the Properties panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Properties Panel. If the Properties panel is hidden behind another panel, click the Properties icon to display the Properties panel.

Filter properties

The following options are available to format the display of items in the filter:

The options available vary based on the type of filter that you are formatting.

Title and Container properties

The following options are available to format the title bar of a filter, which contains the filter's name, and the container in which a filter is displayed in the dashboard:

Related topic

Creating a filter for the data on a visualization


