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Preparing to Install the Oracle Tuxedo System
The following sections provide information that you need to know before installing the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) product software:
Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
The Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) product software installer is based on the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). To install the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) product software on your host, you must know how to use OUI to install Oracle products. For more information, see Introduction to Oracle Universal Installer.
Modes of Installation
You can use OUI to install Oracle products in any of the three following modes:
Use OUI interactive mode to use the graphical user interface to walk through the installation, providing information in the installation dialogs when prompted. This method is most useful when installing a small number of products in different setups on a small number of hosts.
Use OUI console mode to bypass the graphical user interface and execute the Oracle Installation program with a console interactive interface. This method is intended for UNIX systems with non-graphical consoles.
Use OUI silent installation mode to bypass the graphical user interface and supply the necessary information in a response file. This method is most useful when installing the same product multiple times on multiple hosts. By using a response file, you can automate the installation of a product for which you know the installation parameters.
You can use the -noConsole flag on Windows to suppress the display of console messages.
Installation Media
On Windows, when you start the installer from a shared drive, you need to map the shared drive and then invoke the installer from the shared drive. When you invoke (UNIX) or setup.bat (Windows), you should invoke it from the directory where this command is present, or you must specify the complete path to (UNIX) or setup.bat (Windows).
Special Instructions for UNIX Users
The following sections describe special instructions that apply when you are installing certain products on a UNIX system.
Failed to Connect to Server Error
If you receive an Xlib error or a "Failed to connect to Server" error when you are running OUI on the Solaris operating system, do the following:
%setenv DISPLAY <machine name>:0.0
Replace <machine name> with the name of the computer that will display OUI.
Rerun the script after you have set the DISPLAY environment variable.
You can run OUI without specifying the DISPLAY variable by running in silent mode using a response file.
Providing a UNIX Installer Location with Root Privileges
You must have root privileges to perform various UNIX installation operations. For example, you must have root privileges to be able to create the OUI inventory.
If you are installing OUI for the first time, you are prompted to run a shell script from another terminal window before proceeding with the installation. OUI prompts you to run after installation completes only if the script is required to run as root before configuration assistants are run. Otherwise, you are prompted to run as root later.
When running OUI in silent mode, if is required prior to configuration assistants, OUI skips configuration assistants during the installation. You must run as root and then run the skipped configuration assistants after the silent installation is complete.
To successfully run the required shell script:
You are prompted to run the script only the first time you install.
Providing a UNIX Group Name
If you are installing a product on a UNIX system, the Installer also prompts you to provide the name of the group that owns the base directory.
You must choose a UNIX group name that has permissions to update, install, and remove Oracle software. Members of this group must have write permissions for the chosen base directory.
Only users who belong to this group are able to install or remove software on this host.
About Oracle Universal Installer Log Files
When you install or deinstall products using OUI, important information about each installation is saved not only in the inventory, but also in a series of log files, located in the following directory:
You can use these log files to troubleshoot installation problems. These files are also crucial for removing and configuring the various software components you install. OUI displays the name and location of the current session log file on the Install page. Each installation or configuration utility provides a separate folder containing the logs inside the $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs folder.
The logs used to remove products are different from the installActions<timestamp>.log generated during the install process. The installActions<timestamp>.log is easier to read and can be used to view the operations performed at installation time.
Oracle Internationalization
Installation Dialogs Language
OUI runs in the operating system language. OUI uses the language that Java detects, the system locale value, and sets that to the default language. OUI dialogs are displayed in this language if available. If specific OUI dialogs are not translated in the language of the operating system, these dialogs are shown in English.
OUI displays the translated GUI only if the variable NLS_ENABLED has been set to TRUE in the oraparam.ini file. If the NLS_ENABLED variable is set to FALSE, all text is shown in English.
Oracle Tuxedo Web Distribution
An evaluation copy of Oracle Tuxedo is available for download from the Oracle corporate Web site at
Platform-specific installer files for the Oracle Tuxedo product software are available for download from the Oracle corporate Web site.
Oracle Tuxedo Software Components
Included with the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) software distribution is the Oracle Jolt product software, which enables Java clients to call Oracle Tuxedo services, and the Oracle SNMP Agent product software, which enables Oracle Tuxedo applications to be managed from a centralized enterprise management console, and Oracle Tuxedo System and Applications Monitor Plus Agent, which enables Oracle Tuxedo to be managed from Tuxedo System and Applications Monitor Plus manager (Oracle TSAM Plus), and Oracle Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo (Oracle SALT), which provides native Tuxedo Web service.
The Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) distribution contains the following components:
Oracle Jolt 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) server software
Oracle SNMP Agent 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) software
Oracle Jolt 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) client software
Figure 1‑1 illustrates a high-level view of the Oracle Tuxedo client and server components.
Figure 1‑1 Oracle Tuxedo Client and Server Components
For descriptions of terms such as remote client, native client, LLE, and SSL, see “Client and Server Components” in Oracle Tuxedo Product Overview<Default ? Font>.
Tuxedo .NET Workstation Client
The Tuxedo .NET Workstation Client requires:
Hardware and Software Prerequisites
The Oracle Tuxedo software must be installed on each server machine that will participate in an Oracle Tuxedo application, also known as a Tuxedo domain. A Tuxedo application is a business software program, built upon the Tuxedo system, which is defined and controlled by a single configuration file known as the UBBCONFIG file. The Tuxedo configuration file is described in reference page UBBCONFIG(5) in Oracle Tuxedo File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference<Default ? Font>.
A Tuxedo application consists of many Tuxedo system processes, one or more application client processes, one or more application server processes, and one or more computer machines connected over a network. In a multi-machine Tuxedo application running different releases of the Oracle Tuxedo software, the master machine—designated via the MASTER parameter in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file—must run the highest release of the Oracle Tuxedo software in the application. For more information about Tuxedo applications, see “Domains” in Oracle Tuxedo Product Overview<Default ? Font>.
System Requirements
The system requirements for Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) are given in Table 1‑1.
Table 1‑1 The System Requirements for Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2)
For Oracle Jolt installation preparatory information, see Oracle Jolt 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Overview and Installation Information. No installation preparation is required for Oracle SNMP Agent.
Software Requirements
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7 or 1.8 is required to install Oracle Tuxedo. You need to install the required JRE and set the environment variable JAVA_HOME accordingly before installing Oracle Tuxedo.
A Note on Support for Newer Versions of Java

Tuxedo 12.2.2 was originally tested with various patch levels of Java 1.8.

Since then, newer Java versions have become available, and Oracle has noted the following issues:

A copy of Java 1.8 should be used for Tuxedo installation, even if a newer Java version will be used at runtime.
Alternatively, a newer version of Java can be used for installation if the following changes are made before running the installer:

  1. If installing on Linux or Unix, modify the Disk1/install/ file to comment out the lines
versionnum=`echo $version |$_awk -F '.' '

{print $2}
if [ $versionnum -lt 7 ]; then
echo version is less than 1.7
install_exit 1
  1. If installing on Windows, modify the Disk1/install/setup.bat file to comment out the lines
if %JAVAVERNUM% lss 6 (
echo java version is less than 1.6,please update your java version
goto end
  1. If installing on Solaris, the clusterparam.ini, oraparam.ini, or oraparamsilent.ini file in the Disk1/install directory must be modified to remove the -d64 option in the setting of JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS.

Before installing a patch on Windows using Java 11 or later, please update opatch by installing the patch for Bug 6880880 - PLACEHOLDER FOR ALL RELEASES OF OPATCH.
This is mentioned in the README.txt file distributed with the rolling patch.
Suggest to apply RP047 and above which fixed Bug 30314204 - jolt.jar issue with default MBSTRING encoding on Java 8 and above.

Temporary Storage Space Requirements
The Oracle Installation program uses a temporary directory in which it extracts the files from the archive that are needed to install Oracle Tuxedo on the target system.The amount of temporary storage space needed depends upon the target platform, as stated in the data sheets in Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Platform Data Sheets.
When you start OUI, it automatically copies specific executable files and link files into the default /tmp directory (C:\Documents and Settings\<user ID>\Local Settings\Temp on Microsoft Windows) on the machine. If the machine is set to run cron jobs periodically (along with many other processes that may be running), these jobs attempt to clean up the default temporary directory, thereby deleting some files and causing OUI to fail.
To ensure there is adequate temporary space, you may want to allocate an alternate directory for use as a temporary directory for the installation. If there are any cron jobs or processes that are automatically run on the machines to clean up the temporary directories, ensure you set the TMP or TEMP environment variable to a different location (other than the default location) that is secure on the hard drive (meaning a location on which the cleanup jobs are not run). Also ensure that you have write permissions on this alternative TEMP directory. This must be done before you execute (setup.bat on Microsoft Windows).
Interprocess Communication Resources Configuration
Interprocess communication (IPC) is a capability supported by the Windows and UNIX operating systems that allows one process to communicate with another process. The processes can be running on the same computer or on different computers connected through a network.
On a Windows 2003 Server system, the Oracle Tuxedo system provides an IPC service called the Oracle ProcMGR (Process Manager), which facilitates interprocess communications. You use the Oracle ProcMGR service to adjust the IPC parameters and maximize the performance of an Oracle Tuxedo application.
On a UNIX system, you use methods native to the UNIX system to adjust the IPC parameters and maximize the performance of an Oracle Tuxedo application. Since most UNIX systems are shipped with default values that are too low for an Oracle Tuxedo application, you need to adjust the IPC parameters, using the methods given in Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) Platform Data Sheets. For the recommended IPC values, see IPC Resource Configuration on a UNIX System.
After installing the Oracle Tuxedo software and creating an application configuration file (UBBCONFIG file), you use the tmloadcf(1) command to calculate and print a list of the minimum IPC resources needed to support the application. If your Oracle Tuxedo application is distributed, the minimum IPC resources must be available on every machine participating in the application. For more information about calculating IPC resources using the tmloadcf(1) command, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.
Oracle Installation Program
The Oracle Tuxedo software is distributed as an installer file, which also contains a copy of the Oracle Installation program. The Oracle Installation program is the Oracle standard tool for installing the Oracle Tuxedo software on Windows or UNIX systems.
On Windows platforms you must re-login to the system after Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) installation has completed.
Previous Tuxedo Versions
If a previous version of the Tuxedo software is detected during GUI mode and silent installation on a Windows system, the Tuxedo installer will automatically stop the following previous Tuxedo version ProcMGR and Listener services:
Listener services configured on ports other than 3050 must be stopped manually.
The current Tuxedo distribution requires these services to be stopped in order to run multiple Tuxedo versions on the same machine. The time required for stopping the ProcMGR services is minimal; however, the time required to stop the listener services may take a few minutes.
Cancelling Installation
Clicking the “Cancel” or the “close’ window button in GUI mode causes an incomplete Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) installation. You will have to re-install Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2).
If you installed Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) in a previous Tuxedo product directory, and you want to return to your original configuration, you must re-install your previous Tuxedo version. It is strongly suggested that you install the Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) to a new Oracle Home product directory
Install Types
An install type is a bundle of product software components related by function. Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) offers the following install types:
Full Install - consists of all the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) server and client components of Tuxedo, SALT, and TSAM Plus agent.
Server Install - consists of all the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) server components of Tuxedo, SALT, and TSAM Plus agent.
Client Install - consists of all the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) client components:
Oracle Jolt 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) client software
In addition to selecting an install type during an Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2) installation, a user can further customize the installation by selecting (adding) or deselecting (deleting) one or more software components from the install type. Customizing is only possible for GUI-mode installation methods described in Installing Oracle Tuxedo Using GUI-Mode Installation.
Installation Road Map
You are now ready to begin your installation. To install Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 2 (12.2.2), see one of the following sections:
If you are upgrading from Oracle WebLogic Enterprise or Oracle Tuxedo 12cR1 or earlier software, see Upgrading the Oracle Tuxedo System to 12c Release 2 (12.2.2).
If you want to uninstall your Oracle Tuxedo software, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.

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