Find Content

Use this page to manage the content defined for the site. You may find, edit, and delete content.

To find content by date:
  1. Enter a start date in the "Date" text box.

  2. Select "Find Content". A list of matching content will appear below.

To find content by status:
  1. Select a status in the "Status:" drop-down list box.

  2. Select "Find Content". A list of matching content will appear below.

To find content by locale (available only on international sites):
  1. Select one or more locales in the "Used in Locales" list box.

  2. Select "Find Content".  A list of matching content will appear below.

To view all content:
  1. Leave the "Date" text box blank.

  2. Do not select a status.

  3. Do not select a locale (available on international sites only).

  4. Select "Find Content". A list of matching content will appear below.

To edit content:
  1. Locate the content you wish to change.

  2. Select the "Edit" icon to the right of the content you want to modify. A new page will appear with the information that may be modified for the content. You may change the status of any content, but only content with a status of "Declined" or "WIP" may have its details modified.

To delete content:
  1. Locate the content you wish to delete. Note: only content with "WIP" or "Declined" status may be deleted.

  2. Select the "Delete" icon to the right of the content you wish to remove. Select "Yes" in the confirmation box that comes up.

See also

Sections and Pages

Site Preview


Upload Media

Site Configurations

Vanity URLs

Email Templates

Additional Sitemap Entries

Locales & Languages