4 Configuring Library Features for STA

For the libraries to send high-quality SNMP data to STA, selected features must be configured appropriately. These features vary by library model. You should complete the activities in this chapter before continuing to Chapter 5, "Configuring SNMP on the Libraries".

This chapter includes the following sections:

Library Features Affecting STA Data

ADI Interface for LTO Drives

StorageTek modular libraries support Linear Tape Open (LTO) drives from HP and IBM. LTO drives that support the Automation/Drive Interface (ADI) can provide rich data (for example drive performance and utilization) to the library, depending on drive configuration and firmware level.

For a library to send rich LTO drive data to STA, ADI must be enabled on both the library and the LTO drives. If ADI is not enabled on both, the library will only send basic data about the LTO drives.

See the STA Requirements Guide for details about required drive firmware levels.

Enabling ADI on LTO Drives

The method for enabling ADI depends on the drive manufacturer and model.

  • HP LTO-3, LTO-4, LTO-5, and LTO-6: These drives switch automatically to ADI mode after ADI is enabled on the library, the library is rebooted, and the drives are rebooted. (Drives can be rebooted with SL Console.)

  • IBM LTO-3, LTO-4, LTO-5, and LTO-6: These drives must be explicitly configured for ADI mode and will not be recognized until ADI is enabled on the library and the library is rebooted. Table 4-1 provides additional detail.


The Belisarius adapter card provides the interface to the Oracle Key Manager (OKM) tape encryption solution. Both the drive and the Belisarius card firmware must meet the minimum requirements for STA.

Table 4-1 How ADI is Enabled on IBM LTO Drives

IBM LTO Drive LTO-3 LTO-4 LTO-5, LTO-6

IBM without the Belisarius adapter card

Oracle Support configures the drive hardware for ADI mode.

Oracle Support configures the drive hardware for ADI mode.


IBM with the Belisarius adapter card


Oracle Support configures the drive hardware for ADI mode.

The drive firmware must be configured for ADI mode with Virtual Operator Panel (VOP). Contact Oracle Support for assistance.

Enabling ADI on the Library

By default, ADI is not enabled on SL500, SL3000, and SL8500 libraries, and you or Oracle Support must enable it manually. Because enabling ADI requires a reboot of the library, you should enable it in advance if you are planning to install LTO drives.

For SL3000 and SL8500 libraries, you can enable ADI only if the library has a high-memory drive controller (HBT) card. See the STA Requirements Guide for details about the HBT card.

Dual TCP/IP and Redundant Electronics (SL3000 and SL8500 only)

Redundant Electronics and Dual TCP/IP are optional features for SL3000 and SL8500 libraries.

Dual TCP/IP protects library/host operations from network failures by providing two library TCP/IP ports, typically configured on separate subnets. In the event of network disruptions or failure on one subnet, the library/host connection automatically fails over to the other port.

Redundant Electronics protects against hardware failures on the library controller by providing two separate and fully functional library controller cards—an active and a standby. If the active controller experiences significant errors, library control can be switched to the standby card, with minimal disruption to library and host operations.

See the library User's Guide for complete details about these features.

Configuring the STA Connection to Support These Features

Depending on which of these features are activated—Dual TCP/IP, Redundant Electronics, or both—an SL3000 or SL8500 library can have one, two, or four IP addresses. However, STA is capable of maintaining uninterrupted connections with only up to two library IP addresses at a time. Therefore, on a given library, you can configure STA to support either Dual TCP/IP or Redundant Electronics, but not both.

When you configure the STA connection to the library, you must always specify a primary library IP address. You can optionally specify a secondary IP address, depending on the feature configuration of the library and which feature you want STA to support.


For libraries with both features, Oracle recommends that you configure STA to support Redundant Electronics, as this feature is more critical to maintaining continuous library operations.

If STA is configured to support Dual TCP/IP, STA maintains a connection with the library in the event of a port failover.

If STA is configured to support Redundant Electronics, if a controller card switch occurs, STA maintains a connection with the library through the port specified as the secondary library IP address.

See the library User's Guide for more information about these features.

Table 4-2 summarizes the recommended library IP addresses to use when configuring the STA connection to the library.

Table 4-2 Recommended Library IP Addresses for STA Connection

Activated Features Primary Library IP Secondary Library IP


2B port


Dual TCP/IP only

2B port

2A port on the active card

Redundant Electronics only

2B port on the active card

2B port on the standby card


2B port on the active card

2B port on the standby card

Additional Considerations for These Features

  • To configure STA to support Dual TCP/IP on an SL3000 or SL8500 library, you may need to use policy routing. For more information, consult the SL3000 or SL8500 Host Connectivity Guide. If you need assistance with Dual TCP/IP configuration, contact Oracle Support.

  • If a library has both Redundant Electronics and Dual TCP/IP, the STA server's subnet must be different from the subnet of the library port not configured for STA (see "Configure the SNMP Connection to a Library"). Otherwise, the library may try to send data through those ports (unknown to STA), and the data will be rejected by STA.

  • Make sure your default gateway is the 2B interface.

Library Complex ID (SL8500 only)

For STA to roll up library complex data correctly, each library complex at your site must have a unique complex ID. On SL8500 libraries, complex IDs are set manually. On all other library models, the complex IDs are set automatically and therefore do not require manual intervention or verification.

Each standalone SL8500 is considered to be a separate complex and therefore must have a unique complex ID. In addition, each multi-library complex must have a unique complex ID, and all libraries within the complex must share the same ID. Valid complex ID values are 1–127.

Table 4-3 lists some sample valid SL8500 complex ID assignments.

Table 4-3 Example Complex ID Assignments

Complex Type Libraries Assigned Complex ID

Multi-library complex







Standalone libraries






The Oracle Service Delivery Platform (SDP) also uses unique complex IDs for tracking library data. If your site uses SDP, contact Oracle Support before changing any complex ID. Changing the complex ID could cause SDP to fail. In most cases, complex IDs are set correctly when SDP is connected.

See "Ensure the Correct Library Complex ID (SL8500 only)" for instructions.

Drive Clean Warning (SL3000 and SL8500 only)

The drive clean warning flag indicates whether a drive warning should be issued whenever a drive needs cleaning. This flag is set at the library level, so the same setting applies to all drives in a library.

  • When the flag is set to "on", each drive shows a warning health status whenever it needs cleaning. This also causes the top-level health status of the library to be degraded in the STA monitor.

  • When the flag is set to "off", each drive's status is not affected by the need for cleaning; therefore, the library top-level status in STA is not degraded.

If you have a large number of drives in the library, you may want to set this flag to "off" so that the library top-level condition is not degraded whenever a drive needs cleaning.

See "Set the Drive Clean Warning (optional, SL3000 and SL8500 only)" for instructions.

Volume Label Format (SL500 and SL150 only)

Volume serial numbers (volsers) in SNMP data must be formatted properly for STA to process library exchange data correctly. The media volser includes a two-character suffix that indicates the media type. For example, if a cartridge volser is ABC123L4, "L4" indicates the media type is LTO4. For proper STA reporting, the volser suffix must be excluded.

To ensure proper formatting, the following parameters must be set:

  • For all SL500 libraries monitored by STA, the label orientation for the host must be set to left6 and STA mode (controlled by the staConfig flag) must be set to on. STA mode affects only the format of the volser sent to the STA server through SNMP, not the format used on the SL500 library itself.

  • For all SL150 libraries monitored by STA, the Volume Label Format must be set to Trim last two characters.


If these parameters are not set properly, volsers will be formatted incorrectly, causing exchanges processing to be blocked, superfluous attempts to get the latest media data, and irreversible, eight-character volser records to appear on the Media – Overview screen whenever the "Show Removed Media" preference is set.

See "Set the SL500 Volume Label Format (SL500 only)" and "Set the SL150 Volume Label Format and Drive Element Addressing Mode (SL150 only)" for instructions.

SCSI FastLoad Option (SL500 only)

The SCSI FastLoad option should be disabled on SL500 libraries, as cartridge mount traps are not properly sent to STA when SCSI FastLoad is enabled. FastLoad is disabled by default. Contact Oracle Support if you are not sure of the status of this option.

Duplicate Volume Serial Numbers

In the STA data store, media history is retained by volume serial number (volser). Because all history for a particular piece of media is tied to its volser, Oracle recommends that you avoid duplicate volsers. Volsers should be unique across all monitored libraries. Duplicate volsers will result in co-mingling of data for different pieces of media.

See the STA User's Guide for additional detail about duplicate volsers.

Library User Interfaces

The SL500, SL3000, and SL8500 libraries have a command line interface (CLI) and a graphical user interface, the StorageTek Library Console (SL Console). The SL150 library uses a browser-based user interface exclusively. You will use these interfaces to perform the procedures in this chapter.

Library CLI Usage Tips

For most CLI commands, the syntax is the same across the SL500, SL3000, and SL8500 library models. For the few commands where the syntax varies by library model, examples are provided. Most CLI examples use an SL500 library. If you are configuring an SL3000 or SL8500 library, the details returned by each command may vary slightly from what is shown. Following are some tips for using the library CLI.

  • Use a terminal emulator, such as PuTTY, to establish an SSH (secure shell) connection to the library CLI.

  • Enable logging so you can review your activity should you need to troubleshoot errors.

  • With some firmware versions, the CLI times out after six hours.

  • To display help for any CLI command, type help and the command name (for example, help snmp).

  • SL500 library commands are case-sensitive; SL3000 and SL85000 commands are not.

  • To avoid entry errors, you can first type a command in a text file, and then copy and paste it into the CLI. For help with CLI commands, type help snmp.

  • You can reduce keystrokes by using the following CLI features:

    • Press the Tab key for automatic command completion.

    • Press the Up-Arrow and Down-Arrow keys to scroll through your command history. You can modify a previously entered command, and then press Enter to execute it.

    • To correct a command before you press Enter to execute it, use the Left-Arrow and Right-Arrow keys to move the cursor to the location of the error, and then type the correction. New characters are inserted at the cursor; to delete characters, use the Backspace key.

Library Configuration Script (optional)

STA provides a library configuration script to help you complete the configuration process on the libraries. The script prompts for library configuration settings, and based on the values you enter, the script displays complete commands that you can copy and paste into the library CLI.


It is recommended that you review and understand the library configuration steps in this chapter before initiating the script.

To initiate the script, open a terminal session on the STA server and issue the following command:

# sh /Oracle_storage_home/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics/common/bin/STA-lib-config-steps.sh

where Oracle_storage_home is the directory where STA and associated Oracle software are installed. See "Users, Groups, and Locations Used by the STA Installer" for details.

For additional information about the script and to see example usage, issue the following command:

# sh /Oracle_storage_home/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics/common/bin/STA-lib-config-steps.sh -? | more

Library Feature Configuration Tasks

Use Table 4-4 to determine which tasks apply to the library models at your site. You must perform the applicable tasks on each library you want STA to monitor.


For SL500, SL3000, and SL8500 libraries, many tasks allow you to choose which interface to use—CLI or SL Console. For SL150 libraries, you must use the browser-based user interface exclusively.

Log In to the Library

Using the library CLI (all libraries except SL150) 

  1. Establish an SSH connection to the library using the IP address or DNS alias.

  2. Log in to the CLI using the admin username and password.

Using the SL Console (all libraries except SL150) 

  1. Start the SL Console application.

  2. Click the About button to display the current SL Console version and verify that it meets the library firmware minimum requirements.

  3. Click Close to return to the Login screen.

  4. Log in using the admin username, password, and library IP address or DNS alias.

    For SL3000 and SL8500 libraries with the Redundant Electronics feature, you can only log in to the active controller.

Using the SL150 user interface 

  1. Browse to the hostname or IP address of the SL150 library.

  2. Log in with your user ID and password. The user ID must have the role of administrator.

Verify the Library Firmware Version

Use this procedure to verify that the library firmware meets or exceeds the minimum requirements stated in the STA Requirements Guide. If it does not, submit a service request to Oracle Support to upgrade the firmware.

For SL8500 libraries, Oracle Support must record the network connection settings before performing a firmware upgrade, as these settings may need to be re-entered or updated after the upgrade.

Using the library CLI (all libraries except SL150; not applicable to SL3000 libraries below FRS 4.x.) 

  1. Execute the following command:

    SL500> version print
    Library Hardware Information
     Library Vendor: STK
     Firmware Version: xxxx (x.xx.xx)


    If the screen displays SYNTAX ERROR!!, the library firmware is down-level. Contact Oracle Support to upgrade the firmware.

Using the SL Console (all libraries except SL150) 

  1. In the Tools menu, select System Detail.

  2. In the navigation tree, select Library.

  3. Select the Properties tab, then select the Library Controller tab.

    The firmware version is displayed under the Code Version section.

Using the SL150 user interface 

  1. In the navigation tree, select Firmware.

    The firmware version is displayed under the Library Firmware section. Alternately, you can click the About button in the status bar to obtain the firmware version.

Verify the Drive Controller Card Version (SL3000 and SL8500 only)

For SL3000 and SL8500 libraries to send rich drive data to STA, the library must have a high-memory drive controller (HBT) card. This is mainly a concern for older libraries (shipped before mid-2006), as newer units are shipped with a high-memory card. See the STA Requirements Guide for detailed firmware level requirements.

Use this procedure to verify that a high-memory HBT card is installed in the library. If the library does not have a high-memory HBT card, submit a service request to Oracle Support to have one installed.

This procedure is performed using the SL Console. For SL8500 FRS 8.x and SL3000 FRS 4.x, you can also use the CLI config print command to display HBT card information.

This procedure is performed using the SL Console.

  1. In the Tools menu, select System Detail.

  2. In the navigation tree, select Library.

  3. Select the Properties tab, then select the Drive Controller tab.

    The screen displays details about the active drive controller (HBT) card.

  4. Verify that High Memory HBT indicates true.

  5. If you have an SL3000 (FRS 4.x) or an SL8500 (FRS 8.x) library with Redundant Electronics, expand the Redundant Electronics folder, and then select each HBT card (hbta, hbtb). Both should indicate True for High Memory HBT.


    Both the active and standby HBT cards must be installed and communicating, and both must have high memory.

Enable ADI on the Library (all libraries except SL150)

If your library includes LTO drives, ADI must be enabled on both the drives and the library for STA tor receive rich drive data. Use this procedure to ensure that the ADI drive interface is enabled on the library. See "ADI Interface for LTO Drives" for details.

This procedure is performed using the library CLI.

For SL3000 or SL8500 Libraries 

  1. Display the status of the ADI interface.

    drive adiEnable print
  2. If "Attributes Adi Status" is true, you can quit this task. If it is false, proceed to the next step.

  3. Enable the ADI interface.

    drive adiEnable on
  4. Reboot the library to activate the change.

For SL500 Libraries 

  1. Display the status of the ADI interface.

    enableADI print
  2. If "enableADI set to" is on, you can quit this task. If it is set to off, proceed to the next step.

  3. Enable the ADI interface.

    enableADI on
  4. Reboot the library to activate the change.

Ensure the Correct Library Complex ID (SL8500 only)

For STA to roll up library complex data correctly, each library complex at your site must have a unique complex ID. Use this procedure to ensure the correct library complex ID for each SL8500 library. See "Library Complex ID (SL8500 only)" for details.

This procedure is performed using the library CLI.

  1. For each SL8500 library that will be monitored by STA, display the complex ID currently assigned:

    SL8500> config complexId print
     Complex Id 3
  2. Verify that each standalone library and each library complex has a unique complex ID, and that all libraries in each library complex share the same complex ID.

    If you need to change the complex ID of a standalone library, continue this procedure.


    If you need to change the complex ID of a library in a library complex, contact Oracle Support. Do not continue with this procedure.
  3. Place the library offline, and then wait for all transactions to complete.

  4. Change the complex ID of a standalone library. complex_ID is a number, 1–127.

    config complexId set complex_ID

    Example 4-1 Change standalone SL8500 complex ID

    SL8500> config complexId set 5
     Complex Id 5
     Success true
     Note: TCP/IP stack reset may take a few seconds after command completion.


    All TCP/IP connections are terminated when executing this command. You may have to log back in to the library.

Set the Drive Clean Warning (optional, SL3000 and SL8500 only)

Use this optional procedure to check the current setting of the drive clean warning flag on the library and change it if necessary. See "Drive Clean Warning (SL3000 and SL8500 only)" for details.

This procedure is performed using the library CLI.

  1. Display the current setting of the drive cleaning warning flag.

    SL3000> cleaning driveWarning get
     Object Drive Cleaning Warning true
  2. If you want to set the flag to false (off), use the following command:

    cleaning driveWarning set off

Set the SL500 Volume Label Format (SL500 only)

Use this procedure to ensure that volume serial numbers (volsers) are formatted correctly in SNMP data sent to STA. See "Volume Label Format (SL500 and SL150 only)" for details.

This procedure is performed using the SL500 CLI.


Oracle recommends that you quiesce all activity to the library before changing these parameters. Tape applications and/or hosts may require configuration changes after changing these parameters.
  1. Display the current setting of the orientlabel flag.

    SL500> orientlabel print
    Host: (left8) Window left-justified with 6 character label
    Op Panel: (left8) Window left-justified with 8 character label
  2. The host flag must be set to left6. To do so, use the following command:

    SL500> orientlabel host left6
    New settings were accepted...Setting are now in effect.
  3. Display the setting again to verify it was updated correctly.

    SL500> orientlabel print
    Host: (left6) Window left-justified with 6 character label
    Op Panel: (left8) Window left-justified with 8 character label
  4. Display the current setting of the staConfig flag.

    SL500> staConfig print
    STA mode is disabled
  5. The staConfig flag must be set to on. To do so, use the following command:

    SL500> staConfig on
  6. Display the setting again to verify it was updated correctly.

    SL500> staConfig print
    STA mode is enabled

Set the SL150 Volume Label Format and Drive Element Addressing Mode (SL150 only)

Use this procedure to ensure that volume serial numbers (volsers) are formatted correctly in SNMP data sent to STA.

Also, for SL150 firmware 2.xx and above, use this procedure to set the Drive Element Addressing Mode so that empty drive bays are included in the data sent to STA.

See "Volume Label Format (SL500 and SL150 only)" for details.


Oracle recommends that you quiesce all activity to the library before changing these parameters. Tape applications and hosts may require configuration changes after changing these parameters.

This procedure is performed using the SL150 browser-based interface.

  1. In the navigation tree, select Configuration.

  2. Select the Configure button.

  3. In the Configuration Wizard window, select the Configure Library Settings check box, and then click Next.

  4. Set the following parameters accordingly:

    • Drive Element Addressing Mode: Address All Drive Slots (Recommended)

    • Library Volume Label Format: Trim last two characters (Default)


    After changing the Drive Element Addressing Mode, you should wait at least 10 minutes before configuring SNMP in STA.
  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Summary of Configuration Changes screen, select the Accept all changes check box, and then click Apply.

  7. In the Apply Configuration Changes screen, select the Set the Library back Online after applying the changes check box, and then click OK.

  8. When you see All configuration changes have been applied successfully, click Close.