Vanity URLs

Use this page to manage the vanity URLs defined for the site. Vanity URLs are used to redirect the user to a specific page on the site. You may create, edit, and delete vanity URLs.

To create a vanity URL:
  1. In the "URL Code" text box, enter the text that will be used as the identifier for this url for the redirect. URL codes may contain any of following characters:

  2. In the "Redirect URL" text box, enter the URL the user should be redirected to. URLs should begin with a forward slash (/), and are context-sensitive (they do not contain the "" portion of the URL).

  3. Select "Create Vanity URL". The page will redraw and you will see your URL in the list of vanity URLs.

  4. To activate the new URL, select the "Active" checkbox of the URL in the list.

  5. To enter a start and stop date for the URL, follow the steps to edit an URL.

To edit a vanity URL:
  1. Locate the URL you wish to edit in the list of URLs.

  2. Select the "Edit" icon for the URL. The page will redraw and you will see a "Vanity URL" tab.

  3. To activate the URL, select the "Active" checkbox. To deactivate the URL, deselect the "Active" checkbox.

  4. Enter a new URL code in the "VanityURL Code" text box. See the entry above for creating a new vanity URL for the list of allowed characters in an URL code.

  5. Enter a new URL in the "Redirect URL" text box. URLs should begin with a forward slash (/), and are context-sensitive (they do not contain the "" portion of the URL).

  6. Enter a report label for the URL in the "Redirect Report Label" text box.

  7. Enter a start date for the URL in the "Start Date" text box or use the calendar icon to select a start date. URLs without start dates are considered active as soon as their status is set to active.

  8. Enter an end date for the URL in the "End Date" text box or use the calendar icon to select an end date. URLs without end dates are considered active as long as their status is set to active.

  9. Select "Save" to save your changes.

To activate an URL:
  1. Locate the URL you want to activate in the list box.

  2. Select the "Active" checkbox for the URL.

To deactivate an URL:
  1. Locate the URL you want to deactivate in the list box.

  2. Deselect the "Active" checkbox for the URL.

To delete an URL:
  1. Locate the URL you wish to delete in the list box.

  2. Select the "Delete" icon.

  3. A message box will appear, asking you to confirm the delete. Select "Yes".

In this section

Vanity URL

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