Configuring Siebel Business Applications

What's New in This Release

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Architecture of Siebel Business Applications

About Siebel Objects

About the Siebel Object Architecture

Overview of the Physical User Interface Layer

Overview of the Logical User Interface Object Layer

Overview of the Business Object Layer

Overview of the Data Objects Layer

Hierarchy of Object Types and Relationships

About Classes

About the Siebel Operating Architecture

Components That the Siebel Operating Architecture Uses

Infrastructure That the Siebel Web Engine Uses

How the Siebel Web Engine Creates a Siebel Application

Integration with Java EE

About Siebel Technologies That Configure Siebel CRM Behavior

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About Tables and Columns

About Siebel Tables

Overview of Siebel Tables

Naming Format for a Siebel Table

How an Extension Table Stores Custom Data

How an Intersection Table Defines a Many-To-Many Relationship

About Columns and Indexes in a Siebel Table

How a User Key Creates a Unique Set of Values

How the S_Party Table Controls Access

Options to Configure the Data Objects Layer

Options to Configure Predefined Objects and Perform Advanced Configuration

Options to Use a Predefined One-to-One Extension Table

Options to Use a Predefined One-to-Many Extension Table

Guidelines for Configuring the Data Objects Layer

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About Business Components, Fields, Joins, and Links

About Business Components

Overview of Business Components

How a Business Component Gets Data from an External Database

Business Components That Hold Temporary Data for a Task UI

Class Property of a Business Component

How a Business Component Sorts Records

Guidelines for Creating a Business Component

About Business Component Fields

Overview of Business Component Fields

How a Business Component Field Identifies the Type of Data

How a Business Component Field Calculates a Value

How a Business Component Field Sequences Records

How Siebel CRM Defines Read-Only Behavior for a Business Component Field

System Fields of a Business Component

Guidelines for Defining the Name of a Business Component Field

About Joins

How Siebel CRM Creates a Join

Guidelines for Creating a Join

About Multi-Value Links

How Siebel CRM Creates a Direct Multi-Value Link

How Siebel CRM Creates an Indirect Multi-Value Link

About Links

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About Business Objects

About Business Objects

How Siebel CRM Creates a Business Object

Guidelines for Creating a Business Object

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About Applets, Controls and List Columns

About the Form Applet and List Applet

How Siebel CRM Creates a Form Applet

How Siebel CRM Creates a List Applet

About Applet Controls and List Columns

Types of Applet Controls and List Columns

Options to Create an Applet

Options to Control How the User Creates, Edits, Queries, and Deletes CRM Data

Options to Filter Data That Siebel CRM Displays in an Applet

Options to Determine How Siebel CRM Displays Controls and List Columns in a Siebel Application

Guidelines for Creating an Applet

Guidelines for Naming an Applet

Guidelines for Creating an Applet Title

Guidelines for Creating a Control or List Column

Guidelines for Creating a Check Box

Guidelines for Creating a Text Control or List Column

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About Views, Screens, and Applications

About the Siebel Client Navigation Model

About Views

About List-Form Views

About Master-Detail Views

About Screens

About Screen Views

Guidelines for Creating a View

Options to Create a View or Screen

Options to Drill Down to Another View

Options to Toggle Between Applets in a View

About Applications

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About Siebel Web Templates and Siebel Tags

About Siebel Web Templates

Overview of Siebel Web Templates

How Siebel CRM References Web Pages

How Siebel CRM Uses HTML Frames in the Container Page

About View Web Templates

About Applet Web Templates

Overview of Applet Web Templates

About Grid Form Applet Templates

About Nongrid Form Applet Templates

About List Applet Templates

About Tree Applet Templates

About Catalog List Applets and Rich List Templates

About Siebel Tags

Overview of How Siebel CRM Uses Siebel Tags

About Singleton and Multipart Tags, and the This Tag

About Iterator Tags

About Search and Find Tags

About Siebel Conditional Tags

Guidelines for Configuring Siebel Web Templates and Siebel Tags

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Configuring a Siebel Application

About Configuring a Siebel Application

Roadmap for Configuring a Siebel Application

Developing an Implementation Plan

Developing a Configuration Strategy

Developing a Plan to Control File Versions for the Physical User Interface Layer

Using Development Tools and Setting Up the Development Environment

Overview of the Development Process

Guidelines for Developing a Siebel Application

Setting Up the Configuration File for Siebel Tools

Displaying Object Types You Use to Configure Siebel CRM

Setting Up a Developer with a Local Database

Creating Scripts to Configure Siebel CRM

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Reusing Predefined Objects

Reasons to Reuse or Not Reuse a Predefined Object

Guidelines for Reusing a Predefined Object

Reasons to Reuse a Predefined Object

Guidelines for Reusing a Predefined Table

Guidelines for Reusing a Predefined Business Component

Guidelines for Reusing a Predefined Business Object

Guidelines for Reusing an Applet

Guidelines for Reusing a Predefined View

Guidelines for Reusing a Predefined User Interface Object

Reasons Not to Reuse a Predefined Object

Process of Determining Whether You Can Reuse a Predefined Object

Determining Functional Fit for Reusing a Predefined Object

Determining Technical Fit for Reusing a Predefined Object

Determining Whether You Can Reuse a Predefined Table Column

Determining Whether You Can Reuse a Predefined Business Component Field

Determining Whether You Can Reuse a Predefined Business Component

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Using the Entity Relationship Designer

About the Entity Relationship Designer

Process of Creating and Binding an Entity Relationship Diagram

Creating an Entity Relationship Diagram

Binding an Entity to a Business Component

Associating an Entity Attribute with a Business Component Field

Binding a Relationship to a Link or Join

Opening or Modifying an Entity Relationship Diagram

Opening an Entity Relationship Diagram

Viewing the Entities and Relations Lists of an ERD

Modifying the Properties of a Relationship

Copying the Drawing of an Entity Relationship Diagram

Modifying Shapes and Lines in the Entity Relationship Designer

Modifying Shapes in the Entity Relationship Designer

Modifying Relationships in the Entity Relationship Designer

Moving Shapes in the Entity Relationship Designer

Resizing Shapes in the Entity Relationship Designer

Zooming, Displaying, and Snapping the Grid

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Configuring Tables

Using the New Table Wizard to Create a New Table

Creating a Custom Index

Adding an Extension Column to a Base Table

Configuring Objects to Use a One-To-Many Extension Table

Configuring an Extension Table

Applying a Custom Table to the Local Database

Applying a Data Layer Customization to the Server Database

Downloading a Data Layer Customization to Remote Users

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Configuring Business Components, Links, and Business Objects

Configuring a Business Component

Creating a New Business Component

Determining How a Business Component Sorts Records

Determining How a Business Component Sequences Records

Defining Read-Only Behavior for a Business Component

Creating a Recursive Join on a Business Component

Configuring a Business Component to Copy Child Records If the User Copies the Parent Record

Allowing the User to Set a Primary Team Member

Configuring a Business Component Field

Creating a New Business Component Field

Activating a Multi-Value Field

Validating Data That the User Enters in a Business Component Field

Creating a Business Component Field That Displays More Than One Currency

Configuring Client-Side Import to Update a Business Component Field

Creating a Joined Business Component Field

Creating a Predefault Value for a Joined Business Component Field

Configuring a Link

Configuring a Link That Deletes Child Records If the User Deletes the Parent Record

Configuring a Link That Creates a One-to-Many Relationship

Configuring Two Links That Create a Many-to-Many Relationship

Creating an Association Between One Parent and Multiple Child Records

Creating a Business Object

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Configuring Views, Screens, and Applications

Process of Creating a View

Creating a View

Editing the Layout of a View

Registering and Associating a View with a Responsibility

Configuring a View

Using the Views List to Create a View

Configuring the Thread Bar

Defining the Drilldown Sequence to Configure Search for an Account

Creating an Applet Toggle

Defining Whether a View Is Cachable

Controlling How the User Can Modify View Layouts

Creating a Secure View

Creating a View That Requires an Explicit User Login

Restricting Access to Records in a View

Troubleshooting a View That Siebel CRM Does Not Display in the Siebel Client

Process of Creating a Screen

Creating a Screen

Creating a Page Tab

Creating a Screen Menu Item

Creating a Screen View

Defining the Sequence That Siebel CRM Uses to Display Screen Views

Process of Creating a Screen Home Page View

Defining Business Components for the Screen Home Page View

Creating Links to Frequently Accessed Data

Determining How Siebel CRM Displays Recent Records

Defining the Business Object for the Screen Home Page View

Creating Simplified Screen Home Page Applets

Creating a Screen Home Page View

Adding the Screen View to the Screen

Creating and Deploying an Application

Creating a New Application

Configuring the Sort Order for Siebel CRM

Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts for an Application or Applet

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Configuring Applet Layouts

Process of Using the Applet Layout Editor

Setting the Language Mode of the Applet Layout Editor

Setting the Configuration Context

Defining the Applet Mode

Adding a Control or List Column to an Applet Layout

Previewing the Applet Layout

Exporting an Applet Preview to an HTML File

Options for Configuring an Applet Layout

Configuring the Display Name for a Control Caption or List Column

Displaying a Parent Applet Field in the Title of a Detail Applet

Displaying a Subset of Fields or CRM Records

Displaying a Field Only If the User Chooses Show More

Setting the Tab Order for Fields in an Applet

Setting the Input Method Editor Mode on a Control or List Column

Copying Controls and Labels from an Applet to a Web Template

Verifying the Map Between a Control or List Column and a Placeholder

Using Grid Layout for an Applet

Accessing Grid Layout Web Templates

Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert a Form Applet to Grid Layout

Modifying the Web Template to Convert a Form Applet to Grid Layout

Identifying an Applet or Applet Web Template That You Cannot Convert to a Grid Layout

Modifying the Background Color of an Applet

Troubleshooting a Grid Layout Conversion Problem

Guidelines for Working with Grid Layout

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Configuring Applets

Creating an Applet

Creating a List Applet

Creating a Form Applet

Configuring Pop-Up Applets and Windows

Guidelines for Creating a Pop-Up Applet or Window

Creating a Pop-Up Control in an Applet

Creating a Pop-Up Applet That Siebel CRM Opens from an Applet

Creating a Pop-Up Applet That Siebel CRM Opens from a Menu Item

Creating a Pop-Up Wizard

Configuring Applet Buttons, Controls, and List Columns

Configuring a Spell Check Button on an Applet

Calling a Method from a Button in an Applet

Identifying the Controls and List Columns That Siebel CRM Displays in the Siebel Client

Modifying the Text Style of a Control or List Column in an Applet

Displaying Totals for a List Column in an Applet

Defining the Properties of a Control or List Column If HTML Type Is Text

Using a Control to Allow the User to Click a Link to Activate a Record

Displaying the Save Button

Configuring How Siebel CRM Displays Data in an Applet

Controlling How the User Creates, Edits, Queries, and Deletes CRM Data

Controlling Query Behavior If the User Presses CTRL+ENTER

Filtering Data That Siebel CRM Displays in an Applet

Displaying HTML Content in an Applet

Displaying a System Field in an Applet

Avoiding Losing Context During a Drilldown

Configuring Quick Fill for a Custom Applet

Process of Configuring Drilldown from the Calendar Applet

Preparing Siebel Tools to Configure Drilldowns

Defining Fields in the Business Component

Defining the Applet User Properties

Creating the Drilldown Objects and Controls

Configuring a Different Icon for the Dynamic Drilldown

Configuring a Different Destination for the Dynamic Drilldown

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Configuring Special-Purpose Applets

Configuring a Tree Applet

Overview of Configuring a Tree Applet

Using the Tree Applet Wizard to Create a Tree Applet

Configuring a Tree Node

Using the Applet Layout Editor to Add a Tree Control

Configuring a Recursive Tree Applet

Configuring the Graphic Elements of a Tree Applet

Configuring a Hierarchical List Applet

Viewing an Example of a Hierarchical List Applet

Configuring Indentation and Order of a Hierarchical List Applet

Limiting the Number of Records That Siebel CRM Returns in a Hierarchical List Applet

Configuring a Hierarchical List Applet to Use External Data

Configuring a File Attachment Applet

Configuring an Attachment Business Component

Configuring an Attachment Table

Configuring an Organization Analysis Applet

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Configuring Lists and Pick Applets

About Lists and Pick Applets

About Static Lists

About Pick Applets

About Dynamic Lists

About Hierarchical Lists

Configuring Lists and Pick Applets

Using the Pick List Wizard to Create a Static List

Creating a Static List Manually

Using the Pick Applet Wizard to Create a Pick Applet

Using the Pick List Wizard to Create a Dynamic List

Constraining a Dynamic List

Creating a Hierarchical List

Creating a List of Values

Associating an Organization with a List of Values

Guidelines for Associating an Organization with a List of Values

Guidelines for Using Script to Associate a List of Values with an Organization

Creating a Value to Display for More Than One Organization

Using the Organization Specifier Property to Display Custom Lists of Values

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Configuring Multi-Value Group, Association, and Shuttle Applets

Creating Multi-Value Groups and Multi-Value Group Applets

About the Multi-Value Group Applet

How Siebel CRM Creates a Multi-Value Group

Guidelines for Creating Multi-value Group Applets and Pick Applets

Creating a Multi-Value Group

Creating a Multi-Value Group Applet

About Association Applets

Overview of Association Applets

How Siebel CRM Creates an Association Applet

How Siebel CRM Calls an Association Applet from a Master-Detail View

Constraining an Association Applet

About Shuttle Applets

Creating a Shuttle Applet

Creating an Association Applet

Creating the Multi-Value Group Applet

Creating the View

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Configuring Menus, Toolbars, and Icons

About Menus and Toolbars

Objects That Siebel CRM Uses in a Menu or Toolbar

About the Method, Business Service, and Target Properties of the Command Object

Configuring Menus and Toolbars

Creating a Command Object

Creating a New Toolbar

Adding a New Toolbar Icon to a Predefined Toolbar

Activating Menu Items and Toolbars

Creating an Applet Menu

Activating or Suppressing an Applet Menu Item

Using JavaScript to Configure a Toolbar

Configuring Icons

Overview of Configuring Icons That Siebel CRM Displays in Siebel Clients

Configuring a Bitmap Category and a Bitmap

Displaying an Icon on a Button

Displaying an Icon as a Link

Using Icons to Represent Values in a Field

Configuring Icons in a Tree Applet

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Configuring Siebel Web Templates and Siebel Tags

Configuring Siebel Web Templates and Siebel Tags

Editing the Layout of a Web Page

Adding Graphics to a Web Template

Displaying Multiple Views on a Page

Configuring How Siebel CRM Displays an Error That Occurs on the Siebel Server

Configuring Web Templates to Display Menus, Toolbars, and Thread Bars

Using Web Templates to Display Menus and Buttons

Using Web Templates to Configure Toolbars

Using Web Templates to Configure the Thread Bar

Configuring an HTML Control Type

Creating a New HTML Type

How the Siebel Web Engine Uses a Custom HTML Type

Configuring an HTML Type

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Improving the Performance of Siebel Business Applications

Using the Case Insensitivity Wizard to Improve Query Performance

How a CIAI Index Can Improve a Query

Overview of the Case Insensitivity Wizard

Variables You Can Use with the Case Insensitivity Wizard

Using the Case Insensitivity Wizard on a Table

Using the Case Insensitivity Wizard on a Table Column

Using the Case Insensitivity Wizard on Columns That Do Not Contain an Index

Using the Case Insensitivity Wizard to Do Various CIAI Configuration Tasks

Using the Case Insensitivity Wizard to Deactivate CIAI Configuration

Choosing the Correct Repository when Running the Case Insensitivity Wizard

Limiting the Length of Schema Object Names Manually

Other Configurations to Set Case Sensitivity

Improving the Performance of a Siebel Application

Preventing a Secondary Query on a Foreign Key

Defining the Primary ID Field of a Multi-Value Link

Modifying Custom Search Specifications

Using Declarative Configuration to Enable a Button

Improving Performance When Using Applet Toggles

Deactivating Unused Screens

Considering Factors That Affect Chart Performance

Considering Factors That Affect MLOV Performance

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Mapping a Custom Table to an Interface Table for Siebel EIM

Overview of Using Siebel EIM for Bulk Import and Export of Data

About Interface Tables

Object Types That Enterprise Integration Manager Uses

Mapping a Custom Table to an Interface Table

Mapping a Custom Table to an Interface Table Using the EIM Table Mapping Wizard

Relations That the EIM Table Mapping Wizard Creates

Guidelines for Using the EIM Table Mapping Wizard

Starting the EIM Table Mapping Wizard for a Table That Does Not Use the Foreign Key

Deactivating Instead of Deleting an EIM Attribute Mapping

Modifying Data from NULL to No Match Row Id

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Configuring Dock Objects for Siebel Remote

About Dock Objects

Dock Object Table

Dock Object Visibility Rule

Configuring Dock Objects

Reusing a Predefined Dock Object

Creating a New Dock Object

Adding a Dock Object Table to an Existing Dock Object

Verifying That Siebel Tools Created Dock Objects

Rebuilding the Databases After You Run the Docking Wizard

Cleansing Dock Objects

Creating a Table for a Dock Object

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Localizing Siebel Business Applications

Overview of Localizing a Siebel Application

About Localization in the Development Environment

Deleting a Control or List Column While in Language Override Mode

Localizing an Application Menu

Localizing Help

Localizing a Multilingual List of Values

Overview of Language-Independent Code

Configuring a Multilingual List of Values

Defining Properties of an MLOV

Adding Records for All Supported Languages

Searching a Multilingual List of Values

Searching Fields That an MLOV Controls

Deactivating an MLOV Record Instead of Deleting It

Guidelines for Localizing a Multilingual List of Values

Converting Your Current Data for an MLOV

Guidelines for Converting Your Current Data for an MLOV

Parameters You Use to Run the MLOV Converter Utility

Resuming the MLOV Converter Utility If an Error Occurs

Using the MLOV Converter Utility to Convert Multiple Languages

Troubleshooting Problems with an MLOV Conversion

Configuring Certain Siebel Modules to Use MLOV Fields

Configuring Siebel Workflow to Use MLOV Fields

Configuring Siebel Assignment Manager to Use MLOV Fields

Configuring Siebel Anywhere to Use MLOV Fields

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Configuring the Customer Dashboard

Overview of the Customer Dashboard

Enabling the Customer Dashboard

Process of Configuring the Customer Dashboard

Adding a Business Component to the Customer Dashboard

Mapping a Business Component Field to a Customer Dashboard Field

Modifying the Appearance and Layout of the Customer Dashboard

Creating a Label for a Customer Dashboard Field

Formatting a Customer Dashboard Phone Number Field

Modifying the Go To List in the Customer Dashboard

Modifying the Background Color and Border of the Customer Dashboard

Adding a Custom Control to the Customer Dashboard

Modifying a Custom Control in the Customer Dashboard

Options to Update the Customer Dashboard

Configuring a Button to Update the Customer Dashboard

Configuring Communications Events to Update the Customer Dashboard

Configuring SmartScript to Update the Customer Dashboard

Using Siebel Visual Basic or Siebel eScript to Update Information in the Customer Dashboard

Using Personalization to Update the Customer Dashboard

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Reference Materials for Configuring Siebel Business Applications

Properties of Object Types

Properties of a Siebel Table

Properties of a Table Column

Properties of an Index of a Siebel Table

Properties of an Index Column

Properties of a Business Component

Type Property of a Business Component Field

Display Format Property of a Control or List Column

Properties of a Screen View

Properties of an Application

Properties of Objects You Use with a Menu or Toolbar

Types of Applet Controls and List Columns

Objects You Use with Enterprise Integration Manager

Types of Tables and Columns That CIAI Query Supports

Extensive Code Examples That This Book Uses

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