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Oracle SNMP Agent Introduction
About Oracle SNMP Agent 1‑1
About SNMP 1‑3
SNMP Management Information Base 1‑5
SNMP Protocol 1‑6
Benefits of Network Management Integration 1‑7
Oracle SNMP Agent Components 1‑8
Tuxedo SNMP Agent 1‑10
Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator 1‑10
SNMP MIB Files 1‑10
Configuration Files 1‑11
Commands and Utilities 1‑12
Oracle SNMP Agent Architectural Models
Architectural Models Identified 2‑1
Simple SNMP Agent Model 2‑2
SNMP Master Agent/ Subagent Model 2‑2
Starting tux_snmpd Processes as SNMP Agents 2‑4
Managing a Tuxedo Domain 2‑4
SMUX Master Agent/ Subagent Model 2‑4
Starting tux_snmpd Processes as SMUX Subagents 2‑5
Managing Multiple Tuxedo Domains Concurrently 2‑6
Setting Up Oracle SNMP Agent on a Managed Node
Directory Structure 3‑1
Oracle SNMP Agent Configuration Files 3‑2
Oracle SNMP Agent Configuration 3‑3
Oracle SNMP Agent Advanced Configuration 3‑5
Starting Oracle SNMP Agent 3‑8
Oracle SNMP Agent Processes 3‑9
Starting Oracle SNMP Agent on a Windows System 3‑9
Starting Oracle SNMP Agent on a UNIX System 3‑11
Stopping Oracle SNMP Agent 3‑13
Stopping Oracle SNMP Agent on a Windows System 3‑13
Stopping Oracle SNMP Agent on a UNIX System 3‑13
Oracle Tuxedo Master and Non-Master Nodes 3‑13
Integrating Oracle SNMP Agent with a Management Framework
Understanding the Oracle SNMP Agent MIB Files 4‑1
Using Oracle SNMP Agent with a Management Framework 4‑1
Integrating Oracle Tuxedo Event Notifications 4‑2
Retrieving or Modifying Object Values When Managing Multiple Domains 4‑5
Integrating Events Generated by Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Polling 4‑6
Setting Up the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator
About the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator 5‑1
Configuring the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator 5‑4
Starting the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a Windows System 5‑7
Starting the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a UNIX System 5‑7
Stopping the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a Windows System 5‑8
Stopping the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a UNIX System 5‑8
Using Multiple SNMP Agents
Configuring the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator for Use with Multiple SNMP Agents 6‑1
Integrator Access to Managed Objects 6‑2
Example 6‑2
Assigning Priority for Conflicting Agents 6‑3
SNMP Agents on Multiple Nodes 6‑3
Using the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator for Polling
Overview of Polling 7‑1
Procedure for Setting Up Local Polling 7‑2
Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Rules 7‑3
Conditions 7‑4
States and Transitions 7‑11
Actions 7‑12
Starting Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Polling Activity 7‑14
Creating New Polling Rules 7‑15
Deleting or Modifying Polling Rules 7‑15
Stopping Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Polling Activity 7‑16
Restarting Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Polling Activity 7‑17
Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Commands
Commands 8‑1
reinit_agent 8‑1
snmp_integrator 8‑2
stop_agent 8‑4
show_agent 8‑4
Oracle SNMP Agent Utilities 8‑4
instsrv 8‑5
snmpget 8‑5
snmpgetnext 8‑7
snmptest 8‑8
snmptrap 8‑10
snmptrapd 8‑12
snmpwalk 8‑13
SNMP Request Format 8‑14
MIB Variable Definition Files 8‑15
Configuration Files
Oracle SNMP Agent Configuration File: beamgr.conf 9‑1
Default Location 9‑1
Description 9‑2
Keywords Used by All Oracle SNMP Agent Components 9‑2
Keywords Used by the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator 9‑3
Keywords Used by the Oracle SNMP Agent 9‑4
OID_CLASS Entry 9‑10
RULE_ACTION Entry 9‑11
Oracle SNMP Agent Passwords File: beamgr_snmpd.conf 9‑15
Default Location 9‑15
Description 9‑15
Using SNMPv3
What's New in SNMPv3 10‑1
How to Configure for Running Utilities in SNMPv3 10‑1
Oracle SNMP Agent Configuration File: beamgr.conf 10‑2
Oracle SNMP Agent Utilities 10‑2
What's Changed from SNMPv1 to SNMPv3 10‑2
Changes on Configuration Files 10‑2
Changes on Utilities 10‑2
SNMP Information
Reference Books A‑1
Obtaining MIBs A‑2
Enterprise ID Assignment A‑2
Obtaining Requests for Comments A‑3
Obtaining Specifications A‑4
Mailing Lists and News Groups A‑5
Standards and Drafts A‑5
Accessing Internet Drafts A‑6

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