Oracle Data Loader On Demand Guide > Files, Record Types, and Parameters for Oracle Data Loader On Demand >

Command-Line Parameters for Oracle Data Loader On Demand

Oracle Data Loader On Demand has a command-line interface. The syntax for running Oracle Data Loader On Demand is:

java -jar Oracle_DataLoader_OnDemand.jar parameters

Option names and values are case sensitive and must be in lower case. Parameters with spaces must be enclosed in double quotes.

The parameters are listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Command-Line Parameters for Oracle_DataLoader_OnDemand.jar
Required or Optional

-username value


Your User Sign In ID for Oracle CRM On Demand.

-operation value


Operation type. The value must be one of the following:

  • insert. The Insert operation creates new records in the database. If a record already exists, then the import fails. Uniqueness is determined by the values of the database user key. Uniqueness is determined by the values of the required fields. To determine uniqueness for a record and which fields are required, see Table 7.
  • update. The Update operation updates only records that already exist in the database. The record can be found by matching the External System ID.
  • upsert. The Upsert operation performs either an Insert operation or an Update operation, depending on if the external record can be matched to an existing record in the database.
  • resume. The Resume operation is used only to restart an operation that was previously interrupted by a user.

-propertyfilepath value


Specifies the path and file name of a properties file. If you do not specify a properties file, then you must specify all the parameters for the Input, Update, Upsert, or Resume operations.

-clientloglevel value


Specifies the level of detail for the log file. It must be one of the following:

  • basic. Provides high-level errors. This is the default value.
  • detailed. Provides more detailed error messages for troubleshooting.
  • all. Provides all error messages, including any third party error messages generated from any libraries used by the client. Use this option only when instructed by Customer Care to troubleshoot an issue.

NOTE:  If you set -clientloglevel to all or detailed, then the command-line parameters are copied to the log file.

-clientlogfiledir value


Specifies the directory in which to save the OracleDataLoaderOnDemand log file. This log file stores errors and warnings related to the submission of an Insert, Update, or Upsert job. Errors in an Insert, Update, or Upsert operation are stored in a server log, which is accessible by Customer Care.

If you do not use -clientlogfiledir to specify a directory, then the OracleDataLoaderOnDemand log file is stored in the same directory as the Oracle_DataLoader_OnDemand.jar file.



Disables the auditing of record creation and update during an import request. This setting takes effect if you have the Manage Record Auditing for Imports privilege. By default, auditing is turned on for each request.

Import performance for some objects improves when auditing is turned off.



Displays a list of available parameters.

-proxyserver value


Specifies the name of a proxy server.

-proxyserverport value


Specifies a port on the proxy server.

-proxyauthusername value


Proxy server authentication name. If this parameter is specified, Oracle Data Loader On Demand prompts for the proxy server authentication user password.

-hosturl value


Specifies the Oracle CRM On Demand host URL.



Specifies the character set encoding of the data file and map file. If this parameter is not specified, a value of UTF-8 is the default. For a list of supported values, see the following:

When you run Oracle Data Loader On Demand from the command-line you are prompted to enter your password. This is a security feature to prevent unauthorized people from gaining access to your password. If you are not concerned with password security, then you can put your password in a text file, and specify the file name on the command-line. For security reasons, this method is not recommended. For example:

java -jar Oracle_DataLoader_OnDemand.jar -username "AcmeRentals/jbrown" -propertyfilepath "D:\dataload\propfiles\insert_leads.txt" < password.txt

Where password.txt is the name of the file that contains your password.

Command-Line and Properties File

You can specify the parameters for any operation (Insert, Update, Upsert, or Resume) on the command-line, or use a properties file. If you use a properties file (recommended), then the command-line must contain the following parameters:

  • username
  • propertyfilepath

If you specify all possible parameters in the properties file, then the resulting command-line resembles the following:

java -jar Oracle_DataLoader_OnDemand.jar -username "AcmeRentals/jbrown" -propertyfilepath "D:\dataload\propfiles\insert_leads.txt"

If the same parameter is specified in both the properties file and the command-line, the command-line value overrides the value in the properties file.

NOTE:  Do not specify your user name in the properties file. This parameter must be specified on the command-line.

Example of Oracle Data Loader On Demand Command-Line

The following is an example of a command-line to run Oracle Data Loader On Demand for the following conditions:

  • Inserting records.
  • User ID is AcmeRentals/jbrown.
  • The log file is stored in:


  • The log detail level is basic.
  • The properties file is in the following directory:


The resulting command-line is:

java -jar Oracle_DataLoader_OnDemand.jar -operation "insert" -username "AcmeRentals/jbrown" -clientlogfiledir "D:\dataload\logs" -clientloglevel "basic"
-propertyfilepath "D:\dataload\propfiles\insert_leads.txt"

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