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Siebel CRM Anywhere Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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4 Defining Upgrade Kits

This chapter provides information about and general instructions for running the Upgrade Kit Wizard, followed by specific instructions for defining several types of upgrade kits, and instructions for viewing upgrade kit properties, after the upgrade kits have been defined.

It includes the following topics:

About Defining Upgrade Kits

Defining an upgrade kit is the process of running the Upgrade Kit Wizard and entering data concerning a single Siebel Anywhere component that is to be upgraded. After all necessary data has been provided, the Upgrade Kit Wizard invokes the Upgrade Kit Builder, server component, which uses the gathered data to build the upgrade kit.


It is important to gather the data to be entered before you run the Upgrade Kit Wizard. For more information about planning your upgrade kit and gathering the necessary data, see Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

For more information about running the Upgrade Kit Wizard, see "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard". For general information about the Upgrade Kit Wizard and the Upgrade Kit Builder, see "Siebel Anywhere Wizards and Utilities".

For language-specific upgrade kits, use the instructions for the appropriate upgrade kit type. For example, use the instructions for defining a CFG upgrade kit to define a language-specific CFG upgrade kit.


If your upgrade includes multiple components, then use the instructions in this chapter to create an upgrade kit for each component.

After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard

All upgrade kits must be defined using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. This topic provides general instructions for running the Upgrade Kit Wizard. For background information about the Upgrade Kit Wizard, see "Upgrade Kit Wizard". See also "About Defining Upgrade Kits".


The following procedure describes how to start the Upgrade Kit Wizard for any type of upgrade kit. Subsequent steps and information required vary depending on the type of upgrade kit.

To start the Upgrade Kit Wizard  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Kits view.

    The Upgrade Kits view appears.

  2. Click Auto Create to start the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    The Upgrade Kit Wizard - Select Upgrade Component page appears.

  3. Follow the prompts to specify all parameters necessary for the type of upgrade kit you are creating.

Related Topics

"Defining a Siebel Upgrade Wizard Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Siebel Configuration File (CFG) Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Siebel Patchset Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Siebel Repository File Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Third Party Software Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Siebel Client Customer Revisions Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Custom Component Upgrade Kit"

Defining a Siebel Upgrade Wizard Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining a Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. Upgrade kits of this type are used to upgrade the Upgrade Wizard as part of a Siebel CRM release.


When a Siebel CRM release includes an update to the Upgrade Wizard, upgrade tasks must be performed in the following order to accomplish upgrades correctly. First, install any necessary Siebel CRM software for the Siebel Gateway Name Server and Siebel Server, for Siebel Innovation Pack 2016. Otherwise, version numbering for subsequent upgrade tasks might be incorrect. After performing Siebel Server installations, complete the upgrade to the Upgrade Wizard for each client before you upgrade any other software components for the client. This allows the latest version of the Upgrade Wizard to be used to accomplish the upgrades of other components.

To define a Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit  

  1. Gather the information and files you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard"

  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-1 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.


    The Minimum Old Version and Maximum Old Version settings are automatically set to NULL for history-independent component types, including Siebel Upgrade Wizard, indicating that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. The value for New Version is also automatically supplied for Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kits.

  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

The information in Table 4-1 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-1 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Upgrade Wizard Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Select Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

UNC Path for File Folder

Text field

The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the directory that contains the siebupg.exe file and its accompanying DLL files for the upgrade. Identify a network-accessible location.

New Version

Text field

The version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. The default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values"

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, the title appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.

Defining a Siebel Configuration File (CFG) Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining a Siebel Configuration File upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. Upgrade kits of this type are used to upgrade Siebel CFG files, and are always language-specific.

To define a Siebel Configuration File upgrade kit  

  1. Gather the information and files you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard".

  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-2 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

The information in Table 4-2 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-2 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Configuration File Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Select an option like Siebel Sales CFG__ENU or Siebel Call Center CFG__FRA.

Files to Add

Text field

The name of the CFG file to include in the upgrade kit. This field is populated either by entering a file name and path, or by clicking Browse and choosing a file from the directory listings displayed.



This button displays a standard dialog box for browsing and choosing a file.

Minimum Old Version

Text field

The earliest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, this indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. The default value is the same as the current component version recorded in the database. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Maximum Old Version

Text field

The latest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, this indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

New Version

Text field

The version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. The default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Apply Versions

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Activate Upgrade Kit check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the compiled information string in the database will be updated automatically with the component version information for this upgrade kit. You can also apply versions manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Required Upgrade Kit

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Apply Versions check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit will be required regardless of the previous versions installed. (Min Version and Max Version are set equal to the value of New Version, but this change is not visible in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.)

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, the title appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.

Defining a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Installing a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit synchronizes the logical and physical schemas on the Mobile Web Client and regional databases.


In an IBM DB2 environment, before creating Siebel Database Schema upgrade kits, you must drop all customized views and triggers. Otherwise, the upgrade kit will fail.

To define a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit  

  1. Gather the information you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard".

  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-3 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."


Make sure to check the log file after Upgrade Kit Builder creates a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit. Make sure that error messages or warnings, if any, are nonfatal.

The information in Table 4-3 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-3 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Select Siebel Database Schema.

ODBC Data Source

Text field

The name of the ODBC data source used to connect to the HQ database.

User Name

Text field

The Siebel administrator login ID used to connect to the database.

User Password

Text field

The Siebel administrator password used to connect to the database.

Schema Qualifier

Text field

(IBM DB2 for z/OS only) the name used to qualify all database objects created that are required by Siebel Business Applications.

Privileged User ID

Text field

Required. The user account that has the necessary database authority and privileges to perform operations required to implement Siebel Business Applications, including creating, accessing, and modifying Siebel database objects and native database objects. These environments have rigid controls on user identification: accounts must correspond to a real person. For a database other than IBM DB2 for z/OS, this account is the same account as table owner.

Privileged User Password

Text field

The Privileged User's password on the Regional Database. For a database other than IBM DB2 for z/OS, this password is the table owner's password.

Table Space

Text field

(Oracle Database or IBM DB2 only) The database tablespace or segment for Siebel tables. Tablespaces are created during initial installation or by the DBA. Obtain this value from your DBA or through a SQL query on the server database.

Index Space

Text field

(Oracle Database or IBM DB2 only) The database tablespace or segment for Siebel indexes. Obtain this value from your DBA through a SQL query on the server database.

16K Table Space

Text field

(IBM DB2 only) Obtain the optional parameter from your DBA or through a SQL query on the server database.

32K Table Space

Text field

(IBM DB2 only) Obtain the optional parameter from your DBA or through a SQL query on the server database.

Table Group File

Text field

(IBM DB2 for z/OS only) Obtain the optional parameter from your DBA or through a SQL query on the server database.

Minimum Old Version

Read-only text field

The earliest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. This setting is automatically set to NULL for history-independent component types, including Siebel Database Schema, indicating that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Maximum Old Version

Read-only text field

The latest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. This setting is automatically set to NULL for history-independent component types, including Siebel Database Schema, indicating that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

New Version

Text field

The version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. The default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the data to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Apply Versions

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Activate Upgrade Kit check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the compiled information string in the database will be updated automatically with the component version information for this upgrade kit. You can also apply versions manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Required Upgrade Kit

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Apply Versions check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit will be required regardless of the previous versions installed. (Min Version and Max Version are set to the value of New Version, but this change is not visible in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.)

Make Siebel Database Schema upgrade kits required when they are distributed to users in a production environment. However, it is recommended that you create and test the upgrade kit as an optional upgrade kit before making it required. For more information about changing an optional upgrade kit to be required, see "Converting an Optional Upgrade Kit to a Required Upgrade Kit".

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, this identifier appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.


To avoid unnecessary download operations, it is recommended that you keep only one upgrade kit for history-independent components, including Siebel Database Schema upgrade kits. Depending on your preference, you can either delete or deactivate previous upgrade kits for a history-independent component. Deleting an upgrade kit increases available space in the Siebel File System. Deactivating an upgrade kit prevents use of the upgrade kit, while keeping it available in case you need it unexpectedly.

For detailed information about using a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, see "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining an upgrade kit for a Siebel Client Executables component using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. You can deliver a Siebel Innovation Pack release with these components.

Instructions in this topic apply to the following two component types:

  • Siebel Client Executables. Used for language-independent portions of Siebel Innovation Pack releases, known as base portions. Language-specific files can also be included in this upgrade kit, along with the base files. You can use this component for standard installation or delta installation upgrade kits.

  • Siebel Client Executables__language-code. Optionally used for language-specific portions of Siebel Innovation Pack releases. You can use these components only for delta installation upgrade kits.

Instructions apply to both the standard installation and the delta installation types of Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit.

This task is a step in "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

For more information about delta installation upgrade kits, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits".


For Siebel Patchset releases, use Siebel Patchset upgrade kits, as described in "Defining a Siebel Patchset Upgrade Kit".

The following procedure describes how to define either a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit for the base component or a Siebel Client Executables__language-code upgrade kit for a language-specific component.

To define a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit (base or language-specific)  

  1. Gather the information and files you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard".

  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-4 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.


    The Minimum Old Version and Maximum Old Version settings are automatically set to NULL for history-independent component types, including Siebel Client Executables, indicating that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. The value for New Version is also automatically supplied for Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits. These settings are displayed only in the final screen of the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

The information in Table 4-4 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-4 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade:

For the language-independent or base part of a Siebel Innovation Pack release for clients, select Siebel Client Executables. Language-specific files can also be included in this upgrade kit, along with the base files.

Optionally, for the language-specific part of a Siebel Innovation Pack release for clients, select Siebel Client Executables__language-code, such as Siebel Client Executables__ENU.

Select Type of Installation

Radio button

Determines the size and nature of the upgrade kit.

If you want the upgrade kit to contain a complete set of the applicable client executable files, then select Standard Install.

If you want the upgrade kit to contain condensed information about only the executable files that have changed in a particular Siebel Innovation Pack release, then select Delta Install.

For more information about delta installation upgrade kits, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits" and "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

UNC Path for Master Installation

Text field

This field is displayed only if you previously selected Standard Install in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the directory that contains the files that you prepared for the upgrade, as described in "Preparing Contents for a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit". Identify a network-accessible location, as follows:

An example path is:


UNC Path for Siebel Delta Patch File

Text field

This field is displayed only if you previously selected Delta Install in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the RTP delta patch file that was created by using the Siebel Patch Utility (siebpatch.exe). Specify the complete directory path and file name.

The path of startup program

Text field

Specifies the location of the file to be invoked to install the upgrade kit, within the directory specified with UNC Path for Master Installation. Use the default value.

Uninstall previous Siebel version

Check box

Do not select this check box.

Caution: When this check box is selected, the Upgrade Wizard automatically uninstalls all existing Siebel applications before proceeding with installation of the upgrade.

Note: Siebel Innovation Pack releases are designed to be applied successively, without the need for previous patches to be uninstalled. However, occasionally it is useful for testing or troubleshooting to uninstall the current release. For more information about uninstalling a release without uninstalling the prior installed release, where applicable, see "Uninstalling a Delta Patch".

Enter command line arguments

Text field

Specifies any command-line arguments to be used by the Siebel Innovation Pack client installer executable program. Use the default value.

In general, change the default command-line arguments supplied in this field only if you require special installer behavior.

Major Version

Text field

Enter a value from the first part of the release number. For example, for Siebel CRM version 16.0, set Major Version to 16.

Minor Version

Text field

Enter a value from the second part of the release number. For example, for Siebel CRM version 16.0, set Minor Version to 0.

Maintenance Version

Text field

Enter a value from the third part of the release number. For example, for Siebel CRM version 16.0, set Maintenance Version to 0.

Patch Version

Text field

Enter a value from the fourth part of the release number. For example, for Siebel CRM version 16.0, set Patch Version to 0.

Vertical Code

Drop-down list

Select SIA for Siebel Industry Applications.

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

It is recommended that you clear this check box for all Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits.

If this check box is selected, then the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in "Activating an Upgrade Kit".

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then make sure to clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, this identifier appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.

Apply Versions

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Activate Upgrade Kit check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

It is recommended that you clear this check box for all Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits.

When this check box is selected, the compiled information string in the database will be updated automatically with the component version information for this upgrade kit. You can also apply versions manually, as described in "Applying an Upgrade Kit".

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then make sure to clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Required Upgrade Kit

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Apply Versions check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit will be required regardless of previous versions installed. (Min Version and Max Version are set equal to the value of New Version, but this change is not visible in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.)


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.


To avoid unnecessary download operations, it is recommended that you keep only one upgrade kit for history-independent components, including Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits. Depending on your preference, you can either delete or deactivate previous upgrade kits for a history-independent component. Deleting an upgrade kit increases available space in the Siebel File System. Deactivating an upgrade kit prevents use of the upgrade kit, while keeping it available in case you need it unexpectedly.

Roadmap for Distributing a Siebel Innovation Pack or Patchset Release

This topic provides an overview of the process of deploying a Siebel Innovation Pack release or Siebel Patchset release, including links to more specific instructions.


Only Siebel Mobile and Developer Web Clients can use Siebel Anywhere to download the upgrade kits needed for a Siebel Innovation Pack release or Siebel Patchset release. For other types of clients, such as Siebel Tools clients, users can only receive notification and then manually install the release. For more information about manually installing the latest Siebel Innovation Pack release, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. For information about manually installing the latest Siebel Patchset release, see Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

To distribute a Siebel Innovation Pack release or Siebel Patchset release, perform the following tasks or processes:  

  1. Determine your upgrade requirements. For more information about this step, see "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

  2. Prepare any needed infrastructure elements, such as configurations or custom components. For more information about this step, see "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations" and "Setting Up Custom Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Components".

  3. Prepare Siebel Innovation Pack release files or Siebel Patchset release files for inclusion in upgrade kits. Check the release-specific documentation for any special requirements concerning this step.


    If you want to create a delta installation upgrade kit, rather than a standard installation upgrade kit, then this is the point at which you create the delta patch file. For more information about delta installation upgrade kits, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits" and "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

  4. Define one or more upgrade kits, as needed:

    1. Define a single standard installation upgrade kit for the language-independent (base) portion of the Siebel Innovation Pack release or Siebel Patchset release and for any language-specific portions. For more information about this step, see "Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

    2. Or, define delta installation upgrade kits. For more information about delta installation upgrade kits, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits" and "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

  5. Activate the upgrade kit you created. For more information about this step, see "Activating an Upgrade Kit".

  6. Apply the upgrade kit you created. For more information about this step, see "Applying an Upgrade Kit".

  7. Distribute the upgrade kit to a test configuration. For more information about this step, see "Distributing Upgrade Kits".

  8. Test the upgrade kit by retrieving and installing it as both local and remote members of the test configuration, and by running the software that has been upgraded. For more information about this step, see Chapter 5, "Retrieving, Installing, and Testing Upgrade Kits."

  9. After the upgrade kit is operating correctly for test configuration members, distribute the upgrade kit to one or more additional configurations, for general use.

Related Books

Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using

Siebel Patchset Installation Guide for Siebel CRM, 1614310.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support

Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit

Siebel Anywhere supports the use of delta installation Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits. For more information about this type of upgrade kit, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits".

To create a delta installation client executables upgrade kit, perform the following tasks:  

  1. Consult the release-specific documentation for the release you want to install, to determine whether you must define an Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit. If so, prepare and define the Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, as described in the following topics:

  2. Identify the computer where you will create the delta patch file. This is typically a Siebel administrator's computer. Install the version of the Siebel Mobile Web Client software that your mobile users currently use, if that version of the software is not already present.

  3. On the same computer, but in a different directory, install the client software for the new release.


    The client environment is sufficient for creating the delta patch file; no servers are required at this time.

  4. Create a delta patch file for each of the following components, as described in "Creating a Delta Patch File":

    • Siebel Client Executables base (language-independent) component

    • (Optional) Each Siebel Client Executables__language-code component that is in use in your Siebel Business Applications implementation

  5. Define a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit for each of the components listed in Step 1, choosing Delta Install for the Select Type of Installation setting in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    For more information about defining a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, see "Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

  6. If you defined an Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, then make the Siebel Client Executables base upgrade kit dependent on the Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, and make each Siebel Client Executables__language-code upgrade kit dependent on the base upgrade kit.

    For more information about making one upgrade kit dependent upon another, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Defining a Siebel Patchset Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining a Siebel Patchset upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. Instructions in this topic apply to the Siebel Quick Fix component type, which is used for delivering Siebel Patchset releases to Siebel clients. Siebel Patchset releases are language-independent.


For Siebel Innovation Pack releases, use Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits, as described in "Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

The following procedure describes how to define a Siebel Patchset upgrade kit.

To define a Siebel Patchset upgrade kit 

  1. Gather the information and files you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard".

  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-5 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.


    Minimum Old Version and Maximum Old Version are automatically set to NULL for the first upgrade kit for the Siebel Quick Fix component. Specify New Version manually. For subsequent upgrade kids, Maximum Old Version is automatically set to the previous value of New Version and Minimum Old Version is set to NULL. Again, specify New Version manually. These settings are displayed in the final screen of the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

The information in Table 4-5 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-5 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Patchset Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Select Siebel Quick Fix.

UNC Path for File Directory

Text field

The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the directory that contains the files that you prepared for the upgrade, as described in "Preparing Contents for a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit". Identify a network-accessible location.

An example path is:


Destination Directory

Text field

Specifies where the files of the upgrade kit are to be placed on the client computer. It is strongly recommended to use the default value.

Delete destination file when done

Check box

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit files will be deleted, automatically, after the upgrade kit is installed.

Specify file to execute

Text field

Specifies one file in the upgrade kit to be executed as part of installation of the upgrade kit. This setting is automatically set to siebopatch.bat, indicating that siebopatch.bat will be run from the directory identified in UNC Path for File Directory. (This file is automatically generated by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.)

Enter command line arguments

Text field

Specifies any command-line arguments to be used by the Siebel Patchset installer executable program. The default value is:

$SiebelRoot $SiebelRoot\\Upgrade\\$KitName apply -verbose

where $SiebelRoot refers to the Siebel client root directory, and $KitName refers to a subdirectory with the name of the upgrade kit. Both of these variables are case-sensitive.

In general, change the default command-line arguments supplied in this field only if you require special installer behavior.

Acceptable Return Code

Text field

An optional setting that specifies the numeric code that the specified file to execute returns upon successful execution. The default value is 0 (zero). You can also specify multiple comma-separated values. After the file is executed, the Upgrade Wizard checks the actual return code against the value you specify in this setting.

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, this identifier appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.

Minimum Old Version

Read-only text field

The earliest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. This setting is automatically set to NULL, indicating that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Maximum Old Version

Read-only text field

The latest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. This setting is automatically set to NULL for the first upgrade kit. For subsequent upgrade kits, it is set to the previous value of New Version, so that an upgrade kit will not be installed over a newer version. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

New Version

Text field

The version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. The default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. The New Version value must be an integer. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

Clear this check box for all Siebel Patchset upgrade kits.

If this check box is selected, then the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.


To avoid unnecessary download operations, it is recommended that you delete or deactivate previous upgrade kits for the Siebel Quick Fix component. Deleting an upgrade kit increases available space in the Siebel File System. Deactivating an upgrade kit prevents use of the upgrade kit, while keeping it available in case you need it unexpectedly.

Defining a Siebel Repository File Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining a Siebel Repository File upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. These instructions can be used for the following types of upgrade components, which are always language-specific:

  • Siebel Client Repository File__language-code

  • Siebel Server Repository File__language-code

For either of these component types, two different types of repository file upgrade kits can be created:

  • Standard Repository File Upgrade Kit. Contains a complete SRF repository file.

  • Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit. Contains an incremental SRF file, rather than the complete SRF file. The delta repository file must be created ahead of time, using the Siebel Delta SRF Utility (diffsrf).


The upgrade kit also sets the version of the SRF file in the Siebel Repository File itself. For both Standard Repository File upgrade kits and Delta Repository File upgrade kits, the upgrade kit sets the version in the final Siebel Repository File. When a Delta Repository File upgrade kit is used, the final file that receives the version number is created when the Upgrade Wizard applies the delta file to the base file.

To define a Siebel Repository File upgrade kit  

  1. Gather the information and files you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. If you are defining a Delta Repository File upgrade kit, then see "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit".

  3. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard".

  4. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-6 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

  5. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

The information in Table 4-6 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-6 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Repository File Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Select one of the following:

Siebel Client Repository File__language-code (use when distributing a repository file to clients)

Siebel Server Repository File__language-code (use when distributing a repository file to servers)

Select File Type

Radio button

Specifies whether the upgrade kit will contain a complete repository file or a delta repository file. Select one of the following values:

Standard Repository File. Use this file type when defining a repository upgrade kit for clients that will contain a complete repository file. For a repository upgrade kit for a server, always choose this file type.

Delta Repository File. Use this file type when defining an upgrade kit for clients that will contain a delta repository file. A delta repository file is an incremental repository file, which supplements the complete repository file. The delta repository file must be created ahead of time, using the Siebel Delta SRF Utility (diffsrf). For more information about creating the delta repository file, see "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit".

Files to Add

Text field

The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path and file name of the delta repository file to include in a Delta Repository File upgrade kit. Browsing is available by clicking the Browse button.



Displays a standard dialog box for browsing and choosing a delta repository file. Available for Delta Repository File upgrade kits only.

UNC Path for SRF file

Text field

The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path and file name of the standard (complete) SRF file to include in a Standard Repository File upgrade kit.

Minimum Old Version

Read-only text field

The earliest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. This setting is automatically set to NULL for history-independent component types, including repository files, indicating that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Maximum Old Version

Read-only text field

The latest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. This setting is automatically set to NULL for history-independent component types, including repository files, indicating that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Base Version

Text field

For a Delta Repository File upgrade kit, specifies the version number of the repository file that was used as a base for the changes that the upgrade kit will distribute.

To determine the version number of the base repository file, open a command window, navigate to SIEBEL_ROOT\BIN or SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\BIN, and enter the following command, substituting the name of the base repository file and the language code used for that repository:

srfstamp /r repository_file_name /l language-code

New Version

Text field

The version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. The default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. For a Siebel Repository File upgrade kit, the New Version value must be an integer. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. (For example, a repository upgrade kit might be dependent on a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit.) For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Apply Versions

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Activate Upgrade Kit check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the compiled information string in the database will be updated automatically with the component version information for this upgrade kit. You can also apply versions manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Required Upgrade Kit

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Apply Versions check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit will be required regardless of previous versions installed. (Min Version and Max Version are set equal to the value of New Version, but this change is not visible in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.)

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, this identifier appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.


It is recommended that you keep only one upgrade kit for history-independent components, including repository file upgrade kits. Depending on your preference, you can either delete or deactivate previous upgrade kits for a history-independent component. Deleting an upgrade kit increases available space in the Siebel File System. Deactivating an upgrade kit prevents use of the upgrade kit, while keeping it available in case you need it unexpectedly.

Roadmap for Creating a Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit

Siebel Anywhere supports the use of delta repository file upgrade kits, which contain only repository file changes, rather than an entire SRF file. The use of delta repository file upgrade kits decreases the amount of time needed for distributing repository changes to Siebel clients.


Siebel Business Applications do not currently support the use of delta repository file upgrade kits to Siebel Servers.

To create a delta repository file upgrade kit, perform the following tasks: 

  1. Create a complete new repository file (SRF file) that contains the changes you want to distribute.

    For general information about compiling repository files, see Using Siebel Tools. For more information about how to compile an SRF file in order to minimize the size of a delta repository file upgrade kit, see "Compiling an SRF File for Use in a Delta Repository File".

  2. Use the diffsrf utility to compare the new repository file with your existing repository file and to create a delta repository file that contains only the changes between the two versions.

    For more information about using the diffsrf utility, see "Preparing a Delta Repository File".


    The existing repository file that you specify must have the same version as the repositories that will be upgraded using your new delta repository file upgrade kit.

  3. Define the repository file upgrade kit. Specify that you are creating a delta upgrade kit, not a standard upgrade kit.

    For more information, see "Defining a Siebel Repository File Upgrade Kit".


The delta (difference) between two SRF files is specific to the two SRF files being compared. Therefore, it is very important that the base (reference) SRF file that is used to compile the new SRF file and that is also used to generate the delta SRF file be exactly the same as the SRF file on any user computer on which the delta SRF file will be applied. It is strongly recommended that the Siebel administrator maintain a client installation similar to that of the end user and apply all the upgrade kits to this client, just as end users do. Use the SRF file on this client as the base whenever a delta SRF file must be created and distributed. If, instead, you specify a base reference SRF file that has not actually been distributed to a client using a Siebel Anywhere upgrade kit, then the process of applying the delta SRF file to client computers might fail in some cases.

Defining a Third Party Software Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining a Third Party Software upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

For an example of the creation of a Third Party Software upgrade kit, see "Example of Constructing a Third Party Software Upgrade Kit".


Third Party Software components are meant to support third-party software products that are needed for operation with Siebel applications. Siebel Anywhere is not a general-purpose tool for software configuration management and distribution.

To define a Third Party Software upgrade kit  

  1. Gather the information and files you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard".

  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-7 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

The information in Table 4-7 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-7 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Third Party Software Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Select one of the following predefined components, or a custom component you have created:

Third Party - Oracle 8 Client

Third Party - Microsoft Word

Third Party - Microsoft SQL Server Driver

Third Party - Microsoft Internet Explorer

Third Party - IBM DB2 Client

Third Party - Adobe Acrobat Reader

Third Party - Adobe Acrobat

UNC Path for Software Directory

Text field

The Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the directory that contains the files to include in the upgrade kit. All files in the specified directory are included in the upgrade kit automatically.

Destination Directory

Text field

Specifies where the files from the upgrade kit are to be placed on the client computer. The default value is:


where $SiebelRoot refers to the Siebel client root directory, and $KitName refers to a subdirectory with the name of the upgrade kit. Both of these variables are case-sensitive.

Delete destination file when done

Check box

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit files will be deleted, automatically, after the upgrade kit is installed.

Specify file to execute

Text field

Specifies the file that runs the software installer on the subscriber's computer, such as install.exe. Only one file for each upgrade kit can be specified for execution.

Make sure that you specify a file that can be executed, such as a BAT or EXE file on Windows. If you specify a file that cannot be executed, such as a TXT file or a CFG file, then the upgrade kit will not install properly.

Enter command line arguments

Text field

Specifies any command-line arguments to use when running the file chosen in the Specify file to execute field.

Minimum Old Version

Text field

The earliest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, this indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. The default value is the current component version recorded in the database. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Maximum Old Version

Text field

The latest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, this indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

New Version

Text field

The version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. The default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Apply Versions

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Activate Upgrade Kit check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the compiled information string in the database will be updated automatically with the component version information for this upgrade kit. You can also apply versions manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Required Upgrade Kit

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Apply Versions check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit will be required regardless of previous versions installed. (Min Version and Max Version are set equal to the value of New Version, but this change is not visible in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.)

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, this identifier appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.

Defining a Siebel Client Customer Revisions Upgrade Kit

This topic provides specific instructions for defining a Siebel Client Customer Revisions (of type Customer Revision) upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. These instructions can be used for the following types of upgrade components, where (base) indicates a language-independent component, and language-code indicates a component that applies to a particular language represented by a code such as ENU (U.S. English) or DEU (German):

  • Siebel Client Customer Revisions (base)

  • Siebel Client Customer Revisions__language-code

These instructions can also be used for custom components.


Do not use the upgrade kit type Customer Revision for upgrade kits containing a Siebel SRF or CFG file. (Using a Customer Revision upgrade kit type to deliver a Siebel SRF or CFG file can result in upgrade failures or incorrect version checking and version numbering.) Instead, use the Siebel Client Repository File and Siebel Client CFG upgrade kit types, respectively, for these upgrades.

To define a Siebel Client Customer Revisions upgrade kit  

  1. Gather the information and files you will need, as described in Chapter 3, "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere."

  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in "Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard".

  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 4-8 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder server component and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the upgrade kit information available in this list and other lists, see "Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties".

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For more information about these tasks, see Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

The information in Table 4-8 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 4-8 Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Client Customer Revisions Upgrade Kit

Wizard Element Element Type Comments

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

The name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Select one of the following:

Siebel Client Customer Revisions

Siebel Client Customer Revisions__language-code

For a custom component, select the name of the component you created.

Select File Uploading Method

Radio button

The method for specifying files to include in the upgrade kit. Select one of the following:

Add Files. Use when the number of files to be added is small.

Use UNC Path. Use when the number of files to be added is large. Gather all the files to be added into one directory before proceeding, as you will specify the directory in a later screen of the wizard.

Files to Add

Text field

This field is displayed only if you previously selected the Add Files radio button in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

The names of files to include in the upgrade kit. This field is populated either by entering one file name and path, or by clicking Browse and choosing a file from the directory listings displayed. In either case, click the Add button after specifying each path and file name combination. Repeat to add more files.



This button is displayed only if you previously selected the Add Files radio button in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

This button displays a standard dialog box for browsing and choosing a file.



This button is displayed only if you previously selected the Add Files radio button in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this button is clicked, the information in the Files To Add field is saved. If the Add button is not clicked, then the information is discarded when you click Next, and an error message is displayed.

Added Files

Drop-down list

This list is displayed only if you previously selected the Add Files radio button in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

This list displays the names of the files added to the upgrade kit so far. This setting is automatically populated when you enter information in Files to Add and then click the Add button.



This button is displayed only if you previously selected the Add Files radio button in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this button is clicked, the Upgrade Kit Wizard discards the file information currently selected and displayed in the Added Files drop-down list. Other items in the drop-down list are not affected.

UNC Path for File Directory

Text field

This field is displayed only if you previously selected the Use UNC Path radio button in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

This field specifies the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of a directory that contains all the files to include in the upgrade kit. All the files in the directory you specify will be included in the upgrade kit.

Destination Directory

Text field

This field specifies where the files of the upgrade kit are to be placed on the client computer.

Delete destination file when done

Check box

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit files will be deleted, automatically, after the upgrade kit is installed.

Select file to execute

Drop-down list

Specifies one file in the upgrade kit to be executed as part of the installation of the upgrade kit. Available values are the values stored in the Added Files field.

Make sure that you specify a file that can be executed, such as a BAT or EXE file. If you specify a file that cannot be executed, such as a TXT file or a CFG file, then the upgrade kit will not install properly.

Enter command line arguments

Text field

Specifies any command-line arguments to use when running the file chosen in the Select file to execute drop-down list.

Acceptable Return Code

Numeric field

An optional setting that specifies the numeric code that the specified file to execute returns upon successful execution. The default value is 0 (zero). You can also specify multiple comma-separated values. After the file is executed, the Upgrade Wizard checks the actual return code against the value you specify in this setting.

Minimum Old Version

Text field

The earliest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, this indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. The default value is the current component version recorded in the database. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Maximum Old Version

Text field

The latest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, this indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the upgrade kit. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

New Version

Text field

The version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. The default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. For more information about choosing version values, see "Determining Version-Setting Values".

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. You can also perform activation manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then make sure to clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Apply Versions

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Activate Upgrade Kit check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the compiled information string in the database will be updated automatically with the component version information for this upgrade kit. You can also apply versions manually, as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits."

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependent on another upgrade kit, then clear this check box. For more information about working with dependent upgrade kits, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Required Upgrade Kit

Check box

This check box is displayed only if you previously selected the Apply Versions check box in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit will be required regardless of previous versions installed. (Min Version and Max Version are set equal to the value of New Version, but this change is not visible in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.)

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

An identifier for the upgrade kit. The default value is the value of Upgrade Component Name followed by a space and the value of New Version. However, you can modify the title while defining the upgrade kit. After the upgrade kit is defined, this identifier appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.


Text field

This field is available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.

Defining a Custom Component Upgrade Kit

The instructions for defining a custom component upgrade kit depend on the component type you choose when you create the custom component. For more information about which instructions to use for each component type, see Table 4-9.

Table 4-9 Instructions for Defining a Custom Component Upgrade Kit

If Custom Component Type Is Then Use the Following Instructions

Siebel CFG File

"Defining a Siebel Configuration File (CFG) Upgrade Kit"

Siebel Database Extension

"Defining a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade Kit"

Siebel Client Executables

"Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit"

Siebel Quick Fix

"Defining a Siebel Patchset Upgrade Kit"

Siebel Repository File

"Defining a Siebel Repository File Upgrade Kit"

Third Party Software

"Defining a Third Party Software Upgrade Kit"

Customer Revision

"Defining a Siebel Client Customer Revisions Upgrade Kit"

Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties

After you use the Upgrade Kit Wizard to define an upgrade kit, information about the upgrade kit becomes visible in your Siebel application. Two general types of information are available:

Properties of the Entire Upgrade Kit and Its Components

The following procedure describes how to view and interpret information that applies to the upgrade kit as a whole and the components that it will upgrade.

To view the properties of an existing upgrade kit and its components 

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Kits view.

    The Upgrade Kits list and the Upgrade Kit Components list appear.

  2. In the Upgrade Kits list, select the record for the upgrade kit for which you want to view properties. For more information, see the following tables:

    • For more information about the fields in the Upgrade Kits list, which displays each upgrade kit defined in the Siebel Business Applications, see Table 4-10.

    • For more information about how to interpret various values that are displayed in the Status field of this list, see Table 4-11.

    • For more information about the fields in the Upgrade Kit Components list, which displays the components associated with the selected upgrade kit, see Table 4-12.

Table 4-10 Fields in the Upgrade Kits List

Field Comments


The name of the upgrade kit (called Upgrade Kit Title in the Upgrade Kit Wizard). The default name includes the component name and version in the upgrade kit. You can specify a different name when defining the upgrade kit. However, it is recommended that you use descriptive names if you do not accept the default wording. Also see Table 3-1 for additional limitations for a name. The name cannot be modified after the upgrade kit has been defined.


For descriptions of Status field values, see Table 4-11.

Archive Kit Name

The name of the compressed file containing the upgrade kit.

File Size

The size of the physical file containing the upgrade kit.


This field is available for comments.


The date and time this record was last modified.

Compiled Information

The compiled string that includes all information about the upgrade kit.

The Status field indicates whether the upgrade kit has the status of Request Submitted (that is, waiting for processing by the server), In Progress (in process of being created), Pending, Active, Error, and so on. Table 4-11 describes the values of the Status field.

Table 4-11 Status Field Values in the Upgrade Kits List

Value Description


The upgrade kit is ready to be applied and distributed.


An error occurred while the upgrade kit was being created.


The upgrade kit is on hold and is not ready for further processing. The first step to activate the upgrade kit is to change its status to Pending. Then you can activate it.

In Progress

The creation of a new upgrade kit is underway on the server.


The upgrade kit was successfully created and is ready to be activated.

Request Submitted

The request has been submitted to the server to create the new upgrade kit.

Table 4-12 describes the fields in the Upgrade Kit Components list, which displays the components associated with the upgrade kit. The components are automatically created by the Upgrade Kit Wizard when you click Auto Create on the Upgrade Kits list.

When you select the new upgrade kit in the Upgrade Kit list, you will notice that two records appear in the Upgrade Kit Components list. The first record is the component to be upgraded. The second is the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. Including the Siebel Upgrade Wizard component reinforces using the correct version of the Upgrade Wizard for the upgrade.


Do not delete the default records in the Upgrade Kit Components list. These records store key information about how components work, and provide models that you might eventually need for setting up custom components.

Table 4-12 Fields in the Upgrade Kit Components List

Field Name Comments


The name of the component.

Min Old Version

The minimum component version that a subscriber must have to install this upgrade kit.

Max Old Version

The maximum component version that a subscriber might have to install this upgrade kit.

New Version

The version of this component the user will have after installing the upgrade kit.


This field is available for comments.

The settings in the Upgrade Kit Components list also control the upgrade kit sequence (the order of upgrades), when multiple upgrade kits are used together. For example, if Upgrade Kit 1 must be installed before Upgrade Kit 2, then you can add component Upgrade Kit 1 upgrades as components of Upgrade Kit 2. For details, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".

Properties of Upgrade Kit Items and Upgrade Kit Item Parameters

Each upgrade kit item defines an action in an upgrade kit and requires certain parameters to operate. For example, a file copy action needs the file to copy and the destination for the copy. The following procedure describes how to view and interpret information that applies to items and item parameters within a selected upgrade kit.


It is recommended that you do not add, update, or delete any records in the Upgrade Kit Items list and Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list in the Upgrade Kit Items view. The records in these lists are created automatically, and changing them in any way can damage the selected upgrade kit.

To view properties of an existing upgrade kit's items and item parameters  

  • Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Kit Items view.

    The Upgrade Kits list, the Upgrade Kit Items list, and the Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list appear.

For more information about the fields in the Upgrade Kits list, see Table 4-10 and Table 4-11.

For more information about the fields in the Upgrade Kit Items list, which displays the individual items that define actions to be executed by a selected upgrade kit, see Table 4-13.

For more information about the fields in the Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list, which displays the parameters associated with a selected upgrade kit item, see Table 4-14.

Table 4-13 Fields in the Upgrade Kit Items List

Field Name Comments


This field is available for comments.

Estimated Disk Space

The disk space required to download and execute an item (optional). When the upgrade kit is created, the default value for this field is 0. You can enter a new value (in bytes) before activating the upgrade kit.

Before a subscriber installs the upgrade kit, the Upgrade Wizard validates that the specified amount of free disk space is available. If adequate disk space is not available, then the Upgrade Wizard returns an error message.

Item Type

The type of item to execute.


The order in which the Upgrade Wizard executes the item.


The title of the item, which is displayed in the Upgrade Wizard.

Each upgrade kit item defines an action in an upgrade kit and requires certain parameters to operate. For example, a file copy action needs the file to copy and the destination for the copy. The Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list includes the parameters associated with each upgrade kit item. Table 4-14 describes the fields of this list.

Table 4-14 Fields in the Upgrade Kit Item Parameters List

Field Name Comments

Attachment Name

The name of the file associated with this item.


This field is available for comments.


The date and time when the file is attached.

File Ext

The extension of the file associated with this item.


The name of the parameter.


The size of the file associated with this item.


The value of the parameter.