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How Siebel CRM Uses HTML Frames in the Container Page

The container page can contain HTML frames that allow Siebel CRM to independently update and scroll different parts of a page. Example elements include toolbars, menus, the main content area, and so on. For more information, see Example Frameset Code From a Container Page.

You can group applets into separate frames in a view web template. It is recommended that you do not use this configuration except where independent refresh or independent scrolling is required.

Siebel CRM uses the swe:frameset tag and the swe:frame tag to do the following:

  • Create attributes for HTML frames.
  • Allow the Siebel Web Engine to control how it targets and refreshes URLs.

SWE Tag That Defines the Set of Frames in a Document

The swe:frameset tag defines the set of frames that the document contains. Similar to the HTML frameset tag, the Siebel Web Engine displays it as an HTML frameset tag. The body of this tag can only contain swe:frame tags.

The swe:frameset tag uses the following format:

<swe:frameset htmlAttr="xxx"> ... </swe:frameset>

The swe:frameset tag includes the htmlAttr attribute. This attribute defines the attributes for the HTML frameset tag. For example, the following code supports a layout where the frames that belong to the frameset use 89 pixels, 25 pixels, and the remainder of the window:


SWE Tag That Marks the Beginning and End of Content in a Frame

The swe:frame tag marks the beginning and end of the contents that Siebel CRM places in a frame. The Siebel Web Engine displays this tag as an HTML frame tag, with the src attribute of the tag set to a Siebel Web Engine URL that gets the contents of the frame. You must place this tag in the body of the swe:frameset tag.

The swe:frame tag uses the following format:

<swe:frame type="xxx" name="yyy"> .... </swe:frame>

The swe:frame tag includes the following attribute:


The type attribute indicates the nature of the contents of the frame. The Siebel Web Engine uses this information to decide when to refresh the frame. It supports the following values for the type attribute:

  • Siebel CRM uses the following values in a container page template:
    • Toolbar. Specifies that the frame contains the toolbar.
    • Screenbar. Specifies that the frame contains the primary tab bar.
    • Viewbar. Specifies links to views and categories of views.
    • View. Specifies that the frame contains the current view, that is, the content area.
    • Page. Specifies that the frame contains a Web page. Siebel CRM does not refresh these frames after initial loading.
  • Applet. In a view web template, specifies that the frame contains an applet.
  • Content. Defines the content area and contains a view frame that displays the main view. To display an alternate view, it can contain one or more AltView frames. The search center is an example of an alternate view.
  • AltView. Designates subframes to display one or more alternate views in the content frame in addition to the one in the view frame.
  • Name. Used only if the type of the frame is page. In this situation, you can use this attribute to define a name for the frame. For other frame types, the Siebel Web Engine creates consistent names for the frame.

Nested Framesets

The Siebel Web Engine supports nested framesets. In this situation the swe:frame tag contains a swe:frameset tag, and the type attribute of the outer swe:frame tag is the following:


Example Frameset Code From a Container Page

The following swe:frameset code is from the CCPageContainer.swt container page:

<swe:frameset htmlAttr="rows='60,21,25,*' border='0' frameborder='No'">

<swe:frame type="Page" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'noresize scrolling='No'">

<swe:include file="CCFrameBanner.swt"/>


<swe:frame type="Screenbar" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling='No'">

<swe:include file="CCFrameScreenbar.swt"/>


<swe:frame type="Viewbar" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling='No'">

<swe:include file="CCFrameViewbar.swt"/>


<swe:frame type="View" htmlAttr="marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' noresize scrolling='Auto'">




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