Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Manipulating Data in a Workflow Process > Using Process Properties >

Using the Multi Value Property Window

Table 16 describes the Multi Value Property Window (MVPW), which is a window that you can use to define a process property or a step argument. For more information about:

Table 16. How the Multi Value Property Window Displays Properties and Arguments
How You Use It

Process Property

Stores values that Siebel CRM applies to the entire workflow process. Siebel Tools displays process properties when it opens the canvas or if no object is chosen in the Process Designer.

Click the Process Designer canvas, and then use the MVPW.

Step Argument

Communicates information between a process property and a workflow process step.

Click a workflow process step, and then use the MVPW.

MVPW Usage with the Step Argument

Figure 14 includes an example of the MVPW that displays the arguments of the Set Commit Time in 1 Hour step.

Figure 14. Multi Value Property Window Displaying the Arguments of an Object
Explanation of Callouts

If you choose an object in the canvas, then the MVPW includes the following items:

  1. Argument tab. The argument tabs change depending on the type of step that you choose.
  2. Field. A field in the MVPW is a parameter that you can specify that provides instructions for the argument. Figure 14 displays the Field Name, Sequence, Type and Value fields.
  3. Argument. All the fields of a single row in the MVPW represents the definition of a single argument.

Viewing a Process Property in the MVPW

If you click the canvas, and if no step or is connector chosen, then Siebel Tools displays the child objects that the workflow process contains. The Process Properties tab in the MVPW displays the definitions of the process properties.

To view a process property in the MVPW

  1. In the Process Designer, click the canvas.

    If necessary, to display the MVPW, choose the View menu, Windows, and then click Multi Value Property Window.

  2. Make sure no steps or connectors are chosen.
  3. In the MVPW, click the Process Properties tab.
  4. Examine the records that the MVPW displays.

Viewing a Step Argument in the MVPW

If you click a step in the Process Designer canvas, then Siebel Tools displays the input arguments and output arguments of the step in the MVPW. Depending on the type of step you choose, the MVPW displays one or more tabs.

To view a step argument in the MVPW

  1. In the Process Designer, click a step.
  2. If necessary, to display the MVPW, choose the View menu, Windows, and then click Multi Value Property Window.
  3. Choose a tab in the MVPW, and then examine the arguments.

Defining a Step Argument in the MVPW

You can define an input argument or output argument for a step in the MVPW.

To define a step argument in the MVPW

  1. In the Process Designer, click the step where you must define an argument.
  2. In the MVPW, click an arguments tab.
  3. In the MVPW, right-click anywhere below the column headings, and then click New Record.
  4. Define the argument field.

    For example, if you must define an input argument on a Siebel operation step, then you define the Field Input Argument.

  5. Define the Type field and other fields, as necessary.

    For more information, see How the Type Field Affects Other Fields of a Step Argument.

How the Type Field Affects Other Fields of a Step Argument

The value you choose in the Type field for a step argument determines how you define other fields of the argument in the MVPW.

Table 17 describes how to define an argument depending on the type you choose.

Table 17. How to Define an Argument in the MVPW Depending on the Type You Choose
Type You Chose
Work You Perform

Business Component

Do the following:

  • Choose a business component in the Business Component Name field.
  • Choose a business component field the Business Component Field field.


Enter an expression in the Value field. Siebel CRM evaluates the expression you enter at run time.

You can also click the button to open the Expression Builder.


Enter a string in the Value field.

The value you enter defines the literal value for the argument.

Process Property

Choose a Property Name in the Property Name field.

Process Property is only available for an input argument.

Output Argument

Choose a property in the Output Argument field.

You can choose a process property that is of type In/Out or Out. Output Argument is only available for an output argument.

Changes Starting with Siebel CRM Version 8.0

The Multi Value Properties Window (MVPW) replaces the list applet in most situations in the Process Designer, starting with Siebel CRM version 8.0:

  • To view properties in earlier releases, you click the step, and then view a list applet that Siebel Tools displays below the canvas. You now view these properties in the Properties window and you view child items for the step in the MVPW.
  • To view input arguments and output arguments for a step in earlier releases, you right-click a step. You now view these arguments in the MVPW.
  • To add or delete values for a step in earlier releases, you use the list applets. You now add or delete these values in the MVPW.

Using the Object Explorer to View a Step Argument

You can use the Object Explorer to view the definition of an input argument or an output argument. The Object Explorer displays the same definition that the MVPW displays when you choose an object in the Process Designer.

To use the Object Explorer to view a step argument

  1. Locate the workflow process.

    For more information, see Locating a Workflow Process in the Workflow Processes List.

  2. In the Object Explorer, expand the Workflow Process tree.
  3. Expand the WF Step tree.
  4. In the WF Steps list, choose a workflow process step.
  5. In the Object Explorer, click WF Step I/O Argument.

    Siebel Tools displays the definitions for the input arguments and output arguments that are defined for the step. It displays these arguments in the WF Step I/O Arguments list.

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