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Siebel CRM Anywhere Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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about defining upgrade kits, 4.1
activating upgrade kits, 6.2
activating, applying, and distributing upgrade kits, 6
Active status, 8.8
Active status, about changing status manually, 8.8
administrative tasks, caution running Siebel Web Client, 2.6.4
applying an upgrade kit, 6.5
attachments, list of files, 2.4


CFG files
caution, about using Customer Revision upgrade kit type, 4.13
component consistency, testing for, 7.6
configuration, overriding, 3.3.5
distributing different files to different users, 6.7.2
login, checking at, 3.3.4
Siebel Configuration File upgrade kit, 4.4
testing distributing to different users, 6.7.2,
testing distribution to different users,
client upgrade, displaying error, 5.3.1
Component Upgrades view, about using, 2.2
ComponentName parameter
associating employees with configuration, about, 3.3.5
note, updating name on Siebel clients, 3.3
caution, preserving version numbers for upgrades, 3.2.7
checking status of, 8.2.2
configurations, adding to, 3.3.1
defined and example, 2.5
deployment recommendations, 2.7
synchronizing, 8.1
caution, disassociating from incorrect configuration, 3.3.4
creating, 3.3
employees, about assigning to, 3.3.5
employees, assigning to, 3.3.5
employees, removing from, 3.3.6
languages, about setting up configurations based on, 3.3.3
modifying, 3.3
new configuration, creating, 3.3.3
configurations, setting up
components, adding, 3.3.1
language, about setting up configuration based on, 3.3.3
new configuration, about creating, 3.3.3
new configuration, creating, 3.3.3
creating upgrade kits that check DLL file versions, 7.7
custom component upgrade kit, defining, 4.14
custom components
creating, 3.4.2
setting up, about, 3.4


database schema. See Siebel database schema, 7.4.11
deactivating upgrade kit
about and guidelines, 6.4
caution, deactivating upgrade kit and mobile users, 6.4
defining a Siebel Configuration File (CFG) upgrade kit, 4.4
defining a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, 4.5
defining a Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, 4.3
components from a configuration, 3.3.2
Customer Revision upgrade kits, 7.5
deleting upgrade kits, 7.5
deleting, Customer Revision upgrade kits, 7.5
delivery method, evaluating, 3.2.2
delta patch file, creating, 3.8
deployment recommendations, 2.7
Developer Web Clients
caution running with administrator account, 3.3.4
caution, testing upgrade kits, 5.5
misunderstanding about retrieving, 5.2
optional upgrade kits, retrieving for, 5.2.2
required upgrade kits, about retrieving, 5.2.3
required upgrade kits, retrieving,
Siebel Database Schema upgrade kits, about delivering to, 5.5
Siebel File System, connecting to, 3.5
version check occurrence, 2.5.5, 2.5.5
Developer Web Clients, developmental environment, changing Siebel database schema in, 7.4.2
Developer Web Clients, Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, preparing contents for, 3.7.4
Developer Web Clients, troubleshooting, converting required upgrade kit to optional, 8.7
Developer Web Clients, upgrade not required, 2.2
developmental environment, changing Siebel database schema in, 7.4.2
diffsrf utility, 3.10, 4.11
distributing different CFG files to different users, 6.7.2
distribution, 6.7.2,
CFG files, testing distributing to different users,
distribution, caution, before distributing upgrade kits, 6.7
distribution, limiting distribution to specific subscribers, 6.7.1
distribution, upgrade kits, about distributing, 2.5.2
distribution, upgrade kits, distributing, 2.5.3
DLL versions, creating upgrade kits that check for, 7.7
download, unable to download upgrade kit, 8.4


caution, disassociating from incorrect configuration, 3.3.4
login specified from view, about, 3.3.4
upgrade configurations, about assigning to, 3.3.5
upgrade configurations, assigning to, 3.3.5
upgrade configurations, removing from, 3.3.6
employees, configuration, listing those associated with, 3.3.5
employees, subscriber, assigning to upgrade configurations, 2.6.4
client upgrade error recovery, 5.3.1
in Upgrade Kit Wizard, 8.1
errors Upgrade Wizard error recovery, about,


file attachments, 2.4
files identifying those to include, 2.4


global deployment example
assumptions, 7.2.1
global deployment example records, 7.2.3
global deployment example requirements, 7.2.2
global deployment overview, 7.2
global deployment, note, support of, 2.6.3


history-independent components, 4.5
Minimum Old Version and Maximum Old Version settings, 4.9
history-independent components about, 2.6.2
history-independent components keeping, 4.10
HQ Server, distributing upgrade kit for Mobile Web Clients, 7.4.11


IBM DB2, before install Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, 3.2.8
identifying computers and users to receive upgrades, 3.2.3
identifying configurations to deliver upgrade components, 3.2.4
identifying software to be replaced or added, 3.2.1
In Progress status remains, troubleshooting, 8.3
Innovation Pack release, about and process flow, 4.7
installing upgrade kits
order, setting, 6.3
process of installing, 5.1
Upgrade Wizard, starting, 5.3


language packs, distributing additional, 7.1
configurations, about setting up based on language, 3.3.3
languages dependent components, planning for, 3.2.1
Locate Method
Siebel Anywhere, how used by, 3.4.1
using, 3.4.1
Locate Method using, 3.4.1
lockout, recovering from, 8.6


Max Version setting, about, 2.5.3
Maximum Old Version
multiple upgrade kits, setting for, 7.3
Maximum Old Version caution, setting correctly, 3.2.7
Maximum Old Version guidelines for setting,
Maximum Old Version multiple upgrade kits, setting for, 7.3
Maximum Old Version replacement upgrade kit, same values as, 6.7
Minimum Old Version
multiple upgrade kits, setting for, 7.3
Minimum Old Version caution, setting correctly, 3.2.7
Minimum Old Version guidelines for setting,
Minimum Old Version multiple upgrade kits, setting for, 7.3
Minimum Old Version replacement upgrade kit, same values as deactivated upgrade kit, 6.7
Minimum Old Version upgrade versions, specifying, 2.5.2
Mobile Web Clients
caution, testing upgrade kits, 5.5
dynamic configuration assignment, detecting, 3.3.4
misunderstanding about retrieving, 5.2
optional upgrade kits, retrieving for, 5.2.1
required upgrade kits, about retrieving, 5.2.3
required upgrade kits, retrieving,
Siebel database schema changes, about preparing for, 7.4.5
troubleshooting, about, 8
version check occurrence, 2.5.5, 2.5.5
Mobile Web Clients language packs, distributing additional, 7.1
Mobile Web Clients note, about converting required upgrade kit to optional, 8.7
Mobile Web Clients Siebel database schema changes, installing on, 7.4.11
Mobile Web Clients Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, about synchronizing, 7.4.12
Mobile Web Clients Siebel database schema upgrade, distributing an upgrade kit for, 7.4.11
Mobile Web Clients Siebel File System, connecting to, 3.5
Mobile Web Clients Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, preparing contents for, 3.7.1
Mobile Web Clients troubleshooting, about, 8
Mobile Web Clients upgrade not required, 2.5.5
Mobile Web Clients version check occurrence, 2.5.5
modifying and creating Siebel Anywhere configurations, 3.3
multiple upgrade kits of the same type, creating example, 7.3


New Version same values as deactivated upgrade kit, 6.5


optional upgrade kits
about and example, 2.6.1
caution, using as testing method, 2.6.1
Developer Web Clients, retrieving for, 5.2.2
Mobile Web Clients, retrieving for, 5.2.1
retrieving, about, 5.2, 5.2
optional upgrade kits troubleshooting, converting from a required upgrade kit, 8.7
optional upgrade kits upgrade requirements, choosing type, 3.2.6


performing additional Siebel Anywhere tasks, 7
planning and preparing to use Siebel Anywhere, 3
process overview, steps, 2.2
entire upgrade kits and components, viewing for, 4.15.1
Status column, about and values, 4.15.1
upgrade kit items and parameters, viewing, 4.15.2


Regional Node Servers
database schema changes, about installing, 7.4.5
Siebel Server upgrade kits, setting configuration, 5.4
Regional Node Servers database schema changes process of preparing for, 7.4.6
Regional Node Servers database schema changes, installing on, 7.4.12
Regional Node Servers parameters, checking before a Siebel database schema update, 7.4.7
Regional Node Servers parameters, setting before distributing, 7.4.8
Regional Node Servers Siebel Server upgrade kits, setting configuration, 5.4
Regional Node Servers upgrade not required, 2.5.5
Regional Node Servers version check occurrence, 2.5.5
removing employees from a configuration, 3.3.6
repair upgrade kit
troubleshooting, cannot be installed, 8.5
repair upgrade kit distributing, 8.5
repair upgrade kit troubleshooting, cannot be installed, 8.5
Request Submitted status remains, about troubleshooting, 8.2
required upgrade kit troubleshooting, converting to an optional upgrade kit, 8.7
required upgrade kit upgrade requirements, choosing type, 3.2.6
required upgrade kits
about, 2.6.1
Developer Web Clients, retrieving,
Mobile Web Clients, retrieving,
retrieving, about, 5.2.3
troubleshooting, cannot install, 8.5
retrieving Siebel Server upgrade kits
Regional Node Servers, setting configuration, 5.4
Upgrade Wizard on UNIX, failure to invoke, 5.4.4
Upgrade Wizard on UNIX, manually invoking, 5.4.3
Upgrade Wizard on Windows, manually invoking, 5.4.2
retrieving upgrade kits
client upgrade error recovery, about, 5.3.1
common misunderstandings, 5.2
optional upgrade kits for Developer Web Clients, 5.2.2
optional upgrade kits for Mobile Web Clients, 5.2.1
process of retrieving, 5.1
required upgrade kits for Developer Web Clients,
required upgrade kits for Mobile Web Clients,
required upgrade kits, about retrieving, 5.2.3
retrieving, about and types of, 5.2, 5.2
Upgrade Wizard, invoking process by subscriber, 5.2
retrieving, installing, and testing upgrade kits, 5
running the Upgrade Kit Wizard, 4.2


SAF files, about, 2.4
Server Manager, using to check and modify server parameters, 7.4.9
Server Request processor problems, troubleshooting, 8.2.3
setup process, optimizing for new users, 5.5
Siebel administrator
account unlocking, 8.6
Administration - Siebel Anywhere screen, about accessing, 2.3.1
user account, about running Siebel Web Client, 3.3.4, 3.3.4
Siebel Anywhere
Developer Web clients, disabling, 6.8.1
wizards and utilities, 2.3.2
Siebel Anywhere benefits, 2.1
Siebel Anywhere component group, verifying availability, 3.6
Siebel Anywhere concepts for understanding, 2
Siebel Anywhere Developer Web Clients, disabling, 6.8.1
Siebel Anywhere Mobile Web Clients, disabling for, 6.8.2
Siebel Anywhere subscribers
about and types of, 2.6.4
Siebel Anywhere troubleshooting, about, 8
Siebel Anywhere upgrade components, setting up custom
about, 3.4
caution, copying existing components and renaming, 3.4.2
custom component, creating, 3.4.2
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits
activating, 6.2
applying, 6.5
caution, about dependency on Siebel database schema, 7.4.4
caution, deactivating upgrade kit and mobile users, 6.4
component deployment recommendations, 2.7
creating process, steps for completing, 6.1
deactivating, about and guidelines, 6.4
defined and contents of, 2.6.1
optional upgrade kits, about and example, 2.6.1
properties, viewing entire upgrade kits and components, 4.15.1
properties, viewing upgrade kit items and parameters, 4.15.2
Siebel Anywhere subscribers, about and types of, 2.6.4
Status column, about and values, 4.15.1
testing CFG file distribution,
Third Party - WinZip, using to create Third Party Software upgrade kit, 7.8.1
Third Party - WinZip, using to define Third Party Software upgrade kit, 7.8.2
Third Party Software upgrade kit, example of creating, 7.8
upgrade components, about and categories of, 2.6.2
upgrade kit installation, setting order, 6.3
version settings, planning for,
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits activating, 6.2
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits applying, 6.5
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits creating process, steps for completing, 6.1
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits, caution, about dependency on Siebel, 7.4.4
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits, caution, caution, about dependency on Siebel, 6.7
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits, contents, preparing, 3.7
Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits, defining
custom component upgrade kit, 4.14
Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, 4.5
Siebel Repository File upgrade kit, 4.10
Third Party Software upgrade kit, 4.12
Siebel Anywhere, global deployment example
assumptions, 7.2.1
Mobile Web Clients, preparing for database changes, 7.4.5
Siebel CFG file
component consistency, testing for, 7.6
Customer Revision upgrade kit type, caution about using, 4.13
Siebel Client Customer Revisions upgrade kit
creating multiple, 7.3
element, sequencing, 4.13
tasks, preliminary,
Siebel Client Customer Revisions, testing components for consistency, 7.6
Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit
delta install type, about, 3.7.3
elements, sequence of, 4.9
reducing size of, about, 3.7.3
standard install type, about, 3.7.3
Siebel Configuration File upgrade kit, 4.4
Siebel Database schema
Mobile Web Clients, about creating for, 7.4.5
Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit
about delivering to Developer Web Client user, 5.5
defining, 4.5
Siebel Innovation Pack release, about and process flow, 4.7
Siebel Innovation Pack, creating upgrade kit for, 4.6
Siebel Patchset release, about and process flow, 4.7
Siebel Patchset, creating upgrade kit for, 4.9
Siebel Quick Fix component type, 4.9
Siebel Repository File upgrade kit
defining, 4.10
delta repository file, preparing, 3.10
delta, process of creating, 4.11
downloaded size differing, 5.2
elements, sequence of, 4.10
Siebel Server upgrade kits, retrieving
Regional Node Servers, setting configuration, 5.4
Regional Node Servers, setting configuration using command line, 5.4.1
Upgrade Wizard on UNIX, failure to invoke, 5.4.4
Upgrade Wizard on UNIX, manually invoking, 5.4.3
Upgrade Wizard on Windows, manually invoking, 5.4.2
Siebel Server, caution enabling Siebel Anywhere, 2.7
Siebel SRF file, caution about using Customer Revision upgrade kit type, 4.13
Siebel Test Client, using, 5.5.1
Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit
elements, sequence of, 4.3
Siebel Web Client
caution, running, 2.6.4
Siebel Anywhere subscribers, and are not, 5.2.1
user accounts, about running, 3.3.4
upgrading existing, about, 3.2.1
SRBroker component, checking status of, 8.2.2
SRF files
Customer Revision upgrade kit type, caution about using, 4.13
SRProc component
checking status of, 8.2.2
processing problems, troubleshooting, 8.2.3
Status column, about and values, 4.15.1
types of, 2.6.4


terminology, 2.5
testing CFG file distribution to different users,
testing upgrade kits
caution, using optional upgrade kit as testing method, 2.6.1
new users, optimizing setup process, 5.5
process of testing, 5.1
Siebel Test Client, using, 5.5.1
testing recommended method, 5.5
Third Party Software upgrade kit
defining, 4.12
elements, sequence of, 4.12
Third Party - WinZip, creating new upgrade component, 7.8.1
Third Party - WinZip, using to define upgrade kit, 7.8.2
components, checking status of, 8.2.2
Request Submitted status remains, 8.2
required upgrade kits, cannot be installed, 8.5
Server Request process problems, troubleshooting, 8.2.3
troubleshooting for Siebel Anywhere, 8


Upgrade Wizard, failure to invoke, 5.4.4
Upgrade Wizard, manually invoking, 5.4.3
UpgKitBldr component, checking status of, 8.2.2
UpgKitBldr_task_id.log, Upgrade Kit Builder log file,
upgrade components
about and categories of, 2.6.2
upgrade components, setting up custom
about, 3.4
caution, copying existing components and renaming, 3.4.2
custom component, creating, 3.4.2
Upgrade Kit Builder
upgrade kit installation, setting order, 6.3
Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list, note about modifying, 4.15.2
Upgrade Kit Items list, note about modifying, 4.15.2
Upgrade Kit Wizard
custom component upgrade kit, defining, 4.14
errors while using, 8.1
Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.9
Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, defining, 4.5
Siebel Repository file upgrade kit, defining, 4.10
Siebel Repository File upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.10
Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.3
Third Party Software upgrade kit, defining, 4.12
Third Party Software upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.12
version settings, planning for,
upgrade kits
activating, 6.2
applying, 6.5
caution, about dependency on Siebel database schema, 7.4.4
caution, deactivating upgrade kit and mobile users, 6.4
component deployment recommendations, 2.7
creating multiple upgrade kits of same type, example, 7.3
creation process, steps for completing, 6.1
deactivating, about and guidelines, 6.4
defined and contents of, 2.6.1
installation, setting order, 6.3
optional upgrade kits, about and example, 2.6.1
properties, about viewing, 4.15
properties, viewing entire upgrade kits and components, 4.15.1
properties, viewing upgrade kit items and parameters, 4.15.2
required upgrade kits, about, 2.6.1
Siebel Anywhere subscribers, about and types of, 2.6.4
Status column, about and values, 4.15.1
testing CFG file distribution,
Third Party - WinZip, using to define Third Party Software upgrade kit, 7.8.2
Third Party Software upgrade kit, example of creating, 7.8
Third Party- WinZip, using to create Third Party Software upgrade kit, 7.8.1
upgrade components, about and categories of, 2.6.2
version settings, planning for,
upgrade kits, defining
custom component upgrade kit, defining, 4.14
Siebel Client Executables upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.9
Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, defining, 4.5
Siebel Repository file upgrade kit, defining, 4.10
Siebel Repository file upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.10
Siebel Upgrade Wizard upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.3
Third Party Software upgrade kit, defining, 4.12
Third Party Software upgrade kit, sequence of elements, 4.12
upgrade kits, installing
installation order, controlling, 6.3
process of installing, 5.1
Upgrade Wizard, starting, 5.3
upgrade kits, retrieving
client upgrade error recovery, about, 5.3.1
common misunderstandings, 5.2
optional upgrade kits for Developer Web Clients, 5.2.2
optional upgrade kits for Mobile Web Clients, 5.2.1
process of retrieving, 5.1
required upgrade kits for Developer Web Client, retrieving,
required upgrade kits for Mobile Web Client, retrieving,
required upgrade kits, about retrieving, 5.2.3
retrieving, about and types of, 5.2, 5.2
Upgrade Wizard, invoking process by subscriber, 5.2
upgrade kits, testing
new users, optimizing setup process, 5.5
process of testing, 5.1
recommended method, 5.5
Siebel Test Client, using, 5.5.1
upgrade requirements
existing software, about upgrading, 3.2.1
new upgrade kit, planning version settings for,
Upgrade Wizard
retrieving upgrade kits, invoking process by subscriber, 5.2, 5.2
starting, 5.3
UNIX, failure to invoke, 5.4.4, 5.4.4
UNIX, manually invoking on, 5.4.3, 5.4.3
Windows, manually invoking on, 5.4.2, 5.4.2
optimizing setup process for new users, 5.5


version checking
Developer Web Clients, retrieving required upgrade kits,
Mobile Web Clients, retrieving required upgrade kits,
required upgrade kits, about retrieving, 5.2.3
upgrade not required, about, 2.5.5
version check occurrence table, 2.5.5
Version Method
Siebel Anywhere, how used by, 3.4.1
using, about, 3.4.1
version settings
upgrade not required, about, 2.5.5
using, about, 2.5
version check occurrence table, 2.5.5
building path using Locate Method, 3.4.1
Locate and Version methods, how Siebel Anywhere uses, 3.4.1
new upgrade kit, planning version settings for,
note, activating and version information, 6.2
version method, using, 3.4.1


Windows, manually invoking Upgrade Wizard, 5.4.2