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Siebel CRM Anywhere Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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3 Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere

This chapter describes planning and other preliminary tasks that must be completed before you use Siebel Anywhere to create and distribute an upgrade kit. It includes the following topics:

Process of Planning and Preparing to Create Upgrade Kits

This topic provides an overview of how to plan a Siebel Anywhere upgrade and complete the tasks that must precede creation of one or more upgrade kits.

To plan and prepare to create upgrade kits, perform the following tasks:

  1. "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements". Gather information about the software to be distributed and the computers that will receive it. The information you gather determines how many components will be involved and how many upgrade kits will be needed, among other important points.

  2. "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations". Determine whether existing Siebel Anywhere configurations match your upgrade needs and then create or modify any configurations you will need.

  3. "Setting Up Custom Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Components". Determine whether existing Siebel Anywhere components match your upgrade needs and then create any custom components you will need.

  4. "Verifying Client Connections to the Siebel File System". Verify settings for connections to the Siebel File System for your clients and servers.

  5. "Verifying the Availability of Siebel Anywhere". Verify the availability of the Siebel Anywhere component group on the Siebel Server.

  6. "Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents". Gather (and, where necessary, create) the files to be included in each upgrade kit. The specific process to follow depends on the types of components you are planning to upgrade.


    Some upgrade kits do not require any files. For example, Siebel Database Schema upgrade kits do not require any files to create an upgrade kit.

When these parts of the process have been completed, you can use the information, infrastructure elements, and files you have prepared to define the upgrade kits that you need. This process is described in Chapter 4, "Defining Upgrade Kits."


Any errors in an upgrade kit, whether in the files being distributed or in application processes defined for them, can have widespread impact on your production environment. To prevent such errors, thorough planning, preparation, and testing of upgrade kits are essential.

Determining Your Upgrade Requirements

Before using Siebel Anywhere to upgrade existing software or distribute new software, you must gather detailed information about the software to be distributed and about the computers that will receive it. This task is a step in "Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere".

Specifically, you must collect the following kinds of information, each of which is described in more detail in the following topics:

Identifying Software to Be Replaced or Added

Siebel Anywhere can upgrade or distribute many kinds of software. The nature of the software to be upgraded or distributed affects many parts of the process of using Siebel Anywhere:

  • Upgrades of existing software. For upgrades of existing software, you must determine the version numbers used by Siebel Anywhere for previous versions of the software being upgraded. You must also decide whether to allow any of those previous versions to remain in use, or whether to require that they be upgraded.

  • Distribution of new software. For distribution of new software, you might need to create one or more custom components. Depending on who will use the software, you might also need to create new configurations.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

For language-dependent components, planning the upgrade also includes identifying every end-user language used in your Siebel Business Applications implementation. For example, a CFG file associated with a specific language is a language-dependent component, such as Siebel Sales CFG__ENU for U.S. English, Siebel Sales CFG__DEU for German, or Siebel Sales CFG__JPN for Japanese. Make sure to use the correct end-user language pack (or upgrade component) for each language included in your Siebel Business Applications while creating upgrade kits. For more information regarding the use of different languages, see "Example of Global Deployment with Siebel Anywhere".

The number and type of upgrade kits required for your upgrade depend on your subscribers and the components to be upgraded. For example, you might be preparing to upgrade to a new version of your custom Siebel configuration, requiring the distribution of a new SRF file to every Mobile and Developer Web Client user.

Your custom configuration might also need to apply Siebel database schema changes to your Siebel databases and to the local databases of Mobile Web Clients. Siebel database schema changes are not distributed by an upgrade kit to Developer Web Clients. Creating a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit applies the changes from the logical schema to the physical schema. These changes are visible to Developer Web Clients, without distribution through an upgrade kit, because they connect directly to the Siebel database.

You must create an upgrade kit for each component to be upgraded. In the preceding example, you would need to create one upgrade kit for the Siebel client repository file and a second upgrade kit for the Siebel database schema extensions. Compile a list of the upgrade kits you will need.

Evaluating Siebel Anywhere as an Upgrade or Delivery Method

Observe the following guidelines:

  • Use Siebel Anywhere only with software that is related to the use of Siebel Business Applications.

  • Do not use Siebel Anywhere for major upgrades, such as upgrading a Siebel database schema from Siebel CRM 8.0 to Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 (Siebel CRM version 16.0), or for installing any prior release, such as Siebel CRM 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2.


    It is not necessary to install Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 before you install Siebel Innovation Pack 2016.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

Identifying Computers and Users to Receive Upgrades

To make sure that Siebel Anywhere delivers your upgrade kit to the appropriate computers and users, you must take the following steps:

  • Determine whether any Siebel Servers need the upgrade. (The steps to follow for servers, and the expected behavior, might differ from the corresponding client steps and behavior.)

  • Determine which clients need the upgrade. Some possibilities include:

    • All client users need the upgrade.

    • Client users who have a particular job function need the upgrade.

    • Clients users that have particular prior versions of the software need the upgrade.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

Identifying Configurations to Deliver Upgrade Components

A Siebel Anywhere configuration is a definition of the setup used by a particular set of Siebel Anywhere subscribers, such as Siebel Call Center clients or Siebel Sales clients. A configuration associates a particular set of Siebel Anywhere subscribers with the specific set of upgrade components that those subscribers must have managed and maintained. Each Siebel subscriber belongs to an individual Siebel Anywhere configuration that includes a specific set of components.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

As part of the process of planning your upgrade, you must make sure that your Siebel Business Applications implementation contains configurations that are related to the components you want to upgrade. You must also make sure that those configurations can be used to distribute the upgrade to the appropriate subscribers, whether those subscribers represent servers or clients.

The following procedures provide instructions for listing existing configurations and for inspecting the components and users to which these configurations are related. For more information about Siebel Anywhere configurations, see "Siebel Anywhere Terminology".

Displaying Siebel Anywhere Configurations and Their Components

The following procedure describes how to display the available Siebel Anywhere configurations and their related components.

To display available Siebel Anywhere configurations and their related components 

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Configurations view.

  2. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select a configuration that you want to inspect, and then click the Upgrade Components view tab.

    The Upgrade Components list displays the components that are currently associated with the selected configuration. Table 3-1 describes some of the fields in this list.

Table 3-1 Selected Fields in the Upgrade Components List

Field Name Comments


The name of the component. Only single-byte, alphanumeric characters, blank space, underscore, and dash are allowed. Component names cannot include special characters like periods or characters such as slash, asterisk, pipe, question mark, colon, quotes, or angle brackets.

Min Version

The minimum version required for the component on the client system.

If the client uses a version of the component that is less than the minimum, then the client must upgrade or the application runs in read-only mode.

Every component receives automatic version checking.

Max Version

The maximum version allowed for the component on the client system.

If clients use a version of the component that is between the minimum and maximum, then they can still use the application in read and write mode without installing an upgrade kit, even if the upgrade kit is otherwise required.

Clients can access Siebel Business Applications if their local version is higher than the maximum version for the component.

Every component receives automatic version checking.

Min Version Distributed

The version of the component that has been distributed for this configuration. This value is set automatically when upgrade kits for this component are distributed for this configuration.

Max Version Distributed

The version of the component that has been distributed for this configuration. This value is set automatically when upgrade kits for this component are distributed for this configuration.

The following procedure provides instructions for listing the subscribers who are dynamically assigned to a selected configuration. The procedure does not list subscribers who are assigned to a particular configuration by means of a CFG file setting.

Displaying Employees Associated with a Siebel Anywhere Configuration

The following procedure describes how to display the employee users who are associated with a Siebel Anywhere configuration.

To list employees who are dynamically associated with a configuration 

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then Upgrade Configurations, then the Employees view.

  2. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select the configuration for which you want to view the dynamically assigned employees.

    The Employees list displays the employees who are dynamically assigned to the selected configuration. Employees who are assigned to the configuration through their CFG file values are not listed.

If you find that existing configurations do not meet your current upgrade needs, then see "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations" for information about how to modify existing configurations or create new configurations.

Identifying Files to Include in Upgrade Kits

Most Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits contain software files to be distributed to subscribers. (The exceptions are upgrade kits that contain only instructions to be executed. Such instructions are generated during the upgrade kit creation process, rather than being stored in file attachments.) As part of planning an upgrade kit, identify any files the upgrade kit will include and gather those files into a single directory.


It is recommended that you gather files for only one upgrade kit at a time.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

Table 3-2 lists some files that are typically included in various upgrade kit types. For more information about the supported component types for upgrade kits, see Table 2-4.

Table 3-2 Typical Files Included in Upgrade Kits

Upgrade Kit Type Files

Siebel Configuration File

(Siebel CFG File component type)

One CFG file for each upgrade kit, such as siebel.cfg (for Siebel Sales), uagent.cfg (for Siebel Call Center), and so on

Siebel Database Schema

(Siebel Database Extension component type)

No files

Siebel Client Executables

(Siebel Executables component type)

Files for a Siebel Innovation Pack release

Siebel Client Executables__language-code

(Siebel Executables component type)

Files for a Siebel Innovation Pack release that are specifically for a given language

Siebel Quick Fix

(Siebel Quick Fix component type)

Files for a Siebel Patchset release

Siebel Client Customer Revisions

(Customer Revision component type)

Batch files, Web image files, or other files

Siebel Client Customer Revisions__language-code

(Customer Revision component type)

Message template files

Siebel Repository File

(Siebel Repository File component type)

The siebel.srf file

Determining Whether an Upgrade Kit Is Required or Optional

You can define an upgrade kit as either required or optional, as described in the discussion of upgrade kits in "Siebel Anywhere Terminology". However, it is recommended that you initially define every upgrade kit as optional. Your test client users can test an optional upgrade kit at their convenience, while keeping read and write access to the Siebel application in the meantime.

When you are satisfied that an optional upgrade kit functions appropriately for test client users, you can modify the upgrade kit to make it required, retest it as a required upgrade kit, and then distribute it to production users as a required upgrade kit. For more information about this process, see "Converting an Optional Upgrade Kit to a Required Upgrade Kit".

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

Determining Version-Setting Values

The exact set of information needed for defining a Siebel Anywhere upgrade kit depends on the upgrade kit's component types. However, you must supply version information for all upgrade kits.

When determining who can, or who must, upgrade a particular component, Siebel Anywhere compares version information stored in the database with the versions of components actually installed on each subscriber's computer. The information in the database comes from the information you supply when you create upgrade kits.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

For each upgrade kit, you must supply values or approve the default values for the following version settings:

  • New Version

  • Minimum Old Version

  • Maximum Old Version

For a general discussion of the significance of these version numbers, see "About Siebel Anywhere Version Settings". In general, the values you supply will be related to the version numbers already in use for the component being upgraded. Therefore, gathering version information about existing components is an important part of planning an upgrade.


Make certain that Minimum Old Version, Maximum Old Version, and New Version settings are correctly set before finishing your upgrade kit, using the default numbering system, if possible. Incorrectly specifying the version information can prevent subscribers from upgrading successfully.

Gathering Information About Existing Component Versions

The following procedure provides instructions for listing the components currently available in your Siebel Business Applications implementation, along with information about currently acceptable versions of those components and how those versions are checked.

When implementing upgrades, you must preserve the version numbers for every component. This precaution is important because Siebel Anywhere assigns increasing version numbers, but components that are included in upgrades might have default version numbers set to 0 (zero). If the version number of a new component is left lower than the version number of the corresponding preupgrade component, then newly upgraded users might be prompted, incorrectly, to install the old component.

Never reset any Siebel Anywhere version numbers to zero; instead, increase the version numbers of the new components to match their preupgrade counterparts. In particular, you must use the srfstamp utility to stamp a current version number on a new repository (SRF) file. The version number of your repository is displayed as User Version when you choose Help, then About Repository, in your Siebel application. For more information about using srfstamp, see "Testing the Consistency of Upgrade Kit Components".

To display version information for existing components 

  • Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Component List view.

    The Upgrade Component List appears.


    Do not use the Upgrade Component List to modify information about an existing component. Modifying information in the list can prevent version checking from working properly. If you must modify version information for an existing component, then use the Upgrade Kit Wizard, as described in Chapter 4, "Defining Upgrade Kits." If you want to modify other component characteristics, then create a custom component with the characteristics that you need, as described in "Setting Up Custom Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Components".

Table 3-3 describes the information available in the Upgrade Component list.

Table 3-3 Fields in the Upgrade Component List

Field Name Comments

Component Type

The type of component for upgrade kits; for example, Siebel Repository File or Third Party Software.

Locate Information

Information used by Siebel Anywhere when locating version information for the subscriber's currently installed component. For more information about how Siebel Anywhere uses this setting, see "About Monitoring and Verifying Siebel Anywhere Version Numbers".

Locate Method

The method used by Siebel Anywhere to locate version information for the subscriber's currently installed component. For more information about how Siebel Anywhere uses this setting, see "About Monitoring and Verifying Siebel Anywhere Version Numbers".

Max Version

The latest version of the component that is available for running the application in read and write mode.

Min Version

The earliest version of the component that is acceptable for running the application in read and write mode.


The name that identifies the component for Siebel Anywhere.

Version Information

Information used by Siebel Anywhere when checking the version of the subscriber's currently installed component. For more information about how Siebel Anywhere uses this setting, see "About Monitoring and Verifying Siebel Anywhere Version Numbers".

Version Method

The method used by Siebel Anywhere to check the version for the subscriber's currently installed component. For more information about how Siebel Anywhere uses this setting, see "About Monitoring and Verifying Siebel Anywhere Version Numbers".

Planning Version Settings for a New Upgrade Kit

The information you gather about current version settings lets you plan version settings for your new upgrade kit.


When you run the Upgrade Kit Wizard to define your new upgrade kit, you must supply values for the New Version, Minimum Old Version, and Maximum Old Version settings.

The following tables contain guidelines for determining the version values to use in a variety of situations.

  • Table 3-4 provides guidelines for choosing your New Version value.

  • Table 3-5 provides guidelines for choosing your Minimum Old Version and Maximum Old Version values.

You can use these tables as worksheets by printing them out and filling in the values that you will use when you define your upgrade kit for each component.

The New Version value specifies the version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is used. Look in the Situation column of Table 3-4 to find a description of your situation, and read the adjacent guidelines for setting the appropriate value.

Table 3-4 New Version Planning Worksheet for Upgrade Component

Version Setting Situation Value Guidelines Your Value

New Version

(Identifies the version number of the component in the upgrade kit)

New component

Set New Version to 1.


Upgrade to existing component

Set New Version to n plus 1, where n is the Siebel Anywhere version number of the latest version of the component previously installed within your Siebel Business Applications implementation. To display previously installed versions, see "Gathering Information About Existing Component Versions".


Upgrade to existing component after a major Siebel upgrade

Make sure that any components provided in the major upgrade have Siebel Anywhere version numbers equal to or greater than preupgrade components. You might need to stamp new numbers on the components to achieve this, particularly for SRF files. For more information, see "Testing the Consistency of Upgrade Kit Components".

When component version numbering is continuous for the upgrade, use the instructions for upgrading to an existing component, in the previous row of this table.


Replacing a defective upgrade kit that has been distributed and deactivated

Set New Version to the same value you assigned to the defective upgrade kit.


The Minimum Old Version and Maximum Old Version values specify the range of component versions that subscribers must have to download and install the upgrade kit. Look in the Situation column of Table 3-5 to find a description of your situation, and read the adjacent guidelines for setting the appropriate values.

Table 3-5 Minimum and Maximum Old Version Planning Worksheet for Upgrade Component

Version Setting Situation Value Guidelines Your Value

Minimum Old Version

(Determines who can use the upgrade kit)

No component versions are prerequisites for subscribers using upgrade kit or all needed prerequisites are included in this upgrade kit.

Leave blank.


Subscribers are upgrading a history-independent component, such as SRF, executable, or Siebel database schema.

This setting is automatically set to NULL. It cannot be changed.


Subscribers are upgrading a CFG file.

It is recommended that you leave this setting blank.


Subscribers are upgrading a customer revision component.

It is recommended that you accept the default value for this setting and the setting for Maximum Old Version, to make sure that your users download and install every upgrade kit of this type, without skipping any of them.


Subscribers are required to have a prior version of component.

Set to the earliest component version that can download and install the new upgrade kit.


You are replacing a defective upgrade kit that has been distributed and deactivated.

Set Minimum Old Version to the same value as you used in the defective upgrade kit.


Maximum Old Version

(Determines who can use the upgrade kit)

No component versions are prerequisites for subscribers using upgrade kit or all needed prerequisites are included in this upgrade kit.

Leave blank.


Subscribers are upgrading a history-independent component, such as SRF, executable, or Siebel database schema.

This setting is automatically set to NULL. It cannot be changed.


Subscribers are upgrading a CFG file.

It is recommended that you leave this setting blank.


Subscribers are upgrading a customer revision component.

It is recommended that you accept the default value for this setting and the setting for Minimum Old Version, to make sure that your users download and install every upgrade kit of this type, without skipping any of them.


Subscribers are required to have a prior version of component.

Set to the latest component version that can download and install the new upgrade kit. This value is always less than the value of New Version.


You are replacing a defective upgrade kit that has been distributed and deactivated.

Set Maximum Old Version to the same value as you used in the defective upgrade kit.


Other Preliminary Tasks for Upgrade Kits

This topic describes additional preliminary tasks to perform for upgrade kits, based on their specific component types.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

Preliminary Tasks for Siebel Database Schema Upgrade Kits

Perform the following tasks before creating a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit:

  • Make sure that the changes to your Siebel database schema can be distributed by this type of upgrade kit.

  • Make sure that the ODBC data source correctly points to the server database that has the modified database definition.

  • Use SQL queries on your server database to obtain values for the following parameters, as they apply to your database platform:

    • 16K Table Space

    • 32K Table Space

    • Table Group File

  • If you are operating in an IBM DB2 environment, then drop all customized views and triggers before you run the Upgrade Kit Wizard to define a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit. Otherwise, the attempt to create the upgrade kit will fail.

For more information about the overall process of deploying a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, see "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

Preliminary Tasks for Siebel Repository File Upgrade Kits

Perform the following tasks before creating either a Siebel Client Repository File upgrade kit or a Siebel Server Repository File upgrade kit:

  • Obtain or create the new repository (SRF) file.

  • Place the new repository file in a network location that is accessible to the Siebel Server where the Upgrade Kit Builder is enabled.

  • Make a note of the UNC path to the network location where you placed the SRF file.

Preliminary Tasks for Third Party Software Upgrade Kits

Perform the following tasks before creating a Third Party Software upgrade kit:

  • Locate or prepare the executable file or script that will be executed on the subscriber's computer when the upgrade kit is installed. Make a note of any input parameters required by the executable file or script for the third-party software.

  • Place the executable file in a network location that is accessible to the Siebel Server where the Upgrade Kit Builder is enabled.

  • Make a note of the UNC path to the network location where you placed the executable file.

  • Determine the location where the third-party software will be installed on the subscriber's computer.

Preliminary Tasks for Siebel Client Customer Revisions Upgrade Kits

Perform the following tasks before creating a Siebel Client Customer Revisions upgrade kit:

  • Locate or prepare the executable file or script that will be executed on the subscriber's computer when the upgrade kit is installed. Make a note of any input parameters required by the executable file or script.

  • Locate any other files to be included in the upgrade kit, and make a note of the locations where they will be installed on the subscriber's computer.

Determining Required Upgrade Sequences

Sometimes you might need to use more than one upgrade kit to complete an upgrade.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

For example, you might want to deliver a Siebel Innovation Pack release, using a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, and then deliver an updated configuration file, using another upgrade kit (such as Siebel Sales CFG__ENU) that is dependent on the prior installation of the Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit.

In cases involving multiple upgrade kits, the upgrade kits might need to be installed in a specific sequence. It is possible to automate this process by making one upgrade kit dependent on the prior installation of another upgrade kit. You can specify this dependency before activating the second upgrade kit in the sequence. For more information about how to do this, see "Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation".


If you plan to specify a required upgrade sequence, then do not use the Upgrade Kit Wizard to activate the upgrade kits involved.

Planning Upgrade Test Details

It is important to plan your upgrade kit testing ahead of time, to make sure that you create any needed infrastructure elements and choose appropriate settings when you create the upgrade kit.

This topic is part of "Determining Your Upgrade Requirements".

The following general recommendations are useful for most test plans:

  • Create all upgrade kits as optional upgrade kits. This facilitates testing by letting users request an upgrade at their convenience. (A required upgrade kit might or might not prompt users to upgrade when they start the application, depending on the version requirements and the test client version.) After you have verified that an optional upgrade kit installs correctly, you can change it to be required, if you want, and retest its installation using another test client.

  • Distribute a new upgrade kit to a test configuration (such as the Siebel Test Client configuration) before distributing it to production configurations. If necessary, create such a test configuration ahead of time. Make sure that it has the appropriate test employee logins assigned to it, either by means of configuration files or dynamic assignments.

  • Test each upgrade kit with both Mobile Web Clients and Developer Web Clients.

Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations

This topic contains information about modifying and creating Siebel Anywhere configurations. A configuration is a required infrastructure element for the successful creation and deployment of an upgrade kit.

This task is a step in "Process of Planning and Preparing to Create Upgrade Kits".

This topic contains the following information:

Adding Components to a Configuration

Sometimes you might need to add components to an existing configuration. Any custom component that you create must be added to a configuration before you can use it to distribute upgrades. The following procedure describes how to perform this task.

This topic is part of "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations".

To add a component to a configuration  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Configurations view.

  2. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select the configuration to which you want to add a component, and then click the Upgrade Components view tab.

  3. In the Upgrade Components list, click New.

  4. In the Upgrade Components dialog box, double-click the component you want to add.

    The component appears, highlighted, in the Upgrade Components list.

  5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for any additional components you want to add to this configuration.

Removing Components from a Configuration

Sometimes you might need to remove components from an existing configuration. The following procedure describes how to perform this task.

This topic is part of "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations".

To remove a component from a configuration  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Configurations view.

  2. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select the configuration from which you want to remove a component, and then click the Upgrade Components view tab.

  3. In the Upgrade Components list, select the component you want to remove, and then click Delete.

  4. In the dialog box, confirm that this record is the record you want to delete.

  5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for any additional components you want to remove from this configuration.

Creating a New Configuration

In most cases, the configurations provided with Siebel Anywhere are sufficient. However, you can create new configurations for special situations or to represent different installed clients within your company. The procedure in this topic describes how to perform this task.

This topic is part of "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations".

For example, if everyone in your company uses Siebel Sales and you must distribute certain upgrades to employees in remote offices separately from the rest of the company, then you would create a new configuration to accommodate this situation. The employees in the remote offices would be temporarily associated with the new configuration so that you could distribute the special upgrade just to them.

For details on associating specific employees with a configuration, See "Assigning Employees to a Configuration".

Also, you might need to create different configurations based upon language usage. If a subset of the users in your company use only U.S. English (ENU) and another subset uses both U.S. English and German (DEU), then create two different configurations.

If you must create a new configuration for long-term use (as in language usage), then make sure that every client CFG file is appropriately updated.


The recommended method for creating a new configuration is to copy an existing configuration and modify the copy, as this method minimizes the possibility for error. The following procedure describes the use of this method. However, it is also possible to use standard Siebel Business Applications techniques to create a new record and fill in the necessary fields.

To create a new configuration  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Configurations view.

  2. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select an existing configuration record that is similar to the configuration you want to create, and then click the menu button and select Copy Record.

    A highlighted copy of the record that you selected appears.

  3. Modify the fields in the copied record to meet your requirements.

    Some fields are described in the following table.

    Table 3-6 Upgrade Configurations List Fields

    Field Name Comments


    The name of the configuration.

    Caution: Limit the value of the Name field to 91 characters or fewer. Exceeding this limit causes synchronization to fail.


    When this check box is selected, it indicates that the configuration is to be version-checked.

    When you create a new configuration by copying an existing configuration, this check box is cleared by default. Make sure to select it before using the new configuration.

    Component Type

    This value is either client or server configuration.


    Comments can be entered here.

  4. Add appropriate Upgrade Components to the new configuration you just created.

    To do this, see "Adding Components to a Configuration".

About Assigning Employees to a Configuration

The purpose of assigning employees to configurations is to handle uncommon situations, such as having one particular employee retrieve and test an upgrade kit. In most cases, testing is done using special test accounts and test configurations, and regular employees are associated with a specific configuration based on a ComponentName entry in the client's application CFG file.

This topic is part of "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations".

For the procedure for assigning employees to a configuration, see "Assigning Employees to a Configuration".

For example, for the Siebel Sales application, the default value of ComponentName in the siebel.cfg file would be Siebel Sales Client. This means that everyone using the Siebel Sales application is automatically associated with the Siebel Sales configuration.

Assigning employees to a configuration in the Employees list in the Upgrade Configurations view can be used in place of the entry in the CFG file, or as a method for overriding the entry in the CFG file.


It is strongly recommended that you run only the Siebel Web Client (the client type that does not require a Siebel installer) for user accounts that have Siebel administrator responsibilities, to make sure that administrative tasks are performed while connected to the HQ Server, and to make sure that the administrator is not prevented from logging in for reasons related to component versions. If you run the Siebel Developer Web Client for any administrator account, then it is strongly recommended that the account not be associated with a Siebel Anywhere configuration. This precaution also helps prevent version-related login problems.

When associating employees to configurations, keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Do not dynamically assign the Siebel administrator to a configuration.

  • Do not dynamically assign Siebel Tools users to a configuration.

    Siebel Anywhere will not allow an employee to be dynamically associated with more than one configuration. For example, if the employee JSMITH is dynamically associated with Configuration A and the Siebel administrator then associates JSMITH with Configuration B, then JSMITH is automatically disassociated from Configuration A and associated only with Configuration B.


If an employee is accidentally associated with an incorrect configuration, then that employee is disassociated from the correct configuration and might not have access to upgrades that are distributed to the correct configuration. For this reason, it is best to correct the configuration assignment without delay.

If an employee will use more than one installation of the Siebel client in the same Siebel Business Applications implementation, then do not associate that employee with a configuration. For example, if the employee JSMITH chooses to install and use both Siebel Call Center and Siebel Sales, then do not dynamically associate that employee with a Siebel Anywhere configuration. The reason is the upgrade kit for one configuration will likely be different than the upgrade kit for another configuration.

In this example, the CFG file would be different for the Siebel Call Center and Siebel Sales configurations. If JSMITH were dynamically associated to the Call Center configuration and logged in using the Siebel Sales client, then the version check would only detect that there was a new upgrade kit and would not differentiate between the two installations of the Siebel client.

If the login is specified under an Employees view, then Siebel Anywhere does not check the CFG file any further and only checks the version of the component listed under the associated configuration for that client. Typically, Siebel Anywhere groups users by the product they use, for example Call Center or Sales Client, which is determined by the CFG file the user uses.


The first time a Mobile Web Client connects to the Siebel Remote Server to initialize the local database, Siebel Anywhere does a version check for the client using the Upgrade Configuration specified in the CFG file. Siebel Anywhere cannot detect a dynamic configuration assignment at this time. However, after the Mobile Web Client successfully initializes the local database, Siebel Anywhere can detect any dynamic configuration assignment for that client.

Assigning Employees to a Configuration

This topic describes how to assign employees to a configuration.

For more information about assigning employees to a configuration, see "About Assigning Employees to a Configuration".

This topic is part of "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations".

To assign an employee to a configuration 

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Configurations view.

  2. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select the configuration to which you want to add an employee, and then click the Employees view tab.

  3. In the Employees list, click New.

  4. In the Login field of the new record, click the select button.

    From the Pick Employee dialog box, select the employee you want to add, and click OK.

  5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to assign additional employees to this configuration.

Removing Employees from a Configuration

Use the following procedure to end an employee's dynamic configuration assignment, which returns that user to the original configuration assignment defined in the user's CFG file.

This topic is part of "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations".

To remove an employee from a configuration  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Configurations view.

  2. In the Upgrade Configurations list, select the configuration from which you want to remove an employee, and then click the Employees view tab.

  3. In the Employees list, select the record for the employee you want to remove from the configuration, and then click the menu button and select Delete Record.

Setting Up Custom Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Components

This topic contains information about creating custom components. An upgrade component is a required infrastructure element for the successful creation and deployment of an upgrade kit.

Siebel Business Applications provide many predefined upgrade components, but you can create additional components if you need them. For example, it would be possible to create an upgrade component to run a batch program in the form of a BAT file.

Siebel Anywhere can upgrade custom components, just as it does the predefined components provided with Siebel Business Applications. For correct operation, however, you must define how Siebel Anywhere will monitor and verify the version number for any custom component.

This task is a step in "Process of Planning and Preparing to Create Upgrade Kits".

This topic contains the following information:

About Monitoring and Verifying Siebel Anywhere Version Numbers

Siebel Anywhere uses information from the Locate Method, Locate Information, Version Method, and Version Information settings to determine how it must check the version of a component. Depending on the component, Siebel Anywhere uses some or all of these settings.

This topic is part of "Setting Up Custom Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Components".

For more information about when a version check occurs for each type of subscriber, see Table 2-2.

The following information describes how the Locate Method and Version Method settings are used, along with the Locate Information and Version Information settings. An example follows.

Locate Method

The purpose of Locate Method is to build a path to a file or other location, such as a registry. This value is then passed to Version Method to read version information. Table 3-7 describes some available values for Locate Method, each of which specifies a different way to locate version information. For some values, you must specify additional information for Location Information.

Table 3-7 Locate Method Values

Value Comments

Siebel Root/Siebel Home

Determines the location based on the client's Siebel root directory. Locate Information is ignored in this case. For example, use this method for Siebel Upgrade Wizard components. Both server and client use Locate Method to retrieve the value of Siebel Root.


Determines the location based on information in the Microsoft Windows registry. Locate Information would contain the path to read in the registry. For example, use this method for Third Party - Microsoft Word components.


Determines the location on the client by reading an environment variable. Locate Information would contain the name of the environment variable to read.


Determines the location on the server from a set of common core facility (CCF) parameters. Locate Information would contain the value from the CCF program context. For example, use this method for a Siebel Server Customer Revisions component.


Determines the location based on reading the client's active CFG file. Locate Information would contain the section and entry to read from the CFG file, plus an optional value to append to the value read from the CFG file. For example, use this method for a Siebel Client Customer Revisions component.

Version Method

This setting provides additional information that is used in conjunction with Locate Method to read the version of a file. Table 3-8 describes the available values for Version Method, each of which specifies a different way to determine the version of the component. For some values, you must specify additional information for Version Information.

Table 3-8 Version Method Values

Value Comments

File Version

Determines the version based on reading the version of a file. Version Information would contain the name of the file to version check.


Determines the version based on reading the version from the registry. Version Information would contain the path to read in the registry.


Determines the version based on executing an entry point in a DLL file. Version Information would contain the name of the DLL file and the name of the entry point. For example, the value BIN\sslcver.dll,VersionString executes the function VersionString in the file BIN\sslcver.dll.


Determines the version based on reading the Siebel database schema. Version Information is ignored in this case.


Determines the version based on reading the client's active CFG file. Version Information would contain the section and entry to read from the CFG file, plus an optional value to append to the value read from the CFG file. For example, use this method for a Siebel Client Customer Revisions component.


Determines the version based on reading the SRF file. Version Information would contain the section name and the entry name from the active CFG file to be read to determine the name of the SRF file.

Example: How Siebel Anywhere Uses Locate Method and Version Method

The following example shows how Siebel Anywhere checks component versions using the Locate Method and Version Method settings. Table 3-9 shows information that appears in the Upgrade Components list for the Siebel Client Customer Revisions__ENU component, along with comments explaining how each setting is used.

Table 3-9 Example of Locate Method and Version Method Values

Field Name Value Comments


Siebel Client Customer Revisions__ENU

The name of the component.

Locate Method


Information about the location of component version information is stored in the client's active CFG file.

Locate Information


Information about the location of component version information is stored in the ClientRootDir entry in the [Siebel] section of the client's CFG file.

For example, the value of ClientRootDir might be C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_1 or C:\Siebel\\Client_1. (These were the default installation paths for Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 and version 8.2.2, which might apply if you had originally installed those versions.)

Version Method


The version information is stored in the CFG file specified by the Locate Method and Locate Information settings.

Version Information


The version information is stored in the Version entry in the [Siebel] section of the specified CFG file.

Creating a Custom Component

Siebel Anywhere functionality allows you to define your own custom components, if necessary.

This topic is part of "Setting Up Custom Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Components".

The Siebel administrator must define how Siebel Anywhere will monitor and verify the version number for a custom upgrade component. Siebel Anywhere maintains an individual version number for each upgrade component. The version number must be maintained on a Siebel Anywhere subscriber to compare it to the version number in the database. The Siebel administrator can maintain the version number in the application, in a file, or in the Windows registry. For more information, see "About Monitoring and Verifying Siebel Anywhere Version Numbers".


It is strongly recommended that you use the Copy Record functionality to copy existing upgrade components and simply rename the new upgrade component so that the correct parameters are used for the new upgrade component. This method is described in the following procedure. Make sure that you also update the Locate and Version columns appropriately.

To create a custom component 

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, then the Upgrade Component List view.

  2. In the Upgrade Components list, select an existing component that is similar to the component you want to create, and then click the menu button and select Copy Record.

    A highlighted copy of the record that you selected appears.

  3. Modify the fields in the copied record to meet your requirements.

    Use a meaningful name to describe the function of the component. Make sure that the Min Version and Max Version fields are blank. This information is filled in when the upgrade kits are applied.


    Limit the value of the Name field to 91 characters or fewer. Exceeding this limit causes synchronization to fail.

  4. For any configuration that you will upgrade using your new custom component, you must specify that the component is a related component for the configuration.

    For more information, see "Adding Components to a Configuration".

Verifying Client Connections to the Siebel File System

The Siebel File System on the server stores the newly created upgrade kits. It is important to verify settings for client connections to the Siebel File System. The connection settings vary depending upon the type of client. In either case these settings are essential to downloading the upgrade kits.

This task is a step in "Process of Planning and Preparing to Create Upgrade Kits".

Mobile Web Clients connect to the Siebel File System through the Siebel Server. Therefore, set the Siebel File System parameter for the Synchronization Manager server component to the same location as the FileSystem parameter in the CFG file of the user who created the upgrade kit.

Developer Web Clients connect directly to the Siebel File System. Therefore, set the FileSystem parameter in the [ServerDataSrc] section of the client application's CFG file to the appropriate location. Also, the user must have read and write access to that directory. Test for this by having the user open an attachment. If that is successful, then the connection to the File System is set correctly.

For more information about the Siebel File System, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel System Administration Guide.

Verifying the Availability of Siebel Anywhere

The Siebel Anywhere component group must be available to allow the creation of upgrade kits. The following procedure describes how to verify the availability of this component group.

To check the availability of Siebel Anywhere  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Servers view.

  2. In the Servers list, select a Server that you want to inspect.

  3. Click the Component Groups view tab, and select the Siebel Anywhere component group.

  4. Verify that State is set to Online.

    If State is not Online, then see Siebel System Administration Guide for information about administering component groups, including instructions for enabling a component group.

Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents

Preparing to create an upgrade kit involves gathering the software, files, or Siebel database schema updates required for the upgrade kit. It can also involve preparing simple batch scripts. The specific process to follow depends on the type of components you are planning to upgrade.

This task is a step in "Process of Planning and Preparing to Create Upgrade Kits".

  • Note:

    Do not use the component type Customer Revision for upgrade kits containing a Siebel SRF or CFG file. Instead, use the Siebel Repository File and Siebel CFG File types, respectively, for these upgrades. Using the proper types will allow proper version checking.

The following topics describe specific steps to take for certain upgrade kit types:

Preparing Contents for a Siebel Upgrade Wizard Upgrade Kit

You must create a Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit whenever there are changes to the Upgrade Wizard in a Siebel CRM release. For more information about whether a specific release contains such changes, see the release-specific documentation for the release.

This topic is part of "Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents".

A Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit must contain a set of DLL files, along with the Upgrade Wizard executable file, siebupg.exe. The following procedure describes how to prepare the contents for such an upgrade kit.

To prepare the contents for a Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit  

  1. Create a new directory to hold the Upgrade Wizard executable program and related DLL files.

    Make a note of the directory name, because you must specify it while defining the upgrade kit.

  2. If you have not already done so, then install the client software for the new Siebel CRM release on a test computer or a Siebel administrator's computer. Make a note of where you installed it.

  3. Locate the client BIN directory within the installation directory of the new Siebel CRM release.

    For Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the default location for a new installation is the following:


  4. Copy the following files from the release client BIN directory into the new directory that you created in Step 1.

    • siebupg.exe

    • MSVCR71D.dll

    • MFC71UD.dll

    • MSVCP71D.dll

    • libarm.dll

    • pw32a.dll

    • srlcver.dll

    • sslcacln.dll

    • sslccore.dll

    • sslcdb.dll

    • sslcevt.dll

    • sslclm.dll

    • sslcnapi.dll

    • sslcns.dll

    • sslcos.dll

    • sslcosa.dll

    • sslcosd.dll

    • sslcosslimpl.dll

    • sslcrsa.dll

    • sslcrsaimpl.dll.dll

    • sslcrsa56.dll

    • sslcsc.dll

    • sslcscr.dll

    • sslcsecm.dll

    • sslcshar.dll

    • sslcsnns.dll

    • sslcsnsc.dll

    • sslcsrd.dll

    • sslcsrvr.dll

    • sslcsym.dll

    • sslcupg.dll

    • sslcver.dll

Preparing Contents for a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit

You can use the Siebel Client Executables components to deliver Siebel Innovation Pack releases and Siebel language packs to Siebel Mobile or Developer Web Clients.

This topic is part of "Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents".


For Siebel Patchset releases, see "Preparing Contents for a Siebel Patchset Upgrade Kit".

Siebel Innovation Pack releases consist of a set of language-independent files (called base files) and one or more sets of language-specific files. The following components are available:

  • Upgrade kits using the Siebel Client Executables component are used to distribute base files. Language-specific files can also be included in this upgrade kit, along with the base files. You can use this component for standard installation or delta installation upgrade kits.

  • Upgrade kits using the Siebel Client Executables__language-code components are optionally used to distribute language-specific files. You can use these components only for delta installation upgrade kits.

For more information about delta installation upgrade kits, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits" and "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

The following procedures describe how to prepare files for inclusion in base client executables upgrade kits.

To prepare files for inclusion in Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits (for standard installation upgrade kits)  

  1. Create a new, network-accessible UNC directory to use for storing the base client executable files in the Siebel Innovation Pack release.

    An example name for this directory might be \\computer_name\siebel\base.

  2. Navigate to the parent directory, within the network image file hierarchy, of the Siebel client directory for the Siebel Innovation Pack release. Navigate to a directory like the following:


  3. Copy the Siebel_Web_Client directory to the clipboard.

  4. Paste the directory that you copied in Step 3 to the directory that you created in Step 1.

Related Topics

"About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits"

"Roadmap for Distributing a Siebel Innovation Pack or Patchset Release"

"Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit"

"Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit"

"Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation"

"Distributing Additional Language Packs"

About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits

This topic describes a feature called the delta installation upgrade kit type for a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit.

This topic is part of "Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents".

It is possible to reduce the size of some Siebel Client Executables upgrade kits, which also reduces the time it takes users to retrieve and install these upgrade kits. This reduction in upgrade kit size is accomplished by creating the delta installation type of Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit (as opposed to a standard installation upgrade kit). Delta installation upgrade kits contain condensed information about specific changes to client executable files, instead of an actual set of the new executable files.

When you create a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, you choose whether to create it as a delta installation upgrade kit or a standard installation upgrade kit.


Delta installation upgrade kits are suitable for delivering Siebel Innovation Pack releases that contain relatively few changes to client executable files. For example, you could use a delta installation upgrade kit to upgrade Siebel CRM client executables from version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2 to Siebel Innovation Pack 2016 (Siebel CRM version 16.0), or from version or version to Siebel Innovation Pack 2016. Delta installation upgrade kits are not suitable for major upgrades, such as to upgrade Siebel CRM from version 8.0 to Siebel Innovation Pack 2016. In addition, delta installation upgrade kits are not suitable for adding languages.

You can create delta installation upgrade kits for the Siebel Client Executables base (language-independent) component or for each language-specific Siebel Client Executables__language-code component that is for a language that your users already have installed.


If you want to add an additional language for your users, then do not use a delta installation upgrade kit to add that language. Instead, use a standard installation upgrade kit. That is, create an upgrade kit for the Siebel Client Executables__language-code component and select Standard Install as the installation type for the upgrade kit. Delta installation upgrade kits are not supported for the addition of a new language. If a delta installation upgrade kit is incorrectly used to install a new language, then it can damage some client executable files.

Before defining a delta installation upgrade kit, a Siebel administrator must use the Siebel Patch Utility (siebpatch.exe) to create a delta patch file. This is a file that contains information about the changes that were made to client executable programs between two specific Siebel releases. For details, see "Creating a Delta Patch File".

Users retrieve and install delta installation upgrade kits just as if the upgrade kits contained complete sets of client executable files. When a delta installation upgrade kit is installed, the Upgrade Wizard applies the changes that are described in the upgrade kit to the user's existing client executable files, rather than replacing the user's files.

Depending on the release you are installing, users might need to upgrade the Upgrade Wizard before installing a delta installation upgrade kit. In this case, a Siebel administrator must define an Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, and make any delta installation upgrade kits dependent on that Upgrade Wizard kit. For more information about whether this requirement applies to you, see the release-specific documentation for the release you want to install.

For more information about the process of creating delta installation upgrade kits, see "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

Preparing Contents for a Siebel Patchset Upgrade Kit

You can use the Siebel Quick Fix component to deliver Siebel Patchset releases to Siebel Mobile or Developer Web Clients.

This topic is part of "Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents".


For Siebel Innovation Pack releases, see "Preparing Contents for a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

The following procedure describes how to prepare files for inclusion in Siebel Patchset upgrade kits.

To prepare files for inclusion in Siebel Patchset upgrade kits  

  1. Create a new, network-accessible UNC directory to use for storing the files in the Siebel Patchset release.

    An example name for this directory might be \\computer_name\siebel\quickfix.

  2. Navigate to the parent directory, within the network image file hierarchy, of the Siebel client directory for the Siebel Patchset release. Navigate to a directory like the following:


  3. Copy the Siebel_Web_Client directory to the clipboard.

  4. Paste the directory that you copied in Step 3 to the directory that you created in Step 1.

Preparing Contents for Repository File or Third Party Software Upgrade Kits

To prepare for creating an upgrade kit for a Siebel repository file, third-party application, or other non-Siebel file, copy the files to a directory on the Siebel Server from which you will run the Upgrade Kit Builder server component, or to a directory that is accessible from that server.

This topic is part of "Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents".


Siebel Anywhere supports two kinds of Repository File upgrade kits: standard repository file upgrade kits, which contain a complete Siebel repository file, and delta repository file upgrade kits, which contain an incremental repository file. For more information about how to prepare files for delta repository file upgrade kits, see "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit".

Siebel Anywhere can install third-party applications or other files using one of the following methods:

  • Executing a batch script or installation program.

  • Copying files to a specified location.


    Before deploying an upgrade kit, make sure that any files, scripts, or other programs required to install third-party applications contain the necessary data and are fully tested.

Creating a Delta Patch File

The following procedure describes how to create a delta patch file for use in a delta installation type of Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit. A delta patch file contains information about how client executables have changed between two specific versions of Siebel CRM.

This task is a step in "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit".

For example, you could create a delta patch file that contains information about how Siebel CRM client executables changed between version or version and version 16.0. In this example, to upgrade Siebel CRM version or version client executables to version 16.0, you could use a delta installation type of Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit that contains that delta patch file.

For general information about delta installation upgrade kits, see "About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits".

To create a delta patch file for use in a delta installation Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit  

  1. On a computer that has client software for the new release already installed, use a text editor to inspect the siebdp.rtc file.

    This file is typically located in the BIN subdirectory for the client software. For example, if the client software was originally installed in C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_1, then the siebdp.rtc file would be located in C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_1\BIN.

  2. If your Siebel Business Applications implementation contains files or directories that you do not want inspected for changes when the delta patch file is created, then add those files or directories to the siebdp.rtc file, and then save the file. The correct location for your additions is after the files and directories that are already listed in the following section of the siebdp.rtc file:

    IGNORE *.log, *.err, *.cfg, *.fileIGNORE *_setup.regIGNORE Uninst*.batIGNORE upgrade*.txtIGNORE siebupg2.exeIGNORE siebupg1.exeIGNORE *.spfIGNORE *.tmpIGNORE bin\ssceolrs.dllIGNORE bin\ssupgpures.dllIGNORE bin\siebdp.rtcIGNORE bin\siebdp.rtct IGNORE bin\siebdpnew.rtdIGNORE install.platformIGNORE lan.rspIGNORE lan.rsp.sbsIGNORE lan.rsp.sbsIGNORE en.rsp IGNOREDIR _uninstIGNOREDIR UPGRADEIGNOREDIR packagerIGNOREDIR tempIGNOREDIR localIGNOREDIR log IGNOREDIR cfgtoollogsIGNOREDIR CLASSESIGNOREDIR diagnosticsIGNOREDIR installIGNOREDIR inventoryIGNOREDIR jdkIGNOREDIR jrIGNOREDIR OPatchIGNOREDIR ouiIGNOREDIR XMLP; You may customize the following section to include/exclude folder and files.; To ignore file, use: IGNORE $filename; To ignore directory, use: IGNOREDIR $directoryname


    Do not change the entries in the earlier part of the siebdp.rtc file. Changing the earlier entries can prevent the correct creation of the delta patch file.

    If you want to add a comment to the file, then place the comment on its own line, and use a semi-colon (;) as the first character of the line.

  3. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the BIN directory for the installed client software (which includes siebdp.rtc and siebpatch.exe), such as the following:


  4. In the Command Prompt window, enter a command like the following, substituting the appropriate path to the directory that contains the siebdp.rtc file and substituting your applicable language (one of the languages installed on the Siebel Mobile Web Client):

    siebpatch /l fra /c C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_1\BIN\siebdp.rtc

    The Siebel Patch Utility window appears.

  5. Use the information in the following table to respond to the prompts in the Siebel Patch Utility, and then click Next to start the creation of the delta patch file and display progress indicators.

    Siebel Patch Utility Field or Prompt Comments
    Location of the current Siebel client Enter the path to the directory where the older version of the Siebel client software is installed (the version that your users have now).
    Location of the new Siebel client Enter the path to the directory where the newer version of Siebel client software is installed (the version to which your users will upgrade).
    Language If you are creating the delta patch file for the base (language-independent) portion of a Siebel client installation, for a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, then select BASE.

    If you are creating the delta patch file for the base portion, plus all language-specific portions, of a Siebel client installation, for a Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, then leave this field blank.

    If you are creating the delta patch file for a language-specific portion of a Siebel client installation, for a Siebel Client Executables__language-code upgrade kit, then select the appropriate language code.

    Output File Specify a path and file name for the delta patch file you are creating. (This is the file that will be included in the upgrade kit.) Use RTP as the file name extension for this file. If you want, you can click the Browse button to navigate to the directory where you want the file to be placed.

    Note: If you specify filename.rtp as the name for the delta patch file, then both filename.rtp and filename.rtd are automatically created. The RTD file is a text file that provides information about the files that have changed between the two specified versions of the software, along with information about any compression of those files that occurred when filename.rtp was created.

  6. When the Siebel Patch Utility displays a message that the output package has been generated successfully, click Finish to exit from the utility.

  7. As needed, repeat this entire procedure to create a separate delta patch file for use in each of the following upgrade kit types:

    • Delta installation Siebel Client Executables (language-independent base upgrade kit)

    • (Optional) Delta installation Siebel Client Executables__language-code (for each language that is used in your Siebel Business Applications implementation)

Compiling an SRF File for Use in a Delta Repository File

The following procedure briefly describes how to compile a repository file (SRF file) that will be used to create a delta repository file upgrade kit. An SRF file that is compiled using this procedure minimizes both the size of the resulting delta SRF file upgrade kit and the time required to upgrade. This task is a step in "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit".


Minimizing the size of the delta repository file upgrade kit depends on specifying a Reference SRF when the SRF file that contains changes is compiled, as described in the following procedure. If the SRF file that contains changes is compiled without specifying a Reference SRF, then the SRF file that contains changes can still be used to create a delta repository file upgrade kit, but the upgrade kit size is not minimized.

For more information about compiling SRF files and performing other operations in Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools.

To compile an SRF file for use in creating a delta repository file upgrade kit  

  1. In Siebel Tools, make the repository changes you want to distribute.

  2. From the Tools menu, select Compile Projects.

  3. In the Projects pane of the Object Compiler dialog box, click All Projects.

  4. Click the Reference SRF button.

  5. In the Reference SRF dialog box, enter the path and file name of the SRF file that served as the base upon which you made your repository changes, and then click OK.

    For the base, use an SRF file that has actually been distributed to a client computer using Siebel Anywhere. (Specifying a file that has not passed through the distribution process can cause failures during attempts to apply a delta repository file to clients.)

    The delta repository file will contain only the differences between this base version and the new SRF file you are about to compile.

  6. In the Siebel repository file field of the Object Compiler dialog box, enter the path and file name for the SRF file that you are about to compile.

  7. Click Compile.

Preparing a Delta Repository File

This topic describes how to use the diffsrf utility to create a delta repository file (SRF file) containing only the differences between two complete SRF files.

This task is a step in "Roadmap for Creating a Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit".


Every delta SRF file contains information that is required for version control. This version information requires approximately 1 to 2 KB of space in the delta SRF file, regardless of the size of the base SRF file or the changes you have made.

To create a delta SRF file using the diffsrf utility  

  1. Note the location and name of the complete SRF file that is currently in use in your Siebel Business Applications implementation.


    Specify the location of a file that has been distributed to an actual client computer using Siebel Anywhere. If necessary, copy the file from a client computer to the computer where you will create the delta SRF file. Do not use an SRF file that has not passed through the process of being distributed by Siebel Anywhere. In some cases, a delta SRF file that is created from an undistributed repository will fail to apply correctly on client computers.

  2. Note the location and name of the complete SRF file that contains the changes you want to distribute.

  3. On the computer that you will use to run diffsrf, open a Command Prompt window and navigate to the appropriate directory:

    • On your Siebel Server computer, navigate to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\BIN directory for your Siebel Business Applications implementation.

    • On a Siebel Developer Client computer, navigate to the SIEBEL_CLIENT_ROOT\BIN directory for that computer.

  4. In the Command Prompt window, enter the following command, substituting actual values for the italicized argument placeholders shown here:

    diffsrf -F diff -O oldsrf -N newsrf -P delta -L language

    For more information about the arguments for the diffsrf command, see Table 3-10.


For best results, close other applications before running diffsrf. The diffsrf utility is CPU-intensive, and might take a few minutes to complete its operations.

Table 3-10 Arguments for the diffsrf.exe Utility

Argument Comments

-F function

The function that you want the utility to perform. Valid values include:

  • diff. (Default) Creates the delta repository file delta, based on differences between repository files oldsrf and newsrf. This delta repository file can be included in a delta repository file upgrade kit.

  • apply. Applies the changes that are recorded in the delta repository file delta to the existing repository file oldsrf. Normally, this operation is not required, because repository file changes are applied by using a delta repository file upgrade kit, rather than by using diffsrf.

-O oldsrf

The complete path and file name for an existing repository file.

  • If you use the -F diff argument to create a delta repository file, then oldsrf is the SRF file that is currently used in your Siebel Business Applications implementation. Use an SRF file that has actually been distributed to a client computer using Siebel Anywhere. (Specifying an SRF file that has not passed through the distribution process can cause failures during attempts to apply the delta repository file to clients.)

  • If you use the -F apply argument to apply changes in a delta repository file to an existing repository file, then oldsrf is the existing repository file.

-N newsrf

The complete path and file name for a repository file that contains changes.

  • If you use the -F diff argument to create a delta repository file, then newsrf is the SRF file that contains the changes that you want to distribute.

  • If you use the -F apply argument to apply changes in a delta repository file to an existing repository file, then newsrf is the name of the new repository file to create.

-P delta

The complete path and file name for a delta repository file.

  • If you use the -F diff argument to create a delta repository file, then delta is the name of the delta repository file for diffsrf to create. Make sure to specify a location for which you have write permission.

  • If you use the -F apply argument to apply changes in a delta repository file to an existing repository file, then delta is the name of the delta repository file containing the changes to apply.

-L language

The language code for oldsrf, newsrf, and delta repository files, such as ENU for U.S. English, DEU for German, and JPN for Japanese.

Synchronizing Server Components

Before you create your first upgrade kit, you must synchronize server components. If synchronization has not been done, then attempts to define upgrade kits fail. For more information about synchronizing server components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

To synchronize server components before defining upgrade kits  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then Enterprises, then the Component Groups view.

  2. In the Component Groups list, verify that the Siebel Anywhere component group is enabled.

  3. Click the Component Definitions tab.

  4. In the Component Definitions list, use standard query techniques to locate the record for the Siebel Anywhere component group, and click Enable if it is not currently active.

  5. Click Synchronize.

  6. Restart the Siebel Server where the Siebel Anywhere components are enabled.