25 Working with Records

This chapter provides an overview of common tasks involved in managing content that is designated as a record. A record is usually managed with a retention schedule and is assigned a life cycle according to disposition rules for the content. The retention schedule and life cycle are developed by a person designated as a record administrator.

This chapter covers the following topics:

25.1 Understanding Retention Management

The Records software managed content items that are on a retention schedule. The focus of records management tends to be the preservation of content for historical, legal, or archival purposes while also performing retention management functions. The focus of retention management tends to be the scheduled elimination of content based on a schedule designed by a record administrator.

This software combines both record and retention management into one software system. It can track and preserve content as needed, or dispose of content when it is no longer required.

The following terms are used when explaining retention management:

  • Record administrator: individuals who set up and maintain the retention schedule and other aspects of the management system.

  • Record user: individuals who uses the software to check content in and out of the system, to search for records, and to perform other non-administrative tasks.

  • Record officer: individuals who have limited administrative responsibility in addition to the responsibilities of a record user.

  • The retention schedule is an organized hierarchy of series, categories, and record folders, which allows users to cluster content into similar groups, each with its own retention and disposition characteristics.

  • A series is an organizational construct in the retention schedule that assists in organizing categories into functional groups. Series are normally static and are used at a high level in an organization hierarchy.

  • A retention category is a set of security settings and disposition instructions in the retention schedule hierarchy, below a series. It is not an organization construct but rather a way to group items with the same dispositions.

  • A disposition is the set of actions taken on items. Disposition instructions are created that define how the content should be handled all revisions.

  • A period is the segment of time that must pass before a review or disposition action can be performed.

  • A trigger is an event that must occur before a disposition instruction is processed.

  • A link is a defined relationship between items.

  • A classification specifies the security level of a classified item. It is used in the process of identifying and safeguarding content containing sensitive information. Typical classification levels are "Top Secret," "Secret," and "Confidential," and "Unclassified."

  • A classification guide is used to define default values for several classification-related fields on the content check-in pages for content.

  • Freezing inhibits disposition processing for an item. Frozen content cannot be altered in any way nor can it be deleted or destroyed.

  • Federation, Federated Search, Federated Freeze are functionality used to manage the process of legal discovery. Using Federated Search or Freeze, a legal officer can search content across all repositories to gather information needed for legal proceedings.

25.1.1 The Retention Process

The following steps outline the basic workflow of retained content:

  1. The retention schedule and any required components, such as triggers, periods, classifications, and custom security or metadata fields are created by an administrator.

  2. Items are filed into the retention schedule by users. The filed items assume the disposition schedules of their assigned category.

  3. Disposition rules are processed in accordance with the defined disposition schedules, which usually have a retention period. The processing is activated by either a system-derived trigger or custom trigger. The trigger could affect one or more items simultaneously.

  4. Whenever a disposition event is due for action (as activated by a trigger), an e‐mail notification is sent to the person responsible for processing the events. The same is true for review. The pending events and reviews are displayed in the pages accessed from the Retention Assignments links within the user interface.

  5. The Records Administrator or privileged user performs the review process. This is a manual process.

  6. The Records Administrator processes the disposition actions on the pending dispositions approval page. This is a manual process.

  7. A batch process is run to process an approval.

Many disposition schedules are time-based according to a predictable schedule. For example, content is often filed then destroyed after a certain number of years. The system tracks when the affected content is due for action. A notification e-mail is sent to reviewers with links to the pages where reviewers can review and approve content and folders that are due for dispositions.

In contrast, time-event and event-based dispositions must be triggered with a non-system‐derived trigger (a trigger that was defined for a particular scenario). For example, when a pending legal case starts litigation, the Records Administrator must enable the custom trigger and set its activation date because the start date information is external. Custom triggers can define event and time-event based disposition actions based on the occurrence of a particular event.

25.1.2 Physical Content Management

While the Records system enables organizations to manage the retention and disposition of content, PCM provides the capability of managing physical content that is not stored in electronic form.

All items, internal and external regardless of their source or format, are managed in a single, consistent, manageable infrastructure using one central application and a single user interface. The same retention schedules are used for both electronic and physical content.

PCM tracks the storage locations and retention schedules of the physical content. The functionality provides the following main features:

  • Space management, including definition of warehouse layout, searching for empty space, reserving space, and tracking occupied and available space.

  • Circulation services, including handling reservation requests for items, checking out items, and maintaining a due date for checked-out items.

  • Chargeback services, including invoicing, for the use of storage facilities and/or actions performed on physical items.

  • Barcode file processing, including uploading barcode information directly into the system, or processing barcode files manually.

  • Label creation and printing, including labels for users, storage locations, or individual physical items.

  • Retention management, including periodic reviews, freezes and litigation holds, and e-mail notifications for pending events.

25.1.3 Understanding Roles and Permissions

The Records functionality contains several default roles which allow users to access specific parts of the product. Administrators can customize these roles by including specific rights, providing a fine level of access to tasks.

The following list describes default predefined roles. Consult your administrator to see what additional roles may be in use at your site:

  • rma, or the Record User. This role is usually assigned to basic users and allows them to perform basic management tasks.

  • rmalocalrecordsofficer, or the Records Officer. This role is usually assigned to "privileged" users, who have all the permissions assigned to basic users (rma role) but are also granted rights to perform additional functions.

  • rmaadmin, or the Records Administrator. This role is usually assigned to administrators who are responsible for setting up and maintaining the management infrastructure and environment. These users have the widest range of rights to perform management tasks.

  • pcmrequestor, or PCM Requestor. This role is usually assigned to users who have all the permissions assigned to basic users without a Physical Content Management role but are also granted additional rights to perform some functions not allowed for basic users.

  • pcmadmin, or the PCM Administrator. This role is usually assigned to administrators who are responsible for setting up and maintaining the physical content management infrastructure and environment.

Each of these predefined roles comes with a default set of permissions and rights, but these can be modified. New roles with assigned management rights can also be created.

To view assigned roles and rights, click the user name in the top right portion of the window. The roles assigned to the logged-in user appear at the top of the My Profile information.

To see rights assigned, choose Records then Rights. The Assigned Rights shows the rights assigned to the current user for the enabled components. To view details about each component, click the Show link for that component. To view details about all rights, click the Show All Rights link at the top of the window. To hide rights again, click the Hide link in the component section or at the top of the window.

25.1.4 Interface Overview

Four main menus are used to access functionality; however, this product is highly configurable, so the options seen on any menu may vary depending on what options have been enabled.

The following four primary menu locations are available:

  • Top menu: This menu contains a Records option as well as a Physical option (if Physical Content Management is enabled). This menu can be used to quickly access different parts of the Records system and Physical Content Management (PCM) products.

  • Page Actions menu or Page menu: On many pages, an Actions menu (a small box with horizontal lines in it) appears at the top of the page. Options in this menu pertain to the items at that level in the hierarchy. For example, an Actions menu appears on the Exploring Retention Schedule page. At that level of the product hierarchy, reports about the retention schedules can be created.

  • Table menu: On most pages that list items (triggers, retention categories, content items) a menu appears at the top of the listing. By selecting a box next to an item, multiple items can be affected at one time. For example, on an Exploring Retention Category page, options appear above the listing of items in that category.

  • Individual Actions menus: Items listed on a page will often have an individual Actions menu. The options on these menus vary depending on the item and its location in the retention hierarchy.

    The following list summarizes the most commonly seen individual Actions menu options:

    • Information: Used to access information pages for folders, life cycle of the item, recent reviews, metadata history, and retention schedule reports. On some Information pages, additional options appear to edit or revise the displayed information.

    • Edit: Provides quick links to edit pages for folders or reviews, and options to alter an item's status by moving, closing, freezing, or unfreezing an item.

    • Set Dates: Provides quick links to actions associated with dates, such as marking items for review, canceling, rescinding, and expiring items.

    • Delete: Provides options to delete the item or perform a recursive delete (delete an entire tree if multiple items are checked).

    • Create: Provides options to create items appropriate to the location in the hierarchy. For example, if this is the Actions menu for a retention category, Create sub-options include Series and Retention Category. Dashboards

Dashboards allow immediate access to frequently used aspects of the software. Each dashboard is composed of panes that hold different types of functionality, such as search boxes, lists of information, or access to other websites. The dashboard can be customized so frequently performed tasks, such as pending reviews, pending approvals, and so on, are easily accessible.

If actions can be taken in a dashboard pane, icons appear in the top right corner of the pane. Those icons can be used to perform actions directly from the dashboard. For example, if you have a Pending Review list in one pane, you can select the check box for a review then click the Approve icon (a green checkmark). The review will be approved directly from the dashboard.

Default dashboards are provided. To access this functionality, choose Records then Dashboards. Choose User to access the user dashboard. If you are assigned administrative privileges, another dashboard is available. To view it, choose Admin.

To select a dashboard for use:

  1. Choose Records then Dashboards.

  2. Select the dashboard to use from the list.

  3. On the Dashboard page, choose Actions then Set as Home Page to use the dashboard as a home page at login. To remove the dashboard as the home page, click the user name in the top right corner of the window. On the My Profile page, select Remove Dashboard Home Page.

To edit the default dashboards or other personal dashboards:

  1. Choose Records then Dashboards. Select the dashboard to edit.

  2. On the Dashboard page, choose Save As from the Actions menu. The default dashboard must be saved under a new name before it can be edited. Enter a new dashboard name and a dashboard title. Click OK when done.

  3. The dashboard opens in edit mode.

    • To move a pane from one location to another, put the cursor on the border of the pane. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pane to another location.

    • To delete a pane, click the X in the upper corner of the pane.

    • To set individual options for each pane, click the Options menu in the upper corner of the pane. Note that not all panes have an option list.

    • To replace a pane, first delete the pane. An empty pane is displayed. Click Other Dashboards to populate the search list. The Search for Items dialog opens. Use this search form to find panes to use in the dashboard.

      Select metadata fields for searching or click Search to search the entire database.

      The Dashboard Results page opens, showing those items that can be used in the dashboard.

      Select the box next to the items to include and click Next. The Select Dashboard list is populated with the items that were selected. Click an item from the list to include in the pane and click OK.

  4. When done, choose Save Changes or Save As from the Actions menu to save the dashboard under a new name.

To create a personal dashboard:

  1. Choose Records then Dashboards then Create New from the Top menu or choose New Dashboard from the Content Management menu.
  2. On the Create/Edit Dashboard page, choose the number of columns to appear on the dashboard by selecting a number from the list.
  3. In the first pane, click Other Dashboards to populate the list of dashboards for use.

    Use the displayed search form to find panes to use in the dashboard. Select metadata fields for searching or click Search to search the entire database.

  4. On the Dashboard Results page, select the box next to the items to include and click Next. The Select Dashboard list is populated with the selected items.
  5. Select an item from the list for the pane and click Ok. Repeat this process for the other panes in the other columns. To delete a pane click the X in the corner of the pane window.
  6. When done selecting panes for use, click Actions then Save Dashboard.
  7. To use a Simple Profile to associate with the dashboard, select it from the list. Click Next when done.
  8. Enter the necessary metadata on the check-in page to save the dashboard. Click Checkin when done. My Favorites

Users can create a listing, similar to bookmarked browser Favorites and add series, categories, folders, reports, report templates, users, and aliases to this listing. Users with administrative privileges can add other objects such as freezes to the listing.

If an item can be added to a Favorites listing, the Add to Favorites menu option is displayed on a page. To add items to these lists, select the box next to an item and click Add to Favorites.

Favorites can be shared with other users. To make a Favorites list available for sharing, click the user name in the top right corner of the window. On the My Profile page, click Yes in the Share RMA Favorites box. Click Update when done. The Favorites list will then be available to other users to select from.

To share an item in that list, select the check box for the item then choose Sharing and Share from the Table menu. To prevent sharing, choose Sharing then Unshare.

To add a favorite from another user, choose Records then Favorites from the Top menu. If a favorite list is available from another user, the Import From User table option is available in the list of favorites. Choose the Import From User option and select the name of a user from the list. All of that user's favorites for that particular Favorite type (for example, a Series or a Category) appear on the Favorites list.

Sharing favorite items is based on assigned rights. If a user does not have rights to share items then the Import From User option does not appear on that user's My Favorite list. For example, if you do not have the category.freeze, folder.freeze, or record.freeze right, you cannot access favorite freezes from other users.

To view items in the Favorites list, choose Records then Favorites from the Top menu. On the My Favorites page, click the indicated tabs to quickly find the favorites of a specific type (for example, Categories or Series).

Use the Up or Down arrow on the My Favorites page to rearrange the favorites in the list. The reordering in the list is not saved until the Save Now button is clicked, which appears when reordering begins.

Favorites items are used to populate option lists, such as when creating freezes or when checking in content. For example, if an item is on a Favorites list, it appears on the list when a freeze name is selected or when a category is selected during content checkin. This helps to narrow down the choices on large option lists.

25.2 Creating Records and Physical Content

Content can be created from the Main menu, from within retention schedules, or existing content can be marked as usable for retention. For example, if you work with Oracle WebCenter Content to manage content outside of a retention schedule, you can file content into a retention schedule without moving outside of the Content Server. You do this by accessing the content check-in form from the Main menu.

If you work mostly within retention schedules and are within a schedule hierarchy, you can create the content item at your current position in the hierarchy by choosing Check in New Content Item from the Actions menu for the retention object.

25.2.1 Checking In From the Main Menu

If profiles have been created by the administrator, those profiles appear on the New Check In menu. A profile "hides" fields so only those fields essential for check-in are shown. This makes the process faster and less prone to error.


The fields on the check-in pages are dependent on the profiles used for the check-in and the configuration of the system. See the Records Administrator for details about what triggers are used for profiles and what fields are to be expected on the check-in pages.

Content can be checked into a category or a record folder. To check in content:


Use this method of filing content items when filing items to disparate locations and to navigate to a different location within the retention schedule with each checkin.

  1. Choose New Check In. If profiles are available, several different options may be available. Select the profile or type of check-in to do.
  2. Enter or choose information pertinent to the item. The following list describes some of the common fields on the checkin page:
    • Type: File type chosen from a list.

    • Title: Descriptive name for the item. Maximum: 80 characters.

    • Filer: User checking in the item. Administrators can choose a user name from a list.

    • Security Group: Security group associated with the item. Default: RecordsGroup.

    • Primary File: Path and file name of the item. Maximum: 80 characters for file name, 8 characters for extension. Click Browse to select the item.

    • User, Group, Role Access List: if Access Control Lists are enabled, this is used to set permissions for specific users or groups.

    • Alternate File: Path and file name of a web-viewable file or one that can be converted to be web-viewable. The file extension cannot be same as that used in the Primary file. Maximum: 80 characters for the file name, 8 characters for the extension. Click Browse to find and select the item.

    • Content ID: Identifier for the item. Maximum: 30 characters. No special characters can be used. If this field is filled in, the system is automatically configured to assign IDs.

    • Revision: Generated automatically with each iteration of the item. Do not change this value.

    • Comments: Additional notes. Maximum: 255 characters.

    • Date, Format and Audit Information: Date a record is activated or expired in the system, as well as information about the auditing of the item.

    • Security information: Classification information, supplemental marking information, and classification topic information.

    • Subject to Review information: Fields indicating if an item is subject to review, and the reviewers and review period.

    • Correspondence Information: Information pertaining to e-mail.

  3. If an auxiliary metadata set has been created, click that option in the top right corner of the page. Additional metadata fields appear containing information for the item.
  4. To associate the item with a category or folder, click Browse next to the Category or Folders field at the bottom of the page.
  5. In the Select Category or Folder dialog, choose the category or folder in which to file the item. If categories or folders were added to a My Favorites list, they appear on the list and are easily selected.
  6. Assign a supplemental marking to the item. A user must be assigned a supplemental marking in order for markings to appear on the list of supplemental markings that can be used at checkin.
  7. Click Life Cycle Preview to view the disposition actions associated with the category selected earlier.
  8. After entering all the appropriate metadata values, click Check In. A confirmation page is displayed. Checking in Items Using DIS

If Desktop Integration Suite is installed, new files can be checked in from Microsoft Office by using the Copy and Paste options in the right-click menu. If an item is currently checked out, a user can check it in using the Offline Content Manager or by choosing the Check In option on the right-click menu.

To check in an existing file from Microsoft Office, click File then Save and select the server option in the Save dialog. The content check-in form opens for the last instance used.

If the DoD component is enabled, files may not be able to be checked by copying and pasting or dragging and dropping them into contribution folders. When using DoD features, the Category or Folder field is required. This means an item cannot be checked in if that field is empty. The actions of copying and pasting or dragging and dropping into a contribution folder often doesn't require further user intervention, so often the check-in cannot complete successfully.

25.2.2 Checking In Through a Retention Schedule

The proper security privileges are required to access the category or records folder in use. To create an item from within a retention schedule:


To save time when filing multiple content items into the same category or folder, check in the content from within the retention schedule this way. It eliminates the need to select the Category or Records Folder ID fields to navigate to the location each time because the check-in form is presented in context to its location as shown in the Retention Schedule locator links. To further expedite the filing process, use the Check In Similar feature.

  1. Click Browse Content then Retention Schedules.
  2. On the Exploring page, choose a Retention Category for use. From the item's Actions menu, choose Create then the type of content: Record, Folder, New Content Item, or New Physical Item.
  3. Click Life Cycle Preview to view the disposition actions associated with the category selected earlier.
  4. After entering all the appropriate metadata values, click Create.
  5. If similar content is available to check in, click Check In Similar on the confirmation page to pre-populate the form and expedite the process.

25.2.3 Checking In a Classified Item

Classified items require protection against unauthorized disclosure (for example, because they contain information regarding security or insider information). Unclassified content is not and has never been classified. Declassified items were formerly classified, but the classified status has been lifted.

Classification is an optional security feature certified to comply with the Chapter 4 requirements of the DoD 5015.2 specification. A site administrator can choose whether to enable this functionality and make it available.


Executive Order 12958: Classified National Security Information describes in detail the system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information. If you are using this product to comply with that order, you should be familiar with proper classification protocols.

To check in content from the Main menu:

  1. Access the content check-in form as described previously.
  2. Enter optional information pertinent to the item.
  3. To associate the item with a retention schedule, click Browse next to the Category or Folders field at the bottom of the page.
  4. In the Select Category or Folder dialog, choose the category or folders in which to file the item. The file pathname is displayed under the field.
  5. Specify information pertinent to classifications:
    • The agency classifying the content (optional).

    • The person classifying the content. This is mandatory unless the data is derived from a specific topic, in which case it is optional.

    • What the classification is derived from. This is mandatory unless there is a specific "classified by" person identified.

    • The topic derived from unless there is a specific person classifying the item.

    • The classification at the time of record creation. For example, Top Secret, Secret, Confidential, and so forth.

    • The type of classification. For example, military plans, foreign government information, cryptology, and so forth.

    • A declassification exemption category. For example, reveal intelligence source, reveal military plans, and so forth.

    • The event triggering the declassification of the item.

    • A date triggering the declassification of the item.

    • Enable automatic declassification. If this functionality is enabled the Is Auto Declassification Date option appears. Select this option to allow automatic declassification of the item.

    • How the item can be downgraded. Choose date, event, or date and event.

    • An event triggering the downgrading of the item classification. This is mandatory if it was specified how the item can be downgraded.

  6. After entering all the appropriate metadata values, click Check In. A confirmation page is displayed.

25.2.4 Folios and Content Basket

Content Folio is an optional component automatically installed with the Records system. It can be used to assemble and track groupings of content items in a virtual container such as a content basket. The Content Basket can contain any number of items managed by Oracle WebCenter Content, the Records system, Physical Content Management, or other add-on products.

Folio configuration is performed by administrators and can include custom template design and the creation of specific folio hierarchies designed to help manage content. This chapter does not discuss the details of folio use except how it interacts with the Content Basket. For more details about the use of folios at the organization, see the site administrator.

Items can be added to the Content Basket from the item's information page or Search Result page using options from the menus on those pages. The information in the Content Basket page includes a thumbnail depicting the type of item, the content ID for the item, the item's title, native file name (if any), and source name. If the item is a physical item, source will always be Physical.

The default order for items in the content basket is the order in which they were added. Any new items are added to the bottom of the list. If adding multiple items at the same time (from a Search Result page), then the items are added in the order in which they were displayed on the Search Result page. The order of the items in the basket can later be changed.

In previous versions of this product, each user was automatically assigned a content basket. In the current version of the software, users must create their own content baskets. Any items in the user's basket prior to upgrading are not retained. Creating, Updating, or Deleting a Basket

To create a basket or update an existing basket:

  1. Choose My Content Server then My Baskets.
  2. To create a new basket, click Append Content Basket on the Content Basket Manager page and enter the name of the new basket.
  3. To delete a basket, select the Delete check box next to the basket name. If items are in the basket, they must first be removed before it can be deleted.
  4. To change a basket, edit the information.
  5. When done making all changes, click Update. The Content Basket Manager page opens again with the changes in place. Setting an Active Basket

Before using content baskets, set one basket as the default to be used for activities involving content.

  1. Choose My Content Server then My Baskets. A list of defined content baskets appears on the menu.
  2. Select the name of the basket to be made active.

A user can also navigate to the Content Basket Manager page and click Active next to a content basket name. Click Update to make that basket the active basket.

Only one basket can be active at a time and it can be changed at any time. Adding or Removing Items

To add items to a content basket:

  1. Search for the item(s) to add to the content basket.

  2. On the Search Result page, select the check box of each item to add to the content basket.

  3. Choose Actions then Add to Active Content Basket in the Table menu. Items can only be added to a basket designated as active. The Content Basket page opens, with the new item(s) added at the bottom of the list.

When items are removed, they are only removed from the content basket. They are not deleted from the system. To remove items from the basket:

  1. Choose My Content Server then select the name of the basket to use.
  2. On the Content Basket page, select the check box of the items to remove. Choose Actions then Remove Selected Items from the Table menu.
  3. To remove all items, choose Actions then Empty Content Basket from the Page menu. Sorting Items

The order of the items can be changed by modifying the numbers in the Order Priority column.

  1. Click My Content Server then the name of the basket to reorder.
  2. On the Content Basket page, click Actions then Toggle Row Reorder. Click the Up or Down arrows on individual rows to move the item upward or downward. Creating Reservation Requests for Items

To make a reservation request for one or more physical items in a content basket:


You can only make reservation requests for physical items.

If the content basket does not contain the item(s) to reserve, add them first.

  1. Click My Content Server then the name of the basket to use.
  2. On the Content Basket page, select the check box of each physical item and choose Request then Request Selected Items from the Table menu. To reserve all items in a content basket, choose Request then Request All Items.

    A prompt is displayed asking if the selected items should be removed from the content basket after they are reserved.

  3. Click Yes or No. Click Cancel to stop the reservation request.
  4. On the Create or Edit Request page, specify the properties of the new reservation request, such as the transfer method, priority, and delivery location.
  5. Click Create when done. The items are now reserved, and the administrator is notified of the reservation request. After the administrator processes the reservation request, it can be fulfilled in accordance with the procedures in an organization. If a reserved item is already checked out, the user is placed on a waiting list for that item. Downloading Items

To download a zip file with one or more items in a content basket:


You can only download items in a zip file if the system has been set up to support this feature.

  1. Click My Content Server then the name of the basket to use.
  2. On the Content Basket page, select the check box of each item to download, and choose a download option from the Download menu on the Table menu.

    Selecting to download to a workspace stores items in the user's workspace location. A workspace is defined on the user's profile page. It can be an FTP or WebDAV server, a path on the local file system to a location, or Other (which downloads a zip file to be saved at a specified location). Selecting to download to the workspace stores the items in the user's workspace location. If the location is an FTP or WebDAV server and authentication is needed, a dialog is displayed and credentials must be entered.

    • Download Selected Items

    • Download All Items

    • Download Selected Items to Workspace

    • Download All Items to Workspace

    A zip file named Bundle.zip is created and a dialog is displayed with a prompt for the location to open or save the file.

The contents of the zip file depends on the type of item:

  • Internal (electronic) items: The zip file contains the selected rendition file for the item. The file name for the item is built up as follows:

    <Item_Title> (Primary|Web) [<Content_ID> Revision-<Rev. No.>].<File_Extension>

    where Primary refers to the native file rendition, and Web to the web-viewable rendition. For example: Report2005 (Primary) [CS12025 Revision-2].doc.

  • External (physical items): The zip file contains a file with the metadata, location, and retention information about the physical item, in the archive metadata format as specified on the Configure Records Management page. (See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter Content for details.) The file name is built up as follows:

    <Random_Number> (External Item) [<Item_Name>].<File_Extension>

    where the file extension depends on the configured format setting. For example: 810871584 (External Item) [Contracts2009].hda. Creating E-Mail Links to Items in the Content Basket

To create a new e-mail message in the default e-mail client, with information and links for one or more items in a content basket:

  1. Click My Content Server then My Content Basket.
  2. On the Content Basket page, select the check box of each item (rendition) to include in the e-mail message, and choose E-Mail Links then E-Mail Links to Selected Items from the Email Links menu at the top of the page. To include all items in the e-mail message, choose E-Mail Links then E‐Mail Links to All Items.

    A new e-mail message window for the default e-mail client is displayed, with Content Item Rendition Links as the subject line and links and information for the items in the message body.

Some e-mail clients have limitations regarding the number of characters used in the body of a message. Adding a large number of items as links to an e-mail may exceed the limitation, resulting in some links not being listed. Contents of E-Mail Message

What is included in the e-mail message for an item depends on the type of that item:

  • Internal (electronic) items: The e-mail message contains the content ID and title of each selected item, links to the selected rendition file(s) for the item.

  • External (physical) items: The e-mail message contains the name and title of each selected physical item, a link to the item's information page.

25.2.5 Folios and Cloned Content

Automatic cloning occurs when working with folios that are filed into restricted categories. A default rule in the Records system is followed that states all folios must be editable, revisionable, and deletable. If a folio is filed into a category that restricts any of these actions, it is cloned when a new revision is checked in.

If a folio is frozen, a clone is created because freezing restricts deletions and edits. If folio content is filed into a category that restricts edits, deletions, or revisions, it is cloned.

You can also manually create a copy of a specific revision of a content item by cloning the item. Unlike a simple copy of a content item, a fixed cloned copy is linked to the original version. A newly cloned copy can also replace (supersede) any previous cloned versions. The functionality to manually create a fixed clone is only available if the RmaEnableFixedClones configuration variable has been set to TRUE.

When creating a fixed clone, specify which category or folder will hold the item. The clone name is created with the title of the current revision with a suffix appended. Administrators can change the value of the suffix by changing a configuration variable. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter Content for details.

Cloning rules can be customized to override record restrictions. This process is not discussed in this documentation. See Consulting Services for more details.

The fixed clone appears in the original content item's Revision History Section with the Fixed Clone Icon designating its status. It also appears in a separate section in the Exploring page for the category or folder where the item was stored. If the clone has been frozen, the Frozen Fixed Clone Icon is displayed. Click either icon to view the Content Information page for that clone.

A new metadata field, Working Copy, is added to the Information page of the fixed clone. The name of the original content item or folio appears next to this field with a link to that item.

If a user has permissions to freeze an item (assigned to the Records Administrator role by default) the user can freeze fixed clones and freeze the revision associated with the fixed clone. Freezing is done by searching for the folio then selecting a Freeze option from the Table menu on the Search Result page. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter Content for details. Creating a Fixed Clone

To create a fixed clone (this menu option is only available when a content item matches the criteria for cloning):

  1. Use searching or screening to find the content item to clone.
  2. Click the Info icon for the item.
  3. On the Content Information page, select the revision to clone by clicking the revision number in the Revision History Section.
  4. Choose Content Actions then Create Fixed Clone from the Page menu to create a fixed clone of the revision. Choose to supersede previous clones with this version by selecting the appropriate box. A prompt appears for the clone name and the location for storage (folder or category). Enter the name of the category or click Browse to choose an item from the Select Category or Folder dialog.
  5. Click OK when done. The Content Information page opens with the fixed clone icon in the Revision History Section indicating the action taken. Adding a Folio to a Restricted Revision Category

To create a folio that is cloned for use in a restricted revision category:

  1. Choose Content Management then New Folio.
  2. Choose the type of folio to create and choose Load Folio.
  3. Click the plus icon to add a folio. Click Next. Select items from the search results for inclusion and click Next.
  4. On the folio page, choose Actions then Save Folio from the Page menu.
  5. Click Next in the dialog. Choose a title for the folio and a security group for the folio.
  6. In the Category or Folders field, choose a category that restricts revisions.
  7. Click OK and check in the folio.
  8. Browse to the category with restricted revisions. Note that the folio and a folio clone are listed.

25.2.6 Creating a Physical Item

When creating a new physical item, you check in its metadata, storage information, and retention schedule in the repository. This information is subsequently used to track the physical item and manage its life cycle.

You can also create a new physical item by choosing New Checkin then Electronic/Physical Checkin. Use that option to check in an item that is stored on another repository (such as an adapter system). The procedure is the same as that described here. Only the menu option is different.

A physical item can be created by simply checking in the item as a physical item. Other methods can also be used to create a physical item: Using the Storage Page


The PCM.Physical.Create right is required and the Record.Create right is needed in the Records system to perform this task. The PCM.Physical.Create right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles. The Record.Create right is assigned by default to the predefined Records Privileged and Records Administrator roles.

Use this option when creating a record for an item which has no electronic equivalent (such as a tape or a CD).

  1. Choose Physical then Storage.
  2. On the Exploring Storage page, choose Create Physical Item from the Actions menu for the location to store the item.
  3. On the Create or Edit Physical Item page, provide the information for the new physical item as required, including it storage and record-related information:
    • Title: Item's title. Maximum characters is 80.

    • Filer (author): Person submitting the item. The default is the current user. Administrators can select an alternative filer.

    • Security Group: Group where the item should be assigned.

    • Object Type: Select a type matching the object type of the storage location, if one is specified.

    • Media Type: Available media types depend on the object type.

    • Permanent Location, Current Location: Enter a location or click Browse to open a dialog used to browse the storage space hierarchy. Use the plus and minus symbols in front of a storage location to unfold or collapse all child locations. After selecting the desired location, click OK to return to the Create or Edit Physical Item page. Click Clear to delete the current storage path and select a new one.

      After selecting a location, the Permanent Location field contains a reference to that location. This is the barcode for the location or if no barcode is specified, it is a 19-digit number. Below the Permanent Location field, the full hierarchical storage path to the selected location is displayed.

      If a current location isn't set, it is set to OTHER. To set the location to a user, select Set Current Location to a User. If needed, enter a comment about the current location (for example, handling instructions).

      If a permanent location isn't provided, it is set to the current location.

    • Barcode label: Label for the item. This text is printed below the barcode on the label. If not set, it is set to match the item name in all upper case letter. If content IDs are automatically generated, the barcode matches the generated ID.

    • Type: Content type of the item.

  4. Click Create to submit the information about the new physical item to the repository. Within a Retention Schedule


The PCM.Physical.Create right and the Record.Create right is required in the Records system to perform this task. The PCM.Physical.Create right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles. The Record.Create right is assigned by default to the predefined Records Privileged and Records Administrator roles.

To create a new physical item in a retention category or records folder:

  1. Choose Browse Content then Retention Schedules.
  2. Navigate to the records retention category or records folder in the hierarchy to store the physical item.
  3. Choose Create then Check In New Physical Item from the Actions menu of the location where the item will be stored.
  4. Provide the information for the new physical item as required.

    The page does not contain the Life Cycle field because the physical item is automatically assigned the retention and disposition rules of the current (or inherited) retention category.

  5. Click Create to submit the information about the physical item to the repository. The Physical Item Information page for the new physical item opens with the Is Record field set to Yes. Creating a Physical Item Within Another Item


The PCM.Physical.Create right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

To create a new physical item within an existing physical item:

  1. Choose Physical then Storage.
  2. On the Exploring Storage page, choose Create Physical Item Within from the Actions menu for the location where the item will be stored.
  3. On the Create or Edit Physical Item page, provide the information for the new physical item as required, including it storage and record-related information.
  4. Click Create to submit the information about the new physical item to the repository.

25.3 Finding Records and Physical Items

The Search option can be used to search for records, just as any type of content can be searched.

When using Oracle Text Search the system does not index external items, including physical items. Therefore those items and other items stored externally (for example, on an adapter system) are not available for searching.

For details about using Federated Search for legal discovery purposes, see Managing Oracle WebCenter Content.

In addition to search-like functionality, screening can isolate retention categories, record folders, and content by their attributes. Screening enables a user to see what has happened or what could happen within a retention schedule.

If more results are returned than are configured in the User Profile page, the page navigation menu will change, indicating other pages of information available for viewing. The list of page numbers is updated as the user navigates through the pages. If there are fewer search results than are configured in the User Profile, no page navigation is displayed.


Depending on a user's role, rights associated with that role, and profile, different menu options may appear on a search or screening page. In general, system administrative users will see menus similar to those used to configure the system while end users will see menus containing typical functionality for users.

25.3.1 Searching for Content

To search for content:

  1. Choose Search then the repository for searching.
  2. On the Standard Search page, enter the criteria to use for the search. When searching folders, it is best to use Substring as an operand instead of Matches. Using the Matches operand narrows the search results considerably. Using Substring returns all internal content items as expected.
  3. To create a query for later use, select the search criteria and click Save. A prompt appears for a query name. Enter a name and click OK. The query is saved in the user's My Saved Query list in the My Content Server menu.
  4. To run the search immediately, specify the search criteria and click Search when done. The Search Result page opens, which lists all items meeting the search criteria. Using the Search Forms Option

An expanded version of the search form can also be used or a custom search query can be constructed. To access these options, choose Search Forms from the Page menu of the Standard Search page.

  • Expanded form: By default, several sections of each search form are displayed using the collapsed format (for example, Correspondence Fields). When the expanded version of a search form is selected, all of the sections on the form are displayed.

  • Query builder: The Query Builder form is available from the Search Forms menu at the top of the page on any of the search pages. It enables a user to easily build and save complex queries by selecting options from a series of lists and operator fields. After a query is built using the Query Builder from, the user can edit the query directly, perform the search, or save the query for easy access from the saved queries list or through a targeted quick search.

    The Query Builder form displays the Include Child Records Folders box. If selected, the search function returns any matching results within child record folders. For comprehensive information about the Query Builder form, see Searching with the Query Builder Form. Using Auxiliary Metadata Sets

If an auxiliary metadata set has been created, the Auxiliary Metadata Set option appears next to the Search Forms option on the Page menu.

To search using metadata from that auxiliary set, click Auxiliary Metadata Set then click the name of the set before performing a search. Click OK. The search page is populated with the additional metadata fields, which can then be used for searching.

25.3.2 Searching for Physical Content

Physical content metadata (including storage information and retention schedules, if any) are stored in the repository. Information about physical items managed by PCM can be found using the basic search page or the advanced search page.


The search functionality for physical content items is case-sensitive.

To search for physical items:

  1. Choose Search then Physical.

    To use the advanced search page, choose Search then Advanced Search on the Page menu.

  2. To create a query for later use, select the search criteria and click Save. A prompt appears for a query name. Enter a name and click OK. The query is saved in the user's My Saved Query list in the My Content Server menu.
  3. To run the search immediately, specify the search criteria and click Search when done. The Physical Search Result page opens, which lists all items meeting the search criteria.

25.3.3 Screening for Content


Depending on a user's role, the rights associated with that role, and the user profile, different menu options may appear on search or screening pages. In general, administrative users will see menus similar to those used to configure the system while end users will see menus containing typical functionality for users.

After installation, an additional Screening menu is available on the Search menu. In addition to search-like functionality, screening enables a user to isolate retention categories, folders, and content by their attributes. Screening enables the user to see what has happened or what could happen within a retention schedule.

Screening reports can be created immediately or they can be scheduled to be generated at a later time. This is especially useful for screening reports affecting large sets of content. Creating the screening report immediately might put a heavy load on the system, which could diminish its responsiveness and/or result in browser time-outs. To avoid the load on the system, schedule screening reports to be performed at midnight, an off-peak time in most environments.


Scheduling reports is usually limited to those users with administrative privileges.

The screening interface may use user-friendly captions or may use standard retention terminology. The interface depictions in this documentation show user-friendly captions.

The following screening topics are discussed in this section: Performing Screenings

This section describes a general procedure to perform screenings. A search can be done by retention categories, record folders, and content by disposition, disposition event criteria, record folder and/or retention category criteria. Click Search without entering any criteria, and all items are returned in the results. Different repositories can also be searched (physical and electronic).


The Admin.Screening right is required to perform screening actions. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

To screen data:

  1. Choose Search then Screening. Select the screening type (Categories, Folders, or Content).

  2. When screening content and records, you can select the sources to use for the screening on the Screen for topic page. If additional repositories are available (for example, physical content or an adapter repository), you can select the source from the list. If an additional repository is chosen, you should verify that the screening criteria used is also available in that repository. If a field is used for screening and it is not used in the external repository, an error is displayed.

  3. Depending on the type of screening chosen, different screening options are available. Select the criteria for the search from the provided menus.

    When screening content and records, the Update Sort Fields button is displayed. Click this button to open a dialog where the user can select multiple fields to use for sorting. For each field selected and moved to the Search Fields pane, a check box appears below the fields section. Select the box to further refine if the sorting for that field should be in ascending order. If not checked, sort order is descending.

  4. (Optional) if screening for a review or due date, specify the date in the Review Due By box or Due for Action box.

  5. Select a Freeze Status to filter by items that are frozen or not frozen.

  6. Select sorting preferences in the Results Options area.

    1. Sort by the default or select another option from the Sort By list.

    2. Sort in the default descending order or select the ascending order.

  7. Click Search. Any results matching the screening criteria appear in the Screening Results. Scheduling a Screening Report


You must have Records Administrator or PCM Administrator rights to schedule screening reports.

You may be able to only schedule screening reports and not execute them immediately, depending on the setting of the Only allow scheduled screening option on the Configure Retention Administration page. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter Content for details about configuring the system.

To schedule a screening report:

  1. Choose Search then Screening then the screening type.
  2. On the Screen for Topic page, select the criteria for the screening and click Schedule.
  3. On the Schedule Screening Report page, provide a name for the screening report.
  4. Provide the start date of the screening report. This is the date the scheduled screening report will be generated. If the screening report is recurring, the first screening report will be generated for the first time on this date, and all subsequent reports at the end of each recurring period after this date.
  5. To create the report periodically rather than just once, select Is Recurring. Specify the interval at which the recurring screening report will be created (for example, every 2 weeks).
  6. Click OK when done.

The Scheduled Screening Reports page opens, which now includes the newly created scheduled screening report. Setting Default Metadata For Reports


You must have Records Administrator or PCM Administrator rights to schedule screening reports.

Recurring screening reports are automatically checked into the repository. To set the default metadata for these checked-in reports:

  1. Choose Records then Configure. Choose Metadata then Screening Metadata Defaults.
  2. On the Default Metadata for Checked-In Screening Reports page, specify the default metadata for checked-in screening reports.
  3. Click Submit Update when done.

25.3.4 Browsing the Retention Schedule

Browsing content and navigating the hierarchy in the retention schedule can be done using various techniques. A user's permissions and security configuration determine what portions of the schedule the user can view. A user can navigate using these methods:

  • Accessing retention schedules using the Browse Content menu: When an object is clicked in the Browse Content area, the tree expands or collapses. By default, retained items can be accessed in the retention schedule object.

  • Accessing retention schedules using a search result: Click the link in the Name column on a Search Result page to navigate to child objects. Hover the mouse pointer over the name of a category or record folder to quickly view its description. Descriptions over 100 characters are truncated in the popup for easier viewing. The full description of a category or folder can be viewed on the relevant information page.

  • Accessing retention schedules using locator links: The locator link provides a convenient means of navigating a retention schedule. It shows the location in the schedule hierarchy, and provides links to click to quickly move between parent and child levels.

To view the contents of a retention object (a category or series):

  1. Choose Browse Content then Retention Schedules.

  2. On the Exploring page, click the name of the object to view.

  3. The appropriate object page opens. For example, if you elect to view the contents of a category, the Category or Series Content page opens.

To view information about a series or retention categories:

  1. Choose Browse Content then Retention Schedules.
  2. On the Exploring page, navigate to the item for which to see information.
  3. In the row for the item, do either of the following:
    • Click the Info icon.

    • Click the item's Actions menu and choose Information, then select the type of information to view:

      • Series: Information about a series.

      • Category: Information about a category.

      • Metadata History: A list of changes to the metadata of the item.

      • Disposition Information: Disposition instructions, defining how items in the category are handled.

    The appropriate information page opens (for example, the Series Information page or the Category Information Page). The page shows relevant information about the selected item.

25.3.5 Browsing the PCM Storage Space

PCM uses a defined physical space environment to keep track of the storage and retention of physical items. When working with a physical item, the item is assigned to a storage location, so PCM knows where it is stored and can track it.

Storage space in PCM is set up hierarchically. Storage locations contain other, smaller storage locations that contain still smaller storage locations, and so on. The default PCM functionality comes with the following storage space hierarchy (from large to small).

This section describes browsing the defined storage environment in PCM. It covers the following topics: Browsing the Storage Tree

The Browse Content menu contains an item called Storage. This option enables a user to browse the defined storage space environment in a tree view with all defined storage locations in their hierarchical order. Note the following considerations:

  • The icons indicate the location type of the storage locations.

  • All storage locations include a percentage that shows how much of the available storage space in the location (and all its children) is currently occupied. For example, 25% means one-quarter of the maximum allowed number of stored items is currently assigned to the storage location (and all its children). The percentage of a storage location is automatically updated. However, the percentages of the parent storage location(s) are not updated automatically. This is done automatically daily (see next note).

  • By default, the available storage space for the entire hierarchy is recalculated daily at midnight. Therefore, the storage availability information may not be entirely up to date as the day progresses because it still reflects the situation from the night before.

  • The Browse Storage tree will always include a storage location called Other at the bottom. This is the default storage location for any physical items not explicitly assigned to another storage location.

  • Click any linked item in the storage space tree to see its Location page. Using Exploring Pages

The Exploring [Location] pages show the child storage location of a defined storage location. A list of all physical items stored in it can also be shown.

  1. Click Browse Content then Storage.
  2. The Exploring page for the top level (called Storage) opens. Use the links on this page to drill down in the storage space hierarchy. In the default Trays layout, navigate to a storage location in the tree view and click its link in the tree.

At the top of the page are locator links showing the current location in the storage space hierarchy. This trail allows a user to easily navigate between the levels in the hierarchy. Click any linked item in the trail to go to that level and show its Exploring page. Viewing Information about a Storage Location

To view information about a storage location:

  1. Choose Browse Content then Storage.
  2. On the Location page, navigate to the storage location and click the Info icon.

    You can also choose Information then Storage from the Actions menu for a storage location in the list to view that location's properties.

  3. Click OK when done viewing information.

25.3.6 Generating a Retention Schedule Report

A report can be generated at any time for any portion of the retention schedule to which a user has permissions. To generate reports for retained items:

To generate a report:

  1. Choose Browse Content then Retention Schedules.
  2. On the Exploring page, select the box corresponding to the item to use for the report. Choose Reports then Retention Schedule on the Page menu.

    A retention schedule report is generated. Open the report and view it or choose to save the report as a file.

  3. Close the browser window when done.


The report is generated in either PDF or HTML form, depending on how the system is configured. If the generated file is in PDF format, it must be viewed using Adobe Acrobat version 6.0 or later.

25.4 Reservations and Chargebacks

Reservations are used to manage physical items. Items can be checked out to users, reserved for later use, or requested. A user can put a hold on items that are currently unavailable (for example, someone else has the item). If others also made a reservation request for an item, that reservation is put on a waiting list, which specifies the order in which people made a reservation for the item. A reservation request may comprise multiple items.

Chargebacks are fees charged to people or businesses for the use of storage facilities or actions performed on physical items in the storage facilities. They can also be used to provide an explanation for storage actions.

Invoices can be generated for the storage, use, reservation, and destruction of the managed content. The invoices can then be sent to internal or external customers in accordance with applicable business procedures.

For complete details about creating customers, charges, and reservations, see Managing Oracle WebCenter Content.

25.5 Creating a Records Profile

Profiles limit information shown on often-used pages, thus making it easier for users to see or enter only information that is directly relevant. Profiles can be considered a type of filter for what information is displayed.

Simple Profiles are based on Content Profile functionality. Content Profiles is a field-based approach to customizing content pages. Simple Profiles is a form-based application. A software wizard tool steps the user through the process of creating a profile. Users can customize the forms by choosing what fields will appear, the order of the fields, and can create tool tips and prompts to remind the user of needed actions and valid entries.

Most users do not have the security privileges required to use the Content Profile tool in the Configuration Manager applet, but all users are able to use Simple Profiles, regardless of their security privileges.

The Simple Profile functionality meets Department of Defense 5015 certification requirements and enables individual users to set their own defaults for a personal profile.

25.5.1 Creating a Profile

System profiles are created by an administrator and can be accessed by any user. Personal profiles are created and configured by a user for personal use. If a administrator sets up a personal profile, it is available for use only by the administrator, not to others in the enterprise.


The Records User right is required to create a personal profile. To perform any administrative functions, the Record Administrator or PCM Administrator role is required.

A profile is composed of rules and a trigger value, based on a trigger field. Select the trigger field in the initial step of setting up the profile then use the Simple Profiles interface to set the rules to control the trigger.

The following topics are discussed in this section: Trigger Fields

The first step in the profile process is to determine a trigger field. The trigger must match the following criteria:

  • It must be an option list metadata field. The fields that are defined as option list fields are the only fields that appear in the list for trigger selection.

  • After a trigger field has been defined for a system profile, it cannot be deleted from the system. (A user can delete a trigger field defined for a personal profile.)

  • A trigger field can be disabled by a administrator using the Profiles tab of the Configuration Manager applet. Click Select, then select none specified from the Add Profile page, then click OK.


If a trigger field is disabled, all profiles are disabled but they remain listed on the Search and New Check In menu. If a trigger field is changed after profiles have been created that use that field, the existing profiles could become invalid.

If a metadata field in a document matches a trigger value for a profile that profile is used for the document.You can have an unlimited number of profiles, but only one trigger value per profile. For example, if a trigger field is dDocType, Profile 1 can use a trigger value of ADACCT. Profile 2 can use a trigger value of ADSALES. Rules

A rule is a set of metadata fields that determine how the fields are shown on the Check In, Update, Content Information, and Search pages. It also determines if fields are editable, required, hidden, excluded, or read-only. A rule can be evaluated for every profile (global) or can be evaluated for a specific profile.

A global profile is one that is always evaluated. Because profile rules are evaluated after global profiles, global profiles can be superseded by profile rules. However, administrators can set the priority for the global profile and increase its precedence.


Global system profiles affect all personal profiles that other users create. The defaults, descriptions, and labels that an administrator creates in this type of profile are used on the personal profiles other users create if the profile is made global. Profile Pages

After determining the trigger value, set up the following elements in Simple Profile pages by using either the profile configuration Wizard (when creating a new simple profile) or the following page menu options.


Some of these elements are restricted to use by administrators only at a site. Available elements also may be limited by the configuration for a site.

  • Configure fields: Used to choose the fields to appear on forms and whether those fields are excluded, hidden, un-editable (read-only) or required.

  • Set field formats: Used to specify the formats for fields.

  • Set default values: Used to set the default values for fields.

  • Set derived values: Used to set the derived values for fields.

  • Group fields: Used to determine how the fields are grouped, the headings used, and any other descriptive information about the groups.

  • Set labels: Used to change the display names for the fields used in the profile.

  • Set descriptions: Used to add a field label tool tip for a field to explain the field usage.

  • Restrict options: Used to restrict what appears on a form or to determine the order of options in a list, depending on the field choice.

  • Set activation condition: Used to set the activation condition that changes profile behavior based on different inputs.

  • Limit access (Administrators Only): Used to limit access to a system profile based on a security group.

  • Set search order: Used to set the search order for search results and the direction of a search (ascending or descending).

Include as many of these elements as needed in the profile.

Designing a profile consists of a number of steps. The exact number and order of the steps depends on the elements to be included in the profile. This document describes all the steps. Choose the steps needed for the profile.

25.5.2 Designing a Simple Profile

System profiles are profiles that can be used by all users. These are typically created by administrators. Personal profiles are profiles that are created by individual users for their own personal use. The following sections describe how to create and configure a profile.


Some tasks are restricted to administrators.


When creating a new profile, you can test the effects of the profile and then edit the functionality. You can exit the Wizard at various points in the profile creation process and view the effect of the profile. To return to editing the profile, choose Edit, then Update Profile from the Page menu bar for the profile. If you have closed the profile, from the Profile Listing page choose Edit, then Update Profile from the Actions menu for the desired profile. Use the Wizard page menu to quickly navigate to the specific page you need to update. Adding a New Profile

Follow these steps to create a new system or personal profile using Simple Profiles. Add as many elements to the profile as needed. The pages shown in the Wizard depend on the elements selected in the Wizard fields.

  1. Access the Simple Profile functionality on the system depending on the type of profile to be created:
    • To create a personal profile, choose My Content Server then My Simple Profiles then choose the profile type. Select Create then Create Profile. Profiles created in this fashion will appear as a menu selection on the Check-in and the Search menus.

    • Administrators: To create a system profile that can be used by all users, choose Records then Configure then Simple Profiles. Choose the profile type. Select Create then Create Profile.

    • To create a system profile for Physical Content Management, choose Physical, then Configure then Physical Profiles. Select Create then Create Profile.

    • To create a global profile that will be applied to every profile, choose Create Global Profile instead of the Create Profile option. A global profile is one that is applied to every profile and which may override other profile behavior. Global profiles are applied in order of the priority assigned to the profile. Use this option with caution.

  2. Enter a name for the profile. This name can be a maximum field length of 50 characters and cannot contain special characters (; @ &, and so on).
  3. Enter a label for the profile. This name appears in the New Check In menu list and in the Search menu list.
  4. Enter a description for the profile.
  5. Choose the trigger value for the profile. When the trigger field matches this trigger value, the profile is used. Depending on the type of trigger chosen, a list may be available where a value can be selected.
  6. If the rules in a profile should be used globally, select Is Global. Global rules are those that are always evaluated, regardless of the criteria selected for the profile. An administrator can apply global rules to a system profile, which will affect all users. A user can apply global rules, but those rules apply only to the user's personal profiles.


    Global rules for a system profile may affect personal profiles. The defaults, descriptions, and labels created in the system profile may affect pages used in creating personal profiles.

  7. If global rule is selected, choose a priority number. A low priority number gives a lower precedence. The rule is executed before other higher priority rules, which means any changes made by higher priority rules may override those made by this rule.
  8. Leave Clear Search Trigger Value unselected to prevent pre-populating the trigger value specified in step 6. Default behavior is to allow the trigger value to be inserted on the Search pages that use the profile. By selecting this option, the trigger value is not used.
  9. Select the auxiliary metadata set or sets to use as a source for field values.
  10. Select the elements to include by selecting the appropriate check boxes in the Wizard Fields list.
  11. When finished selecting elements to include, click Save.

    The first page chosen for configuration opens.

  12. Make any configuration choices for each page in the Wizard. After specifying the configuration for each page, click Save, and the Wizard will continue with the next page in the sequence.

    To avoid saving the configuration for a page, click Reset to return the settings to their original values. At any time during this process the user can click Exit Wizard and the configuration is saved in the new profile, even if the user has not completed all the pages.


    In some pages, if you choose a field but don't specify a value for it, a message will appear to tell you to specify a value.

  13. When you finish configuring the last page in the profile Wizard sequence, click Save. The Simple Profile Information page opens. From this page the user can update, delete, or copy the profile. Using the Create/Update Profile Pages

The profile pages available for configuring a new simple profile depend on the options selected on the Create/Update Simple Profile page.

The following general procedure can be used to manage the information on any of the pages:

  • Click a field name to designate it for use. To designate a block of fields, click the first field, then press the Shift key and click the final field in the block.

  • Click the arrows to move the field from one location to another. A field can only be used in one location at a time. On some pages, arrows also can be used to sort the order of fields.

  • If a field has an additional element, such as a label to be associated with the field or a value that can be selected, that information appears at the bottom of the page.

  • To save the page and move to the next page in the Wizard sequence, click Save.

  • To exit the process and save the profile at any point, click Exit Wizard.

  • To reset the values on the page, click Reset.

  • To receive help information for the page, click Quick Help.

Actions Menu

The Actions for the individual profiles lists the following frequently used actions:

  • Profile Information: Opens the Simple Profile Information page for the profile.

  • Update Profile: Opens the Create/Update Simple Profile page where elements can be selected to include in the profile.

  • Delete Profile: Deletes the current profile.

Wizard Page Menu

The Wizard page menu shows the pages available for use in the profile using the configuration wizard. Move between pages in the profile by choosing a page from this menu.

Saving and Exiting

To exit the profile design process, click Exit Wizard on any design page. A message is displayed, indicating the configuration wizard has been exited. Click OK.


When you click Exit Wizard while using the configuration wizard, your profile is saved temporarily and does not appear on New Check In or Search menus for use. You must complete the design process and click Save in order to use the profile.

To reset the current page and lose all changes made to it, click Reset.

When finished the configuration on the page, click Save. The next page in the profile design sequence opens. When a user reaches the final page and clicks Save, the process is complete. Selecting Fields for Inclusion

To select fields for inclusion, select Field Configurations from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Configuration page opens. Use this page to determine actions for the specified fields.

  • Excluded Fields: These fields are not available for use on any future pages used in the profile design process.

  • Hidden Fields: These fields can continue to be used even though they are not displayed. This allows a user to set defaults, descriptions, and other useful information for those fields that will remain on the form when the document is checked in.

  • Uneditable Fields: These fields cannot be altered during the Check In or Update process.

  • Required Fields: These fields must be filled in by the user. If a field is designated as required, a message can be included when prompted at the bottom of the page.

  1. Select the available fields to use and move them into the appropriate box on the opposite side of the page. Use the arrows to sort the order of the fields in each box.

  2. If a selected field also has a required message, it is shown in a Required Messages section on the page. Review the information and make modifications.

  3. When done, click Save.

    The next page in the profile creation process opens. Set Field Formats

Select Field Formats from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Formats page opens. Use this page to specify formats for the fields in the profile.

  1. Select the available fields to use and move them to the Format Fields box.

    When a format field is selected, a Format Values section is displayed.

  2. In the Format Values section, for each format field, click the check box if a format hint is needed on the Check In page.

  3. For each selected field, enter a format value for a format different than the existing format. Formats specify the type of information that can be entered by the user when the field appears on a form, usually alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric.

    Use braces { } around a value to specify a regular expression. Pattern values include the following. All other characters are treated as literal values.

    • N or n: Can be any digit. Example: 0 to 9.

    • L or l: Can be any lowercase alphabet characters. Example: a to z.

    • U or u: Can be any uppercase alphabet characters. Example: A to Z.

    • B or b: Can be any lower- or uppercase alphabetic characters. Examples: a to z; A to Z.

    • A or a: Can be any alpha-numeric characters. Example: a to z; A to Z; or 0 to 9.

  4. After setting all the field formats, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens. Set Default Values

  1. Select the available fields to use and move them to the Default Fields box. When specifying a default field, a Default Values section is displayed.

  2. In the Default Values section, for each default field a field value can be entered. Select Advanced where Idoc Script can be entered to specify how the default value is used after evaluation for processing.

  3. After setting all default values, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens.

Select Field Defaults from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Default Values page opens. Use this page to set default values for the fields in the profile. Set Derived Values

Select Field Derived Values from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Derived Values page opens. Use this page to set derived values for the fields in the profile.

  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Derived Fields box. When a derived field is specified, a Derived Values section is displayed.

  2. In the Derived Values section, for each derived field, specify a derived value. Select Advanced where Idoc Script can be entered to specify how the derived value is used after evaluation for processing.

  3. After setting all derived values, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens. Grouping Fields

Select Field Groups from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Groups page opens. Use this page to group fields together on the Check In, Update, Search, and Content Information pages.


If you chose to configure fields and excluded some fields on the Simple Profile Field Configuration page, those fields do not appear for use on this page. In addition, if you chose to hide fields, those fields do not appear for use on this page.

  1. Select the available fields to use and move them to the Default box or an added group box. The Default box can be used for information that has pre-defined defaults, or for any fields that should appear at the bottom of the form that uses the profile.

  2. To create a new group, click Add Group then enter the following information on the Edit Profile Group dialog:

    1. Enter a name for the new group. The ID can be a maximum of 50 characters and should not include special characters (#, @, etc.)

    2. Enter a header for the new group. The header appears on the form when the profile is used.

    3. Enter a description for the new group. When the user's cursor is placed on the title on the form, this description appears as a field label tooltip.

    4. Enter any detailed information that identifies the new group.

    5. Select Is Allow Collapse to allow users to collapse the group when viewing the page.

    6. Select Is Initially Collapsed to collapse the group on initial use of the page.

    To exit without saving the group, click Cancel. When done creating the new group, click Save.

  3. To edit any group on the page, including the Default group, click the page icon next to the group title.

  4. To delete a group, click the delete icon in the group title line.

    The fields that were selected for inclusion in the group are returned to the Available Fields box.

  5. To rearrange the order of fields in a group, select a field, then click the Up or Down arrow to move the field into the appropriate position.

  6. When finished arranging the groups on the page, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens. Setting Labels

Select Field Labels from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Labels page opens. Use this page to add labels to fields on the Check In, Update, Search, and Content Information pages.


If you chose to configure fields and excluded some fields on the Simple Profile Field Configuration page, those fields do not appear for use on the current page. In addition, if you chose to hide fields, those fields do not appear for use on this page.

  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Labeled Fields box. If a labeled field is specified, a Label Values section is displayed.

  2. For each specified labeled field, a label can be entered for the field next to the field name.

  3. When done, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens. Setting Descriptions

Select Field Descriptions from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Descriptions page opens. Use this page to add field label tooltips on the Check In, Update, Search, and Content Information pages.


If you chose to configure fields and excluded some fields on the Simple Profile Field Configuration page, those fields do not appear for use on the current page. In addition, if you chose to hide fields, those fields do not appear for use on this page.

  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Description Fields box. When specifying a description field, the Description Values section is displayed.

  2. Enter a short description for each field in the Description Values section. This description appears as a field label tool tip when the user places the cursor on the field label.

  3. If needed, enter a detailed description for a field. This description appears when the user clicks on the field label.

  4. When done, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens. Restricting Options

Select Field Restricted Options from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Field Restricted Options page opens. Use this page to restrict the choices on any option lists used in the profile.


Only fields that have option lists associated with them appear for use on this page.

  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Restricted Fields box.

  2. Select the field to restrict in the Restricted Fields box and click Update Options.

  3. In the Restricted Options dialog, select values to use in the Available Options box and move them to the Selected Options box.

  4. To change the order of the options, click the Up or Down arrows. Use this tool to place more frequently used items at the top of the list.

  5. To exit without saving the group, click Cancel. When done selecting and arranging the options, click Save.

  6. When done selecting all option lists, click Save. The next page in the system profile creation process opens. Setting Activation Conditions

Select Activation Conditions from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Activation Conditions page opens. Use this page to specify the event, action, or state that triggers the rules in the profile.


By default all of the conditions are selected. Remove the selection for those conditions you do not want the profile to use.

Not all combinations of activation conditions are valid and some may be mutually exclusive. Be careful when using combinations of condition types.

  1. Choose activation conditions by selecting the check box next to the appropriate activation condition:

    Event Activation Conditions

    • On request: When a search request is initiated.

    • On Submit: When a check in is initiated.

    • On Import: When an archive is imported.

    Action Activation Conditions

    • Check In New: When checking in new content.

    • Check In Selected: When checking in selected content.

    • Info: When accessing content information.

    • Update: When updating content information.

    • Search: When searching for content.

    Flag Activation Conditions

    • Is Workflow: When a document is in a workflow.

    • Is Not Workflow: When a document is scheduled for a workflow but not active in the workflow.


      If no workflow check box is selected, the workflow state is ignored as a criteria for activation.

  2. Advanced box: To have a script activated whenever this profile is submitted, enter the Idoc Script here. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter Content for details about creating profile scripts.

  3. When done, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens. Limiting Access (Administrators Only)

Select Limit Access Values from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Limit Access Values page opens. Use this page to specify if access to the system profile should be limited according to pre-defined security accounts, roles, and groups for the Check In and Search pages.


You can limit access based on a security group and an account (if accounts have been enabled). A user must belong to the security group and account in order to use the profile.

If a user is not a member of a security group, or a security group and an account, then the user will not see the profile in the Search or Check In menus.

  1. Limit access to the Check In page by choosing the security group from the menu. Only users in that security group are able to check in content using this profile.

  2. If accounts are in place, choose the account from the menu for the Check In page. Only users with that account and in the security group specified in step 1 are able to use this profile on the Check In page.

  3. If roles are set up, choose the role from the menu for the Check In page. Only users with that role and the account and in the security group specified in step 2 are able to use this profile on the Check In page.

  4. Limit access to the Search page by choosing the security group from the menu. Only users in that security group are able to search for content using this profile.

  5. If accounts are set up, enter the account name or choose the account from the menu. Only users with that account and in the security group specified in step 4 are able to use this profile on the Search page.

  6. If roles are set up, choose the role from the menu. Only users with that role and the account and in the security group specified in step 5 are able to use this profile on the Search page.

  7. When done, click Save. The next page in the profile creation process opens. Setting the Search Order

Select Search Order from the Wizard Fields section on the Create/Update Simple Profile page. The Simple Profile Search Order page opens. Use this page to specify the criteria and order for Search fields. Move higher priority fields to the top of the Search Fields list.

  1. Select the available fields and move them to the Search Fields box.

    When a search field is selected, it is listed in the Search Criteria section.

  2. You can set the search order of fields by using the Up or Down arrows to assign a field a higher or lower sorting priority.

  3. In the Search Criteria section, to sort a field by ascending order, select the check box by the Search Field name. Fields are sorted in descending order by default.

  4. When done, click Save. If no more modifications are needed to the profile, click Exit Wizard. The Simple Profile Information page opens.

25.5.3 Profile Management

Keep the following points in mind when managing system and personal profiles created with the Simple Profiles component:

  • A copied profile contains all of the information in the original profile. Make certain to change any labels, defaults, or security groups in the copied profile.

  • All management functionality (updating, copying, deleting) is available from the page menu bar on the Simple Profile Information page and from the Actions menu for a profile.

  • When creating a profile, if the wizard was exited before finishing the profile by using the Exit Wizard option, any changes made up to that point by using the Save button are saved. The Reset button cannot be used to change them. Edit them using the Update Profile option.

  • Administrators Only: If a profile is moved to the Content Profiles applet it can no longer be modified using Simple Profiles.

  • Administrators Only: View the details of profiles created with Simple Profiles by using the Rules tab on the Configuration Manager applet. All of the rules created with Simple Profiles appear on that tab.


    Do not edit any rules created for a simple profile by using the Rules tab. Editing or deleting the rules invalidates the profiles.

The following tasks are typically done when managing profiles: Viewing Profile Information

To view information about system and personal profiles:

  1. To view personal profiles, choose My Content Server then My Simple Profiles then the profile type to access the Profile Listing page.

    If you have administrative privileges, to view system profiles, choose Records then Configure then Simple Profiles. Choose the profile type to display the Profile Listing page.

  2. Click the Info icon for the profile to view. Updating a Simple Profile

Updating a simple profile involves accessing a profile and modifying, adding, or deleting information.

  1. Access the Profile Listing page.
  2. Use one of the following methods to update information for the profile or its fields:
    • Click the Actions menu for the profile and select Edit, then Update Profile to access the Create/Update Simple Profile page for the profile.

    • Click the Info icon for a profile. This opens the Simple Profile Information page. From the Page menu choose any of the Configure Fields or Configure Profile options to configure the profile.

      Also, from the Page menu bar a user can choose Edit then Update Profile to open the Create/Update Simple Profile page.


    A profile can be updated by using the Actions menu or a profile's Page menu bar to choose Edit then Update Profile to open the Create/Update Simple Profile page. When the Update Content Profile page is saved it automatically starts the Wizard for modifying the profile configuration. If you do not want to use the Wizard, use the Page menu bar to directly select a profile configuration type to modify.

  3. When finished making changes to a profile, click Save. Copying a Profile

To copy a system or personal profile:

  1. Access the Profile Listing page.
  2. Click the Info icon for the profile to copy.

    The opens, showing the details of the profile.

  3. On the Simple Profile Information page, on the Page menu, choose Edit, then select Copy Profile.
  4. On the Copy Simple Profile page, enter the new profile name and new label.
  5. Click Copy when done. To change edits, click Reset to clear the edits made.
  6. Update the profile as needed. Deleting a Profile

You must be an administrator to delete a system profile. You can delete your own personal profile. To remove a system or personal profile:

  1. Access the Profile Listing page.
  2. To delete a specific profile:
    • Click the Info icon for the profile to delete. The Simple Profile Information page opens, showing the details of the profile. On the Page menu bar choose Delete Profile.

    • Choose the Actions menu for the profile and choose Delete Profile.

    • Click Delete on any profile configuration page.

    A message is displayed, prompting to confirm the deletion.

  3. Click OK to delete the profile, or click Cancel to retain the profile. Moving a Profile

To move a system profile to the Configuration Manager:


If you move a system profile to the Content Profiles applet in the Configuration Manager, you can no longer modify or work with the profile using the Simple Profiles component. You must use the Configuration Manager Content Profiles functionality instead. Note that physical profiles cannot be moved.

  1. Access the Profile Listing page.
  2. To move a system content profile to the Configuration Manager, use one of the following methods:
    • Click the Info icon for the system profile to be moved. The Simple Profile Information page opens, showing the details of the system profile. On the Page menu bar choose Edit then Move to Configuration Manager.

    • Click the Actions menu for the profile to move, then choose Edit then Move to Configuration Manager.

    A message is displayed, prompting to confirm the move.

  3. Click OK to move the profile, or Cancel to leave the profile as is. Changing a Trigger Field (Administrators Only)

To modify the trigger field for content profiles:

  1. Access the Profile Listing page.
  2. To change the trigger field for content profiles, on the page click Configure Metadata Set.
  3. On the Simple Profile Information page, select a different trigger field from the list and click Save. A confirmation prompt is displayed showing that the profiles configuration has been saved.
  4. Click OK. The Profile Listing page opens. Troubleshooting (Administrators Only)

To temporarily disable the Simple Profiles component to resolve an issue, change the flag to the following setting in the \config\config.cfg file:
