2.6 Uninstalling the Adapter

This section describes the procedures for uninstalling the adapter on Unix and on Windows.

2.6.1 Uninstalling the Adapter on Unix

To uninstall the adapter on a Unix platform:

  1. Stop the adapter as specified in Running the Adapter on Unix.

  2. Delete the adapters folder from the adapter installation directory.

2.6.2 Uninstalling the Adapter on Windows

To uninstall the adapter on a Windows platform:

  1. Stop the adapter as specified in Running the Adapter on Windows.

  2. If the adapter is installed as a Window service, perform the following steps to uninstall the adapter as a service:

    • Open a command window and change the working directory to the adapters\bin directory in the adapter install directory.

    • Issue the command .\service uninstall

  3. Delete the adapters folder from the adapter installation directory.