Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Dock Objects for Siebel Remote > Configuring Dock Objects >

Creating a New Dock Object

The Docking Wizard is a tool you can use to do the following:

  • Create a new dock object for a custom extension table that is not already in a dock object.
  • Create a new dock object table for a custom dock object.
  • Create new dock object visibility rules for a custom or predefined dock object.

The Docking Wizard creates or updates the following objects:

You can use the Docking Wizard to create public, private, and limited dock objects.

For more information, see Guidelines for Using the Docking Wizard and How the Docking Wizard Behaves Depending on Where You Start It.

To create a new dock object

  1. Review the predefined dock objects.

    It might not be necessary to create a new dock object. If a dock object already references a table, then Siebel Tools disables the Docking Wizard menu item and you cannot choose it. For more information, see Reusing a Predefined Dock Object.

  2. Make sure related projects are locked.

    For more information, see Locking Related Projects.

  3. In the Object Explorer, click Table.
  4. In the Tables list, locate the custom extension table that you must associate with a docking object.
  5. Optional. Start the Docking Wizard from a table:
    1. In the Tables list, right-click the record, and then click the Docking Wizard menu item.

      For example, right-click the CX_TEST_PRI table. You must choose a custom extension table that includes the CX_ prefix in the name column.

    2. In the Add Table to Dock Object dialog box, enter the name of the dock object into the Dock Object field.

      You must use the DOX prefix. For example, DOX PRI.

    3. Choose a project for the dock object.

      Siebel Tools displays all locked projects in the Project list.

    4. In the Visibility level section, choose Private, Enterprise, or Limited.

      If you chose Limited, then the Docking Wizard creates the visibility rules. For more information, see How the Docking Wizard Creates Visibility Rules.

  6. Optional. Start the Docking Wizard from a table column:
    1. In the Object Explorer, expand the Table tree, and then click Column.
    2. In the Columns list, locate the column that you must associate with a dock object.

      A custom extension column includes an X_ prefix in the Name property.

    3. Right-click the record, and then click the Docking Wizard menu item.

      The Docking Wizard menu item is active only if one of the following situations is true:

      • The column name includes an X_ prefix.
      • The table name includes a CX_ prefix and a dock object already references the table.

        You can start the Docking Wizard multiple times regardless of how many times you start it for a column.

  7. Click Next, review your modifications, and then click Finish.

    Siebel Tools creates the dock object.

  8. Verify that Siebel Tools created the new objects.

    For more information, see Verifying That Siebel Tools Created Dock Objects.

  9. Rebuild the databases.

    For more information, see Rebuilding the Databases After You Run the Docking Wizard.

Guidelines for Using the Docking Wizard

If you use the Docking Wizard, then use the following guidelines:

  • For a custom extension table, make sure a dock object does not already reference the table. If a dock object does already exist, then do not start the Docking Wizard from the table.
  • Do not start the Docking Wizard on a predefined Siebel table.
  • You can start the Docking Wizard from a custom extension column that is added to a predefined table.
  • You cannot add a custom intersection table to the dock object of a table that Siebel Remote downloads. If you require this functionality, then see Getting Help From Oracle.
  • You can create a new dock object for a custom table that includes a mandatory foreign key to another custom table that is already part of a custom dock object. You can add it to the predefined custom dock object. This configuration depends on your business requirements.
  • The Docking Wizard creates rules with the following visibility strengths:
    • Visibility strength of 50 for a dock object visibility rule
    • Visibility strength of 50 for a custom dock object table
    • Visibility strength of 100 for a check dock object

      You must get assistance from Oracle to modify these strengths. For more information, see Getting Help From Oracle.

How the Docking Wizard Behaves Depending on Where You Start It

The behavior of the Docking Wizard differs depending on if you start it from a table or a table column.

If you start the Docking Wizard from a table, then the following applies:

  • If the custom table is a stand-alone table, then you must create a new dock object for the table, and then create the dock object visibility rules.
  • If the custom table includes foreign keys to other custom tables that already exist in some dock objects, then you can do one of the following:
    • Create a new dock object.
    • Add the table to a predefined custom dock object.
  • If you start the Docking Wizard from a stand-alone custom table, then only the Create a New Dock Object option is active in the Add Table to Object dialog box. The Add the Table to an Existing Dock Object option is not active.

If you start the Docking Wizard from a column, then you do not need to make any choices. The Docking Wizard adds the following dock object visibility rules:

  • For a regular foreign key, the Docking Wizard adds the following dock object visibility rules:
    • One rule from the dock object of the table to the dock object of the foreign key table
    • One rule from the dock object of the foreign key table to the dock object of the table

      These rules are for a Check Dock Object visibility type.

  • For a foreign key to the S_POSTN table, the Docking Wizard only adds a position dock object visibility rule.

How the Docking Wizard Creates Visibility Rules

You do not manually create new dock object visibility rules. Siebel Tools adds visibility rules to the dock object depending on the visibility type of the dock object and the structure of the tables involved. Siebel Tools does this in the following situations:

  • You use the Docking Wizard to add a dock object table to a custom dock object.
  • You start the Docking Wizard from a custom extension column that is a foreign key to another table.

You can use the Docking Wizard to create the following types of limited dock object visibility rules:

  • Employee
  • Employee Manager
  • Position
  • Position Manager
  • Check Dock Object

For more information, see Dock Object Visibility Rule.

Locking Related Projects

The Docking Wizard creates visibility rules on associated dock objects. If another project requires a new visibility rule, and if that project is not locked, then Siebel Tools displays a dialog box that prompts you to lock the project. Note the following requirements:

  • If you create a new dock object for a stand-alone custom table, then you must lock the project that the new dock object references before you create the new dock object.
  • If you create a new dock object for a custom table that is not a stand-alone table, then you must do the following before you create the new dock object:
    • Lock the project that the new dock object references.
    • Lock all projects for the dock objects where the parent table of the custom table resides.
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