Grouping attribute elements in a dashboard

An attribute is a business concept, such as Region or Category, that is reflected in the data in your data source. Attributes provide a context in which to report on and analyze business facts or calculations. Attributes are comprised of attribute elements, which are the values of the attribute. For example, the attribute Region includes the attribute elements North and South; January, February, and March are elements of the attribute Month.

You can define groups of attribute elements in a dashboard by:

You can group elements of an attribute imported from your data sources, or of a derived attribute that you created on the dashboard. For steps to create a derived attribute, and general information about them, see Creating an attribute based on existing objects: Derived attributes.

How groups are subtotaled

When subtotals are calculated for a visualization that contains groups:

Any elements that are not included in a group, whether it is an element group or a calculated group, are included in subtotals.

For example, three element groups are created for the Month attribute, to group the months into seasons. January, February, and March are not included in the groups. When the visualization is subtotaled by region, the revenue for the groups and for the unused attribute elements are included in the totals, as shown below:

In the following example, three calculated groups are created for the Month attribute, to return the average revenue for each season. Because these are calculated groups, the groups are added to the visualization, and do not replace the attribute elements. The Spring Average group is the average of the April, May, and June revenue values. Notice that the total revenue for North is the same on this visualization as on the previous visualization, even though this visualization contains three extra rows for the groups. The calculated groups are not included in the subtotal. All of the month elements are included in the subtotal, whether or not they are used in the groups.

Related topics

Replacing attribute elements with an element group on a dashboard

Creating a new element on a dashboard using a calculation

Consolidating unused elements into a group on a dashboard



