Sections and Pages

Use this page to manage the sections and pages for the site.

To create a new section:
  1. Enter the name of the new section in the text box in the "Create a New Site Section" tab box.

  2. Select "Create Site Section". The page will refresh and your section will be included in the "Site Sections" list.

To edit a section:
  1. Locate the section you wish to modify.

  2. Select the name in "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. Select the "Pages" tab to manage the pages and page content for the section.

  4. Select the "Details" tab to modify the details for the section.  Select "Save Details" to save your changes.

  5. Select "Back to Section List" to return to the previous page.

To change a section's name or description:
  1. Locate the section you wish to modify.

  2. Select the name in "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. Select the "Details" tab. Make the necessary changes to the "Name" and "Description" sections. 

  4. Select "Save Details" to save your changes.

  5. Select "Back to Section List" to return to the previous page.

To delete a section:
  1. Choose the section you wish to delete.

  2. Select the "Delete" icon to the right of the section name.

Working with an Individual Page in a Section

The following set of instructions refer to working with an individual page in a section and the page's attributes.

To update a page's internal name, JSP filepath, or area display:
  1. Locate the section containing the page you wish to modify.

  2. Select the name in "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page.  A new tab will appear and will be named after your page (see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the new tab for your page, select the "Details" tab.

  5. Select "Save Details" to save your changes.

  6. Select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the sections tab.

To update a page's search engine optimization title, keywords, or description:
  1. Locate the section containing the page you wish to modify.

  2. Select the name in "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page.  A new tab will appear and will be named after your page (see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the new tab for your page, select the "SEO" tab.

  5. If your site is an international site, select the language and the country that you are making updates for. 

  6. Enter your changes for the title, keywords and/or description for the page. 

  7. Select "Save" to save your changes.

  8. Select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the sections tab.

To preview the content on a page:
  1. Locate the section containing the page you wish whose content you wish to preview.

  2. Select the name in "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page.  A new tab will appear and will be named after your page (see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the new tab for your page, select the "Preview" tab. 

  5. If your site is an international site, select the language and country that corresponds to the content you wish to preview.

  6. The "Preview" tab displays a calendar with links for each day that the page is scheduled to appear. Days that are scheduled to have new content start on them will have either the word "Approved" or the word "Pending" on them, depending upon the status of the content. Select the day or the word "Approved" to view the page with approved content for that day. Select the word "Pending" to view the page with the pending content for that day.

  7. A new window appears which displays the page with content of the status that you chose. On the new window you can toggle between viewing approved content and pending content. The new window also contains a calendar on it and you may select another day on it if you want to view the page on a different day.

  8. Close the preview window when you are done previewing the page.

  9. Select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the sections tab.

Working with an Area on a Page

The following set of instructions refer to working with an area on a page.

To update the name, description, or pages associated with an area:
  1. Locate the section containing the page you wish to modify.

  2. Select the name in the "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page. A new tab will appear and will be named after your page(see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the "Areas" tab, select the "Configure" icon for the area you want to modify. The page will refresh and you will see the details of the area you choose.  When selecting an area to edit, keep in mind the naming rules for areas.  Areas that end in "-Tablet" display content only on tablet devices, areas that end in "-Mobile" display content only on mobile devices, and areas that end with neither display content on all three devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile.

  5. Modify the fields on this tab as necessary.

  6. Select "Save Details" to save your changes.

  7. Select "All Areas" to return to the list of areas for the page, or select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the list of pages for the section.

To create a new area on a page:

See your system administrator to add a new area to a page, as engineering changes are also required.

To add or remove targeted content support for an area on a page:
  1. Locate the section containing the page you wish to modify.

  2. Select the name in the "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page. A new tab will appear and will be named after your page (see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the "Areas" tab, select the "Configure" icon for the area you want to modify. The page will refresh and you will see the details of the area you choose.

  5. Select or deselect the "Supports Targeted Content" check box to add or remove targeted content support for the area.

  6. Select "Save Details" to save your changes.

  7. Select "All Areas" to return to the list of areas for the page, or select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the list of pages for the section.

Working with Content on a Page

The following set of instructions refer to working with content on a page.

To schedule new content on a page:
  1. Locate the section containing the page that you want to schedule new content for.

  2. Select the name in the "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page. A new tab will appear and will be named after your page (see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the "Areas" tab for the page, select the name of the area or the "Edit" button of the area where you want to schedule new content.  (When selecting an area to edit, keep in mind the naming rules for areas.  Areas that end in "-Tablet" display content only on tablet devices, areas that end in "-Mobile" display content only on mobile devices, and areas that end with neither display content on all three devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile.)  The page will refresh.

  5. If the site is an international site, select the language that will be used for the new content.  The page will refresh.

  6. If the site is an international site, select the country the new content will be valid for. 

  7. Select the "Schedule New Content" button. The page refreshes.

  8. Select the date the new content should start on.

  9. Select the type of content you want to schedule. The page will refresh and a "Format" drop-down will appear.

  10. In the "Format" drop-down, select the format you want to use for this instance of the content. If you are unsure of the format you want, select the "View Format Examples" button. A new window will open with sample images of the formats available for this type of content.

  11. Once the format is selected, the page will refresh and the "Asset Options" area will fill in with the fields that will allow you to create your content. Different fields will appear based on the type of content you chose to create. Fill in each field as appropriate for your content.

  12. Select the "Save" button at the top of the "Asset Options" area to save your content. You content will be saved and scheduled to appear. The page will refresh and you will see a listing for your new content.

  13. Select "All Areas" to return to the list of areas for the page, or select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the list of pages for the section.

To clone content on a page:

Cloning content is a shorthand way of repeating content that has previously appeared on a page and having it appear again.

  1. Locate the section containing the page that has content you wish to clone.

  2. Select the name in the "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page. A new tab will appear and will be named after your page (see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the "Areas" tab for the page, select the name of the area or the "Edit" button of the area whose content you want to clone. The page refreshes.  (When selecting an area to edit, keep in mind the naming rules for areas.  Areas that end in "-Tablet" display content only on tablet devices, areas that end in "-Mobile" display content only on mobile devices, and areas that end with neither display content on all three devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile.)  The page will refresh.

  5. In the "Content Scheduled After" area, enter a date that the content you want to clone appeared on. The page refreshes and a list of the content that appeared in that area after that date appears.

  6. Select the "Clone" button of the content you wish to clone. The page refreshes and the content chosen will appear.

  7. Select a date  and time that the cloned content should begin appearing on.

  8. If your site is an international site, select the locale the cloned content will be associated with.

  9. Select "Clone Content". The page will refresh and a list of all of the content scheduled to appear after the selected date will appear, with your cloned content in the list.

  10. Select "All Areas" to return to the list of areas for the page, or select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the list of pages for the section.

To edit the content on a page:
  1. Locate the section containing the page you wish to modify.

  2. Select the name in the "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page. A new tab will appear and will be named after your page (see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the "Areas" tab for the page, select the name of the area or the "Edit" button of the area whose content you want to change.  (When selecting an area to edit, keep in  mind the naming rules for areas.  Areas that end in "-Tablet" display content only on tablet devices, areas that end in "-Mobile" display content only on mobile devices, and areas that end with neither display content on all three devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile.)  The page refreshes.

  5. If your site is an international site, select the language of the content you are editing.

  6. If your site is an international site, select the country associated with the content you are editing.

  7. In the "Content Scheduled After" area, enter a date that the content you want to change will be appearing on. The page refreshes and a list of the content scheduled to appear in that area after that date appears.

  8. Select the "Edit" button of the content you wish to change. The page refreshes and the content chosen will appear.

  9. Make the necessary changes to the content. If the status of the content is not "WIP" or "Declined", you will first need to change the status to one of those values before you can make changes. What you can change varies by the type of content that you are modifying.

  10. Select "All Areas" to return to the list of areas for the page, or select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the list of pages for the section.

To change the status of content on a page:
  1. Locate the section containing the page that has content you want to change the status for.

  2. Select the name in the "Site Sections" or select the "Edit" icon to the right of the name. A new page appears with tabs for "Pages" and "Details".

  3. On the "Pages" tab, use the "Find a Page" tab to locate the page you wish to edit.  Select the page. A new tab will appear and will be named after your page(see Individual Pages for additional information).

  4. On the "Areas" tab for the page, select the name of the area or the "Edit" button of the area whose content you want to change the status of.   (When selecting an area to edit, keep in the naming rules for areas.  Areas that end in "-Tablet" display content only on tablet devices, areas that end in "-Mobile" display content only on mobile devices, and areas that end with neither display content on all three devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile.)  The page refreshes.

  5. If your site is an international site, select the language of the content.

  6. If your site is an international site, select the county the content is associated with.

  7. You will see a list of all of the content scheduled to appear after the date shown at the top of the tab. Select the "Edit" icon for content whose status you wish to change. The page will refresh.

  8. In the "Status" drop-down list, select the status you want to change the content to. Status changes take effect immediately and you do not have to select anything to save your changes. The page will refresh. If you set the working status to "WIP" or "Declined", you will be able to edit the details of content and make changes to it.

  9. Select "All Areas" to return to the list of areas for the page, or select the "Sections & Pages" tab to return to the list of pages for the section.

In this section
See also

Site Preview

Find Content


Upload Media

Site Configurations

Vanity URLs

Email Templates

Additional Sitemap Entries

Locales & Languages