
Use this page to manage the formats defined for the different asset types in the site. You may add, delete, or edit formats.

To view the formats defined for an asset type:
  1. In the "Asset Types" list, located the asset you wish to view.

  2. Select the name of the asset in the "Asset Type" column or select the "View Formats" icon to the right of the asset name. A new page appears with a list of all of the formats defined for that asset.

  3. Select "Back to Asset Types List" to return to the previous page.

To create a format:
  1. Follow the instructions to view the formats for the asset type you are interested in.

  2. In the "Create a Format" tab box, enter the name for the format in the "Format Name:" text box.

  3. Select "Create Format". A new page will appear with tabs for "Details", "Asset Allocation", and "Default XSL Template".

  4. Select the "Details" tab to set the details for the format.

Select "Update Format" to save your changes.

  1. Select the "Asset Association" tab to associate asset types with the format.

  2. Select the "Default XSL Template" tab to enter the XSL template for the format. The XSL template controls the way the content is displayed on the Web site. Select "Update Default Template" to save your changes.

  3. Select "Back To Asset Types List" to return to the format list page.

To edit a format:
  1. Follow the instructions to view the formats for the asset type you are interested in.

  2. In the format list, select the "Name" of the format or select the "Edit" icon to the right of format name. A new page will appear with tabs for "Details", "Asset Association", and "Default XSL Template".

  3. Select the "Details" tab to modify the details of the format.

Select "Update Format" to save your changes.

  1. Select the "Asset Association" tab to modify the asset types associated with the format.

  2. Select the "Default XSL Template" tab to modify the XSL template for the format. The XSL template controls the way the content is displayed on the Web site. Select "Update Default Template" to save your changes.

  3. Select "Back To Asset Types List : Article Formats" to return to the format list page.

To delete a format:
  1. Follow the instructions to view the formats for the asset type you are interested in.

  2. Select the "Delete" icon to the right of the format name that you want to delete.

  3. Select "Yes" in the confirmation box that comes up.

  4. Select "Back to Asset Types List" to return to the previous page.

To activate a format:
  1. Follow the instructions to view the formats for the asset type you are interested in.

  2. Check the "Active" box to the right of the name of the format you want to activate.

  3. Select "Back to Asset Types List" to return to the previous page.

To deactivate a format:
  1. Follow the instructions to view the formats for the asset type you are interested in.

  2. Uncheck the "Active" box to the right of the name of the format you want to deactivate.

  3. Select "Back to Asset Types List" to return to the previous page.

In this section


Asset Association

Default XSL Template

See also

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Vanity URLs

Email Templates

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