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Removes child records from the Oracle CRM On Demand database.


You use the DeleteChild method to remove one or more child records of a particular object from an Oracle CRM On Demand instance, or remove the association between the child and parent object.

The deletion of child records or removal of association follows the same pattern as for deletion in the UI of the Oracle CRM On Demand application. For example, if you use AccountDeleteChild on a Contact child record, the association is removed, but the Contact is not deleted. On the other hand, if you use AccountDeleteChild on a Team child record, that record is deleted. However, the integration events generated in the UI and from Web services requests differ for child objects of Account, Contact, and Opportunity. For more information about these differences in integration events and about deleting records, see the information about workflow rules in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

CAUTION:  The parent object can be deleted by the DeleteChild method in some cases when a child object is not specified when executing the different DeleteChild methods. Nodes with at least one child are called internal nodes and nodes without children are called leaf nodes. DeleteChild operates on leaf nodes, so that if the request specifies a parent that has no children, the parent is deleted.You can avoid this situation by calling the Update method on the parent with an empty container for the children.


Table 17 describes the arguments taken by the DeleteChild method.

Table 17. Arguments Taken by the DeleteChild Method

ListOf(Object). For example, ListOfAccount

The list of child object instances to be deleted. Each child object has an associated parent object.


Not applicable



Controls whether data sent to Oracle CRM On Demand through integration Web services are recorded as transactions.




Return Value of the Call

The status key for each of the deleted child records.

Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide, Version 20.0 (Oracle CRM On Demand Release 32) Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.