Uploading MS Project Template

Using a MS Project template helps preserve the look and feel of the MS Project file as defined by your administrator. The tasks in the MS Project Template are also imported. You can upload the MS Project template and add it to a roadmap from the EnterpriseTrack Administration module. Only administrators can manage the MS Project template and can enable or disable MS Project integration for specific roadmaps. The MS Project integration flag is displayed on the Project Roadmap page. New projects are created using the roadmap setup in EnterpriseTrack and the MS Project template provided.

To enable MS Project Import/Export and to select a template file:

  1. Navigate to the Administration module.
  2. Select the Application Configuration tab.
  3. Click the Roadmaps link. The Roadmap List page is displayed.
  4. Select the [MS Project] link associated with the roadmap you want to edit.
  5. Select Yes to enable MS Project Import/Export.
  6. Click Browse and select an MS Project template file.
  7. Click Update.

See Also


MS Project Template Usage

Connection Mode

Locking Projects

During MS Project Import/Export

Data Mapping for EnterpriseTrack and MS Project

Exporting Project Data

Importing Project Data

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Last Published Tuesday, June 21, 2016