My Oracle Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Release 16.2


April 2016

This document provides frequently asked questions for My Oracle Support. It contains the following questions:

Where can I see a list of known issues and issues fixed in My Oracle Support?

The My Oracle Support Release Notes, KM document 780132.5, lists known issues and issues fixed in My Oracle Support:

How do I access help in My Oracle Support?

To access help within My Oracle Support, click the help icon in the upper right corner of the screen. You will see a list of context-sensitive help articles that are relevant to the screen you are viewing. To view a list of all of the help files, click the Table of Contents link in the list.

How do I access Mobile My Oracle Support?

To access Mobile My Oracle Support, enter the following URL in a browser:

For more information about Mobile My Oracle Support, see Knowledge Document 1683083.2, "How to use Mobile My Oracle Support", part of the My Oracle Support How To series:

What features are included in My Oracle Support?

My Oracle Support supports the following features:

  • Service request (SR) management, including the ability for an Engineer to chat with an SR owner as well as create and update SRs, attachments, and configuration association

  • Browsing and searching knowledge base content, including My Oracle Support Community, documentation, defects, patches, and the Oracle System Handbook

  • Patch search and download

  • My Oracle Support Community

  • Certifications

  • Managed Cloud Services (formerly On Demand)

  • SR reports

  • Advanced Customer Services

  • Proactive Hardware Services

  • Favorites

  • User administration

  • Support Identifier management

  • Oracle hardware and software management

  • Hot Topics

  • Bug Tracker

See Also:

For more information about these features, see the "Getting Started" chapter of the My Oracle Support help at:

What features are not available during a planned or unplanned outage?

During a planned or unplanned outage, some features of My Oracle Support, including SRs and user administration features, are temporarily unavailable. The tabs for these features are not visible during an outage.

Can I receive e-mail notifications when Knowledge Base or SR information has been published or updated?

Hot Topics E-mail, available from the Settings tab, enables you to subscribe to e-mail notifications for a range of information (such as Knowledge Articles, bugs, desupport notices, field action bulletins) associated with Oracle products. You can also subscribe to e-mail alerts for your SRs based on certain criteria.

Why don't I see any closed SRs?

The Service Requests region is available from the Dashboard and Service Requests tabs. By default, My Oracle Support displays only open SRs. To view closed SRs, select Include Closed in the Service Request region.

Why don't I see as many articles as expected in the Knowledge Home page?

If PowerView is enabled, the information displayed in the Knowledge Home page is filtered by the selected PowerView filter. You may be able to see more selections by turning off PowerView.

Why can't I download a patch and how do I determine which types of patches I can download?

A patch has one or more of the following download access types:

  • Software

  • Operating System

  • Firmware

  • Vintage Solaris

  • Extended Support

  • Tier 1

A patch's download access type is listed on the patch details page and on the patch search results. If your Support Identifier (Support ID) does not have the required patch download access, then you cannot download the patch. For example, if a patch has Operating System download access, but your Support ID does not have access to download Operating System patches, then you cannot download the patch.

In addition, if the Customer User Administrator (CUA) has set the download patches privilege to No (View Only) for a Support ID in your profile, then you cannot download patches unless another Support ID in your profile has the download patches privilege set to Yes (Download).

To view your patch download access, go to the Settings tab then click My Account.

For additional information about patch download privileges, see Knowledge Document 1369860.1, "How Patches and Updates Entitlement Works":

How do I give feedback on My Oracle Support?

To provide your comments, suggestions, or feature requests for My Oracle Support, click the Contact Us link in the top right corner.

Feedback is appreciated and considered to be a valuable tool for improving My Oracle Support. A Contact Us SR will be created to track your feedback.

You can also post feedback through the Using My Oracle Support space located in My Oracle Support Community:


To provide feedback on knowledge base content, click Rate This Document in the upper right corner of the document viewer window.

Where do I go to search for PeopleSoft and JD Edwards patches?

Patches for PeopleSoft products are found by using the Patch Search region on the Patches & Updates tab. For more information about PeopleSoft patches, see Knowledge Document 1465172.1, My Oracle Support Patches and Updates for PeopleSoft Products:

JD Edwards patches are accessed by using the Patching Quick Links region on the Patches & Updates tab, which takes you to the JD Edwards Update Center.

What sites must be accessible to Patches & Updates?

To access Patches & Updates from, the following sites must be accessible through your firewall:

  • (https, port 443)

  • (https, port 443)

  • (port 80)

Why is my user name not recognized?

When trying to register for My Oracle Support or attempting to retrieve your password, you might receive one of the following error messages:

  • At new registration, you receive the "Username Already Exists" message when submitting registration.

    In this case, the login already exists but you have not entered the correct password. To fix this issue:

    1. Go to

    2. Click Sign In....

    3. On the Sign In page, click Forgot Password?. This will take you to the Reset Password page.

    4. On the Reset Password page, enter your user name, then click Reset. An email is sent to you with a temporary password.

    5. Log in using the temporary password and complete the registration. Ensure that you do not include the inverted commas (quotation marks) when entering the temporary password.


    Before to attempting to login with the temporary password, delete your browser cache and cookies, close the current browser window, then open a new browser window to ensure that your browser is refreshed.

  • After attempting to retrieve a password through the Forgot Password? link, you receive the message "No Account Specified With Username".

    This message appears if you have an inactive account that is linked to your email address or if you are using a user name other than an email address.

    Use one of the following methods to contact Oracle Support for assistance:

    • Click Contact Us at the top of any My Oracle Support page to create a Contact Us SR.

    • Contact Oracle Support by phone. The Global Oracle Support numbers are available here:

    If you request that an inactive account to be purged, the Oracle Support representative assigned to your SR will require written approval from you to delete and purge the inactive user account.


    Until the inactive account is removed and purged or updated, the system will not recognize your email address as being valid and available for registration.

  • When attempting to log in to My Oracle Support, you receive the message "Username Not Found".

    You will receive this message if you attempt to log in with an email address that you have not registered with Oracle Support. For information about registering, see the following section of the My Oracle Support help:

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

My Oracle Support FAQ, Release 16.2


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