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Web Services v1.0 API Calls

The Web Services v1.0 methods are listed in Table 15. These methods can be called on most Oracle CRM On Demand objects (record types), for example, Account, Contact, Opportunity, and so on, including Custom Objects 01 through 03, but not Custom Objects from 04 onwards.

NOTE:  The actual method names consist of the object name prefix and Delete, Insert, and so on, for example, AccountDelete and AccountInsert are methods of the Account service.

Table 15. Web Services v1.0 Methods


Finds records in the Oracle CRM On Demand database that match specified field values, and then deletes them (in other words, puts them into the Deleted Items area).


Deletes child records from the Oracle CRM On Demand database, or removes the association between the child and the parent object.


Inserts new records into the Oracle CRM On Demand database.


Inserts new child records into the Oracle CRM On Demand database.


Updates existing records or inserts a new record if one did not exist.


Executes a query against a specified list of records, and returns a subset of the records that match the search criteria set by the method arguments.


Updates records with a new value.


Updates child records with a new value.

For each object, the methods are defined in the WSDL file for that object. Many of the methods described in this chapter can be called on all of the objects.

Before processing requests for the Insert and InsertOrUpdate methods, Oracle CRM On Demand checks whether the Record allotment for the company has been reached. If the allotment has been reached, the request is not processed.

Depending on whether an object is a parent or child object, Web services methods can act in different ways on the object in question. These differences are described in the following topics.

NOTE:  For Web Services v1.0, operations on a child object with more than 10,000 records cannot be processed. It is recommended that you use Web Services v2.0 operations to overcome this limitation.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 20.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 32) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.