Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Views, Screens, and Applications > Process of Creating a Screen Home Page View >

Defining Business Components for the Screen Home Page View

This task is a step in Process of Creating a Screen Home Page View.

The Rapid Search and Rapid Add applets reference virtual business components that reference the parent business component of a business object. For example, the Account Home Search Virtual and the Account Home Add Virtual business components reference the Account business component.

To improve performance, you can use a virtual business component for each applet. When Siebel CRM loads the screen home page view, it does not run an SQL query until the user submits a query or adds a record. It allows applets to access data from business components, and avoids display problems that might occur if the applets reference the same nonvirtual business component.

For more information, see About Business Components, Fields, Joins, and Links.

To define business components for the screen home page view

  1. In the Object Explorer, click Business Component.
  2. In the Business Components list, define the Home Search Virtual business component:
    1. Create a virtual business component using values from the following table.


      Use the following naming format to keep similar records in the Siebel repository consistent:

      business component name Home Search Virtual

      For example, Account Home Search Virtual.



      This class uses rapid add and rapid search to improve performance.

      This virtual business component represents the data that the target business component presents. You must use the Business Components list in Siebel Tools to define a virtual business component. You cannot use the Business Component New Object Wizard because it forces you to associate the business component with a table.

    2. In the Object Explorer, expand the Business Component tree, and then click Field.
    3. In the Fields list, define the fields that represent fields from the target business components that Siebel CRM must display in the search applet on the home screen.

      The field names in the virtual business component must match the field names in the target business component. Siebel CRM does not support a multi-value group on a rapid search or rapid add applet.

    4. In the Object Explorer, click Business Component User Prop.
    5. In the Business Component User Props list, create a new record using values from the following table.


      Mirror Search Target BusComp


      Enter the name of target business component. For example, Account.

    6. In the Business Component User Props list, create a new record using values from the following table.


      Mirror Search Target BusObj


      Enter the name of target business object. For example, Account.

  3. Create the Home Add Virtual business components:
    1. Repeat Step a through Step c. Use business component name Home Add Virtual as the business component name.
    2. In the Object Explorer, click Business Component User Prop.
    3. In the Business Component User Props list, create a new record using values from the following table.


      Mirror Add Target BusComp


      Enter the name of target business component. For example, Account.

    4. In the Business Component User Props list, create a new record using values from the following table.


      Mirror Add Target BusObj


      Enter the name of target business object. For example, Account.

    5. Optional. In the Business Component User Props list, create a new record using values from the following table.


      Mirror Field field name

      For example, Mirror Field Account.


      Pick, target field, mirror pick Id field

      For example, Pick, Account, Account Id.

      You use this business component user property to display a dynamic list that does not use a list of values. It identifies a pick field, the corresponding field in the target business component, and the base table Id field in the virtual business component.

    6. Optional. Complete this step only if you complete Step f. In the Business Component User Props list, create a new record using values from the following table.


      Mirror Add mirror pick Id field name

      For example, Mirror Add Account Id.



      Prevents Siebel CRM from adding the Mirror Pick Id Field to the target business component, which might cause a record insertion failure.

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