Unsubmitting Journals

You can unsubmit a journal that you previously submitted. When you unsubmit a journal, the status reverts from Submitted to Working.

Before you begin this procedure, in the Smart View Panel, ensure that you are connected to a Oracle Hyperion Financial Management data source.

To unsubmit journals:

  1. In the Smart View Panel, right-click a Financial Management application, and then select Manage Journals.

    The Manage Journals window is displayed.

  2. Set the point of view as described in Selecting Dimension Members for Journal Detail.
  3. Before proceeding, click Refresh, Refresh button, to update the list of journals with those that correspond to the selected POV.

    Refreshing the journals list helps you to avoid errors that may arise when the selected POV and the listed journals are not in sync.

  4. Perform a task:
    • To unsubmit unopened journals:

      1. In the Manage Journals window, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then select journals with the status, "Submitted."

        Alternatively, select a single journal with the status, "Submitted."

      2. Click Unsubmit, Unsubmit button.

      3. When you're finished unsubmitting journals, in the Manage Journals window, click Close.

    • To unsubmit an opened journal:

      1. Open a journal, as described in Opening Journals.

      2. In the Oracle Journals ribbon, click Unsubmit button on the.