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Insert, Update, and Upsert Parameters

To insert, update, or upsert records in Oracle CRM On Demand, you must prepare your data file and a corresponding map file. For information on preparing a data file, see Data File for Oracle Data Loader On Demand. For information on creating a map file, see Map File for Oracle Data Loader On Demand.

You can also create a properties file. For information on the format of a properties file, see Properties File for Oracle Data Loader On Demand.

Table 4 lists the Insert, Update, and Upsert parameters that you set in the properties file. Note that all parameters are in lower case. The values used with the parameters can be case sensitive (such as path names). If an optional parameter (such as -csvdelimiter) is not specified, its default value is used.

Table 4. Insert, Update, and Upsert Parameters in the Properties File
Required or Optional

-datafilepath value


The full path (including the file name) of the data file that you want to import.

-mapfilepath value


The full path (including the file name) of the map file.

-recordtype value


Record type of the data that you want to import. For a list of supported record types, see Supported Record Types for Oracle Data Loader On Demand.

-duplicatecheckoption value


Duplicate check option. Use this parameter only for Update and Upsert operations. Use this parameter to specify which field Oracle Data Loader On Demand uses to check records to determine whether the record is a duplicate. The value must be one of the following:

  • externalid. This is the default value.
  • rowid

If you specify this parameter for an Insert operation, it is ignored. No duplicate checking occurs, and it does not cause an error or warning.

-datetimeformat value


Date and time format. The date and time formats for this selection are listed in Table 8.

-csvdelimiter value


CSV delimiter used in the data file. The value must be one of the following:

  • , (comma). This is the default value. This delimiter applies to the data file only; it is not used for the map file or properties file.
  • ; (semicolon)

-importloglevel value


Specify the error level of the log file. The value must be one of the following:

  • all. Lists all error messages.
  • errorswarnings. Lists error and warning messages only.
  • errors. Lists error messages only. This is the default value. This setting is for Insert, Update, and Upsert operations on the server.

For troubleshooting tasks, you can increase the log level to all, which records all detailed error messages. However, the all error level slows down an operation.



When specified, you get a prompt if:

  • The processing of the request is complete with a status of Completed.
  • You press CTRL+C.
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