Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Administering a Workflow Process > Process of Deploying a Workflow Process >

Activating a Workflow Process

This task is a step in Process of Deploying a Workflow Process.

The VerCheckTime (Workflow Version Checking Interval) server parameter sets the interval that determines how often the Siebel Server examines new, active versions of each workflow process. Siebel CRM updates a workflow process according to how you activate it:

  • You use the Publish/Activate button in Siebel Tools. Siebel CRM updates the workflow process only after the VerCheckTime interval expires or if it refreshes the client. The Siebel Tools application constitutes a separate process.
  • You activate the workflow process in a mobile client or development client. Siebel CRM updates the workflow process in the client where you activate the workflow process immediately. It updates other mobile clients or development clients only after the VerCheckTime interval expires. Each mobile client or development client constitutes a separate server process.
  • You activate the workflow process in a thin client. Siebel CRM updates the workflow process in user sessions that run in the same server process immediately. It updates user sessions that run in other server processes only after the VerCheckTime interval expires.

You can activate a single workflow process or you can activate workflow processes in batch.

Activating a Single Workflow Process

In this topic you activate a single workflow process.

To activate a single workflow process

  1. Log in to the Siebel client with administrator privileges, connected to the appropriate database.
  2. Navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Workflow Deployment view.
  3. In the Repository Workflow Processes list, query the Name field for the workflow you published in Step 2.
  4. Make sure the workflow process is chosen.
  5. Click Activate.
  6. In the Active Workflow Processes list, set the deployment parameters for the workflow process:
    1. If necessary, query the Name field for the workflow you just activated.
    2. Set the activation date in the Activation Date/Time field.
    3. Set the expiration date in the Expiration Date/Time field.
    4. Make sure Replication is set to None, unless you are deploying the workflow process to the Siebel Mobile Web Client.

      If you are deploying the workflow process to the Siebel Mobile Web Client, then see Deploying a Workflow Process to the Siebel Mobile Web Client.

    5. Set the monitoring level in the Monitoring Level field.

      For more information, see Setting Monitoring Levels for a Workflow Process.

  7. If a run-time event is defined in the workflow process, then you must reload the run-time events:
    1. Navigate to Administration-Runtime Events.
    2. Click the applet menu, and then choose Reload Runtime Events.

      This step reloads the run-time events in the current object manager session. For an example, see Deploying the Workflow Process. For more information, see Siebel Personalization Administration Guide.

You can now start the workflow process through the Process Simulator, a script, or a workflow policy. For more information, see Starting a Workflow Process.

Activating a Batch of Workflow Processes

In this topic you activate a batch of workflow process.

To activate a batch of workflow processes

  1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Workflow Deployment view.
  2. In the Repository Workflow Processes list, query the Name field for the workflow processes you must activate.
  3. Choose the workflow processes you must activate, and then click Activate.

    It is recommended that you do not choose every workflow process in the list.

Using the Activate Button in the Siebel Client

Activate chooses the active version of the workflow process that resides in the run-time tables. Only one version of a workflow process can be active at a time for a Siebel Enterprise. It provides version control in an environment where multiple developers can publish multiple versions of the same workflow process. If you publish a workflow process in Siebel Tools but you do not activate it, then you must use the Siebel client to activate it. Activate does the following:

  1. Checks the format for validity.
  2. Registers run-time events, if used.
  3. Adds a new record that to the Active Workflow Processes list.
  4. Changes the status of the workflow process to Active.
  5. If you already activated this workflow process, then Activate changes the status of the previous active version to Outdated.
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